Chapter Eleven : Lover Boy

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~ A N N A ' S   P O V ~

"Zayn! Hide me!" I yelled, running towards the car.

"How am I meant to hide you? I'm taped to the roof of your car!"

"Have a nice wax." I distractedly stared at Eleanor who had her hands on her hips

"You, Miss Annabelle Davis, owe me money."

"I owe you nothing." I tried to get away, but she some how monkey jumped onto my back - giving me a heart attack while she was at it - and wrapped her arms around my shoulders tightly.

"We had a bet whether or not I could get Jensen Ackles to kiss my cheek - he did, give me my money." She demands while I struggled to get out her her grip.

"Help me!" I cried out, reaching for Perrie who was currently enjoying the fact she's waxing Zayn. She shakes her head at me before I decided the best way to get Eleanor off was to get Louis to drag her off. "LOUIS!"

"Don't you dare dob my in." El gasps while everyone who wasn't apart of the trio of idjits (including me) gave us confused stares.

"Wait, have you guys been hanging out while we . . . ?"

"Duh, we weren't just going to lose a friend because you thought some crappy idea was best for her - no offense babe." Perrie says while she ripped the duct tape off of Zayn's arm, causing him to cry out in pain.

"I can't . . . El . . . you're to heavy . . ." I huffed, my legs shaking underneath me as El scoffed.

"Don't lie, I know perfectly well you can give me a piggy back ride for an hour, so don't-" My leg's wobbled some more before I collapsed, El landing on top of me while I blinked, a tad bit in a daze because of the fact El was currently cutting my oxygen supply off. "Shit are you okay?" El says, peering down at me in concern. "What's wrong, are you sick? You gave me a piggy back ride for an hour last time I saw you-"

"I'm just tired, I swear." I sat up, rubbing the back of my head, since it jsut became tender to the fact it smacked itself against the cement driveway.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah-" El quickly whacked me over the head. "Hey!"

"That's for dropping me and trying to run." I grumbled as she pulls me onto my feet. "Now, let's go inside?"

"What about me?!" Zayn yells.

"EH, Perrie can do what she likes with you." Perrie's face lit up.

"Who want's to go on a joy ride with me?'

"NO!" Zayn yells while Perrie grumpily continued to un-tape the chap from my car.

"I still can't believe you didn't tell me you were hanging out with Anna." Louis says while he follows El and I inside - well, El, she was the one dragging me.

"Don't make me flick you," El threatened Louis before she took a deep breathe and smiled at him . . . err . . . anyone else worried here? Is she going to flip and commit homiecide, since I'm her homie and all? Oh god, I'm going to die. "I knew you would try to make me stop talking to her so I just didn't tell you about having sleep overs with her."

"Like . . . normal sleep overs, or sleepovers?"

El looked at me with a nod. Turning I flicked Louis' head. "Get you head in the game Louis." I say.

"Are you-"


"WILD CATS." El and I called out to Perrie who was still trying to set Zayn free, I presume.

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