Chapter 9: Shark Week

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It has been a couple weeks and you and the boys were closer than ever.You and Sam are best friends and you and Dean are inseparable. And someone paid you a little visit in the beginning of the week.The curse of Mother Nature strikes again.

"Ugh damn Mother Nature and her fucking shit"you cursed and gripped your stomach
"Hey princess are you hurt"Dean said and entered the room with a concerned look
"No I'm not hurt just cramping by the way could you get me some (pads or tampons your choice) and painkillers and chocolate"you ordered while groaning into your pillow
"Uh sure I'll be right back"Dean said and ran to the kitchen
"Ok I'm back here is some chocolate and painkillers with some water I'm going to go get your (pads or tampons) and I'll be right back"he said took the keys and left with a kiss on your forehead

You took the painkillers and ate some chocolate then you wanted to watch your favorite movie.So you got out of bed and went to the movie shelf.The movie you wanted was in the top shelf.

"What do you need mouse"Sam said as he walked into the room
"I need that movie on the top shelf please"you replied
"You could have just got a chair"Sam sassed
"Well excuse me that I have a damn crime scene in my pants and don't want to but can you please get it Samsquach"you said with your arms crossed
"Your so funny when your mad"Sam said and handed you the movie
"Thank you"you said as you grabbed some other movies and went back into hiding

A few minutes later you heard the bunker door open

"I'm home sweetheart"Dean yelled and came in your shared room
"Thank you Mr.Shoe"you said and took your stuff
"Why did you call me mr.shoe?"Dean asked and sat down on the bed
"Because I wanted to"you said
"Ok then Cherry-Pie"Dean replied
"Hey Dean do you wanna watch a movie or something?"you asked with puppy eyes
"Sure what do you want to watch"Dean asked
"ALL OF THE STAR WARS MOVIES MY FELLOW HUMAN"you yelled and spread out your collection of movies
"Let's get this movie marathon going"Dean said and got comfortable.

You and Dean watched the movie and ate chocolate together.When you would get cramps Dean would cuddle up with you and massage your stomach until they went away.It had gotten pretty late and you eventually fell asleep in Deans arms
I'm so sorry that this one is short and sucks ass.I feel like my writing is going down hill.But I just have been super busy and this is just a filler chapter for what's next to come.I promise they will get better and I'm trying my best to start the Sam book.If you have any questions just Private Message me.Im only get to have internet on weekends so I will only reply then but I will try my best.I just don't want to let all you readers down.And speaking of that I have more than 50 reads on this book!That has made me so happy I hope you all are enjoying and I you are please don't be afraid to comment.One more thing(danmit Sara stop ranting and go on)if any chapters are published again I'm sorry I spell check them sometimes to make sure they are good and dandy for you all but now until next time
Deuces Mooses✌️

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