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Y/N=Your Name
Y/L/N=Your Last Name
Y/H/C=Your Hair Color
Y/H/L=Your Hair Length
Y/F/F=Your Favorite Food
E/C=Eye Color
Hello Mooses! I am the author of this story(no duh) and that is me and I am probably the most lazy writer you will ever meet so if I don't post for awhile it's because I'm either on a writers block,dealing with school shit,or I have no interwebs.But besides that I am a huge fan of Supernatural(I am also apart of other fandoms to you can always request) But to get to know me a little bit here you go
1) My name is Sara
2)I'm 14(yes I'm a fetus)
3)I don't really have friends beside Internet friends
4)I'm an Aquarius (if anyone cares)
5)I play Chess
6)I'm very nerdy
7)I play video games and can kick some ass at it!
8)I like to be funny but I can get awkward
9)I'm double jointed in my thumb
10)I ship Destiel
11)I'm on season 12(finally lady)
12)I watch the Banana Bus Squad and Jack,Mark,Leafy,and Pewds(plus a couple more)
13)I draw some stuff
14)I listen to classic rock like Dean because it is probably the greatest music ever(in my opinion)
15)I would say I'm a Dean girl but a Sam girl too(I switch lanes a lot)
16)My favorite emoji is probably this😏 or this👻
17)My eyes are green but change from hazel and green from time to time
18)I read a lot of fanfiction
19)My favorite band would probably have to be ACDC
20)I fucking hate school but what's new
Ok that was some about me and now you know what I look like and some about me but anyways if you have anymore questions,concerns, or request please feel free to message me either on Instagram or on here
Instagram: magical_moose
Until next time
Duces Mooses✌️
(Yes I know Mooses isn't the plural word for moose but it rhymes)

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