Chapter 11:Your My Asshat

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With enough research over the past two days the three of you were getting ready to take out this nest.

"So how many do you think are there again Sammy"Dean asked cleaning his machete
"About six easy nest right"Sam said turning to Dean and you for a reply
"Yeah we should be in and out quickly"you said.

You were hiding your fear.You had these dreams the past few day about this hunt and it scared you shitless.You were to scared to tell.

Running tired and out of breath.You were beat to hell the brothers and you had gotten separated somehow.You heard some cussing down to the middle door.You ran as fast as you could to a door an the end of the hallway.You opened it to see Dean and Sam laying on the floor bruised and bloody.You kneeled down to Dean to see if he was ok while asking if Sam was ok.Dean could barely breathe and Sam was passed out but still breathing and Dean was stuttering on his words

"Y/N.......behind.."were his breathless words.

You were to late to react and before you turned around you had already gotten stabbed in the back by a vamp.Thats when you woke up

Winchester brothers and you by their side had gotten all your vamp hunting supplies loaded and ready in the impala.Dean slipped in the driver side and you in back with Sam in shotgun.Your heart was beating fast and you could hear it in your ears.You were nervous this never happens on hunts ever.You were almost to the warehouse.Stairway to heaven played softly in the background as it was silent in the car.

"We are almost there just that next right"Sam said and pointed to the next corner

Dean turned to the right this was it.Your adrenaline was higher than ever.You all three got out and went to the trunk.Grabbing essential supplies you were ready and prepared.

"Ok you know the plan right?"Dean said looking into your y/e/c eyes
"Kinda just refresh my memory"you replied
"First me and you will go in front while Sam goes in back.When we see Sam down the hall we meet up and go into the door in the middle.As we walk into we gank those vamps,easy hunt ok Cherry Pie?" Dean said
"Ok I got it lets go"you said and grabbed your machete.

You and the boys did as planned.Sam around back you and Dean in the front.As Sam was coming to meet you two in the middle three vamps grabbed him and knocked him out.Before you and Dean could react you had gotten jumped.

"Run y/n"Dean yelled as he was pulled away.
"I'm not letting that happen"you said and charged the blood suckers

The beat the shit out of you but you tried so hard but they were to strong they had knock you out cold.You woke up and ran down the hall to the middle door.You thought of your dream and it started to come to life.You ran hearing cussing from the other side of the door.You barged in seeing the boys bruised and bloody laying on the floor defeated.Running over to see if Dean was ok while asking Sam if he was ok Dean started to speak.

"Y/N.......behind"Dean said breathless but it was too late.

You felt a sharp pain shoot threw you.You had just been stabbed in the back.Dean yelled with anger and fear.He jolted up with Sam by his side.

"You bitch!"Dean yelled and grabbed his machete and beheaded the vamp.

Sam and Dean killed every blood sucker in sight and as quick as possible.

Dean and Sam ran to your side.

"Your going to be ok come on y/n stay with me come on"Dean said with watery eyes
"Dean I'm not going to make it"you said
"Don't say that you will"Sam piped in
"Sam watch out for your brother for me and"you said while you slowly closed your eyes
"No no no this isn't happening your not gone baby please don't do this to me"Dean said holding you in his arms crying and hugging your limp body
"Dean she's gone"Sam said with tears
"She not fucking gone she's coming back!"Dean snapped
"Dean she wouldn't want you to sell your soul for her"Sam said already knowing what he was thinking
"Sammy I have to"Dean said looking up at his brother
"I can't let you"Sam said kneeling down
"Alright Sammy meet me back at the car I need some time"Dean said and Sam walked out

Dean didn't want to let you go.He felt like he just met you yesterday.Dean felt it was his fault that you were killed he said he would protect you.He sat there crying and thinking of what to do.It was true you wouldn't want him to sell his soul for you.This was a dangerous job and you knew the risks.Dean knew what you wanted so he kept your promise.He wasn't ready for another hunters funeral.Dean had rapped your body up in a near by rug and carried you out to the impala.

"Let's go Sam"Dean said and slammed the driver door

Sam understood what he was going threw so he just kept quiet.The brothers drove out to an empty field.They collected wood and later laid down your lifeless body.Sam salted and poured gas on your body.Dean lit the match and you went up in flames.

"She was a good person I'm going to miss her being around"Sam said looking at his feet
"I will too"Dean said looked at the soon dying flames.
"We loved you y/n remember that"Sam said and walked back to the impala
"She's my cherry pie"Dean whispered and walked away
Well I'm a terrible person I'm sorry for ending that way I really am but all good things have to come to an end.But when one door closes another one opens.So that means the Sam reader is getting worked on.But I felt like that was really cliche but I tried and worked so hard in this book.It did better than I thought it would and I would like to thank all of you for that.I really don't know what else to say but I just love you all but until next time
Deuces Mooses✌️

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