Chapter Nineteen

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~o~ Chapter Nineteen ~o~ 

~Anna's POV~


My back was pressed against the wall as I leaned my entire body against it, a champagne glass was pressed against my lip as I held it in my right hand. The party was alive, even though it had hit the AM on the clock.

Worry tugged at my mind as I watched Eddie stumble past. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, trust me."

"...Not after last time, Eddie. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, and I'll kick your ass all the way home. C'mon, I'll get you a taxi." Eddie nods and I placed my glass down on the table next to me and wrapped an arm around his torso and pulled his arm around my shoulders before I helped him outside. "If your going to puke, puke on the that way," I muttered, trying not to smirk at Eddie's muttering.

"Hey, Sheeran! Where are you going?" Someone yells and Ed waves his hand around, as if he was trying to say something in the flail of a gesture.

"He's going home," I answered Taylor, who nodded and returned back to the people she was talking to. Arriving outside I dialled a taxi to come and pick Eddie up before I lowered him down onto the stairs before I sat down next to him.

"What's that?" I tensed as Eddie's fingers touched my neck, only to pull the necklace out from under my dress. Silence followed as Eddie stared at the object dangling on the rope. "Did he..?"

I pushed my fringe out of my face and moved away from Eddie. "He did." 

"What's that look for?"

"Because I think saying yes to his proposal was a mistake."


"So...are we going to talk about the butt dial?" Liam asks me, but I didn't respond. I continued to drive back home, my mind freaking out at today' Liam's stare burned into me as I turned the steering wheel and glanced at the review mirror. "Okay...Can least - Anna, please pull over so we can talk about it."

No way in hell am I doing that, Payne.

"What are you going to do with Harry?" Liam questions, making me tense as my grip on the steering wheel tightened. I don't know. "And Niall?" I have no clue. "...You do know that if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here, yeah?"

I made sure not to show any signs of that I heard him. And then the rest of the ride was silent and I found myself in my room, sitting on the end of my bed with my hands in my lap.

I've screwed thing's up big time. How the hell am I going to fix this?

I can't fix it. I need to tell Harry and take whatever comes like a grown woman.

I've done something terrible, something that I will probably won't ever be forgiven for.

Oh god - I hope I don't tear the boys apart, they're such close friends and I'd hate to be the reason they stop being friends.

Stand up I walked over to my bathroom and bent down before I opened the doors to the cupboard under the sink. Grabbing a hold of the liquor bottle I sat on the cold tiles of my bathroom and pulled the top off and took a swig of the burning liquid.

Funny how I thought I'd never taste this stuff when I was younger - now look at me. I'm drinking to become more numb than I was before.

My phone buzzes in my pocket and I pulled it out before I answered the call. "Hello?"

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