Chapter Fourteen: I'm Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfriend How To Dance With You

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Anna's POV

"Anna, you gotta get up in the morning." Where the blasted hell is that noise coming from. "We got to go out today~" No. I don't want to wake up. "I made you pancakes and I will eat them if-"

"You really gotta stop singing people awake man." I groaned, pushing my face into my pillow, only for my blankets got ripped away from me. "And you shouldn't do that." I growled and looked up to give Harry the death stare.

He stared at me with a slightly disturbed look before he looks at his feet. "I made you pancakes."

"That's not gonna get on my good side, sir-"

"With strawberries and various other kind of berries."

"Love you." I sit up, Harry placing a plate on my lap while I rubbed my blurry eyes - that was just blurry because I have crappy eyesight. Picking up the knife and fork Harry sat on the end of my bed, his head on the end of my legs while he tapped away on his phone. "So, what's the plan, Stan?" I questioned while I put some pancakes into my mouth.

"I'm thinking we go to the Mall, see a movie, have lunch and maybe take a walk on the beach?"

"Mmm. . ." I nod, trying not to moan at how awesome these pancakes taste. "Sounds like a plan."

Harry chuckles and lifts his phone up. "Smile." I smiled, berries and pancakes in my mouth while Harry took a photo of me. He turns and continues to tap away on his phone while I finished off my pancakes.

"Alright, I gotta take a shower."


"Because that's called personal hygiene my dear Watson." I got out of bed, stretching. "And I'll be finished soon, so. . .do whatever you want until I come back out." I smiled at him before I disappeared into the bathroom.

I lock the door  behind me before my shoulders slouched and I rubbed my hands over my face. Bowing my head I dragged myself to the shower and scrubbed myself until my skin was red and my hair smelled like raspberries. Getting out I wrapped my towel around myself before my eyes widened and I hurried over to the toilet and threw my guts up.

"Well, that could have gone worse." I murmured to myself while I flushed the toilet. I knew why I had done so, not because I'm pregnant or have caught the bug, it was because I ate to much. Scrubbing my teeth with mint toothpaste I didn't dare look at myself in the mirror while I scrubbed the foul taste away.

I use to not eat as much as half a muesli bar for breakfast, I need to take things slow. Push the resentment I have for myself to the back of my mind and fix my eating habits. Then I'll let myself at me. Wiping my mouth I with a hand towel I was finally able to look at myself.

To fat. You need to become skinnier. We can't have you having a weight problem. You won't land roles in movies if you have thunder thighs. We know what's best for you, trust us.

"I did trust you. . .And you made me into this." I frowned, eyeing the slight cave in of my cheeks before I pushed away from the sink and walked into my bedroom. Sure, I was curvy and 'fat' in the media's eyes, but that was me. I was happy who I was then, now, now. . .not so much.

I shoved all of the thoughts away before I pulled on my clothes, a white tank top that had the word 'I didn't like you anyway' in black, a black and grey jacket and black skinny jeans. I put foundation on and eyeliner, before I stare at my contact lenses.

"Fuck it." I walked blurrily to my bedside table before I picked up my black glasses and pushed them onto my face. Puffing at my hair in annoyance I tie it up in a bun on top of my head before I walked out of my room with my car keys, phone and wallet.

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