Best Elementary Teacher Nomination Survey: Round 1

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Okay, so according to our last survey, Undertaker won sooooooo...



Mr. Undertaker: *walks slowly into the room, a sly grin on his face* Hello again, children!! It's me again, your favorite teacher, Mr. Undertaker!! Hehehehe!!!!~

Pigtailed Girl: *squints at him* I don't remember having you before! *points at him* I'd remember a teacher with such a funny hat and long gray hair.

Mr. Undertaker: *chuckles leans down, playfully stroking her cheek* Well, my tiny oblivion, that's just because I was in the supply closet instead of teaching. Hehehehe!! *walks to the front of the room, all of the third graders' eyes on him* Now then, children, ready to begin your lesson?~

Children: *a little confused but mostly interested* Yes, Mr. Undertaker!

Mr. Undertaker: *grin widens in amusement* Gooooooood... Now who can tell me what this is? *pulls out a picture and holds it up for the class while laughing under his breath* Think carefully now...~

Curly-Headed Boy: *raises hand* Is it one of those Dracula beds?

Mr. Undertaker: *leans back against the whiteboard, giggling madly* Heheheheee!! Very good! *slowly looks around the room* Does anyone else know what the official name of this is?

Pigtailed Girl: *raises hand* Isn't that a coffin?

Mr. Undertaker: *nods* You're such a smart class! This IS a coffin!! *gets out a medium sized bag, then pulls out a small wooden coffin* Just like this one!! *chortles as he slowly tilts his head to the side* Now, since this is suppose to be math class, I am going help you take measurements for each of your personal little coffins!!

Boy With Round Glasses: *raises hand* I don't think that this is how we learn time tables, Mr. Dundermaker. *smiles as kids laugh, then looks at Mr. Undertaker to see his reaction*

Mr. Undertaker: *shakes his head, still smiling* That's not very funny, but because I pity you, you can help me with my demonstration!~ *gestures with his pale fingers for the Boy to come up next to him*

Boy With Round Glasses: Uhhh...? *gets up and slowly makes his way to the front of the classroom*

Mr. Undertaker: Now, because you are so short and stringy, you should be able to fit inside this coffin. So get in... *opens the coffin and puts it on the floor*

Boy With Round Glasses: *looks at Mr. Undertaker with wide eyes, then slowly puts his feet in the coffin and lays down* What's gonna happen ne-?

Mr. Undertaker: *shuts the lid, then begins to nail it shut* Do you see how this applies to math, my children?~ *giggles madly* 

Children: Not really...?

Mr. Undertaker: *drags the little coffin out of the classroom* Until we meet again, short little people. *stops at the door and raises bangs, looking at them with his startling green eyes* And next time, my sweets, I promise to make a coffin for each of you!!~ <3

Children: ... YAAAAAAYYYY!!!!



Mr. Spears: *walks into the room swiftly* Hello, humans. I am William T. Spears, but you will call me Mr. Spears. *pushes up glasses* Now, according to your educational level, you should be learning about how to share and make friends at this stage of your life. Am I correct to assume this?

First Graders: ??? *dont understand anything he's said*

Mr. Spears: I'll take that as a yes. But now, listen carefully. We are going to learn about something much more important than this foolishness of being kind. We are going to learn about something called RULES.

First Graders: *look at each other, excited that they understand something he said* Oh, rules!

Mr. Spears: *violently whacks his Death Syth against the whiteboard, making the children flinch* Rules such as NO TALKING OUT OF TURN. *glares at the kids* Rules make your somewhat useless lives have meaning, and keeps things in order. Now let's go over some rules I have that you will be required to follow.

~Three Hours Later~

Mr. Spears: *writing on the whiteboard, which is almost completely covered in microscopic handwriting* And clause XI of section three in the Accepted Absence paragraph, there is no exception for anything either with bodily needs or with emergencies.

First Graders: *completely lost*

Girl With Black Bob: *raises her hand* So does that mean we can't leave the classroom even if we have to pee, or our parents are in the hospital, or we broke our arm?

Mr. Spears: *gives her a cold look* Yes, there is no excuse to skip out on class. *looks at all of them! pushing up his glasses* I can assure all of you, nothing will be more painful than if you don't follow these rules. *eyes narrow* I will personally make sure of that.

Children: *look at each other* ...?!


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