Chapter 10:Always An Abandoned Warhouse

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After your Mother Nature week of torture Sam and Dean had finally found a hunt.You had woken up beside an empty bed side.You got up and threw on one of Deans flannels and a pair of pajama shorts.In the study Sam and Dean were both looking at there laptop screens sipping on their coffee.

"Morning boys"you said and leaned against the door frame.
"Morning mouse"Sam said still looking at his laptop.
"Morning Princess"Dean said with a wink.
"So we got a hunt?"you asked walking over.
"Actually yeah a couple vamps in the next state over"Sam piped up.
"Alright chicken fries I'll go get ready to go be out in a bit"you said and went down the hall.

You showered quickly and got dressed in the usual.Black boots,blue jeans,Def Leppard shirt,and your black leather jacket.You packed your duffle with the hunting essentials.

"Ok I'm ready to go when you two are"you said and sat in one of the other chairs in the study
"I'm ready so let's go gank us some vampires"Dean said and picked up his duffle from the ground.

You and Sam followed Dean out to the impala.

"I call shotgun!"you yelled and ran to the door
"Fine you win this time"Sam said and sighed in defeat

You sat in shotgun with a winning grin.Dean climbed into the driver seat and started driving down the road.It was really silent so you turned on the radio and Heat Of The Moment by Asia came on.You sang wil hole the song danced threw the impalas speakers.

"You have an amazing voice Y/N"Dean said and looked at you with a smile and then looked back at the road
"Yea I'm not gonna lie its beautiful"Sam pitched in sitting up in the back seat
"Thanks you guys are making me blush hardcore right now"you answered with the biggest blush

Soon after your singing session with the boys Dean had said he wanted food.He pulled into the diner.Sam grabbed his laptop and slid out of the back.All three walked in the diner.Dean sat in a booth with Sam and you close behind.You slid in next to Dean and Sam sat across the way.A waiter headed your way with a a notepad.

"Welcome to the Two Whales I'm Johnny and what can I get you boys and the pretty lady"he said with a wink to you.
"We'll have two bacon burgers,and a salad"Dean said with a bitch face.
"We'll have that right out for you" Johnny said and touched your shoulder as he walked by.

This was starting to make you uncomfortable and Dean could tell

"Hey y/n I could kick his ass right here right now"he said with an angry look
"I have an idea my self I got him"you said and gave him a kiss on on the cheek

Johnny soon after came back with the food.Dean gave him a stern look while you hid your anger.He had put down the salad in front of you.You hated salad and this was the last thing he could do.

"Alright pretty boy now no one gives me a salad"you said as you stood up
"Oh my don't hurt me now"he said with sarcasm
"I don't like what your doing and it's not going to fly with me or Dean so I suggest you stop it"you said with a clenched jaw
"I'm so scared"Johnny said with sass and put his hands up
"Ok you asked for it"you said and grabbed his wrist and putting it in between his shoulder blades pulling upwards and slamming him into the booth side.

He screamed in pain as you did so.You had given little Johnny a busted lip.

"Want me to stop huh or should I keep going"you said angered
"Ok ok I'm so sorry please don't hurt me"He said and you let him walk off with fear plastered over his face

You sat back down and grabbed your bacon burger and took a big bite.The boys were amazed with their eyes wide and their jaws dropped.Soon enough you were all kicked out for causing this scene but you didn't give a rats ass.You took the food paid and left.As you got in the impala the boys started talking nonstop.

"Y/N were in the hell did you learn to do that"Dean said surprised
"Just a little thing from my father it was nothing"you said shrugging your shoulders
"That was amazing"Sam said with raised brows
"That was badass"Dean said with the dumbest smile but you loved it
"Yea yea I guess it was a little cool"you said with a slight blush

Time passes and Dean drove and checked into a motel.You all sat and drank beers while discussing the case.

"So get this its at an abandoned warehouse and people have seen the same people go in and out around 10:30 at night"Sam informed
"It always and abandoned warehouse"you said
"Son of a bitch"Dean added
Hey I hope you guys don't hate me I kinda took a long break it might have seemed like I went MIA but I just forgot to tell you guys I'm so sorry about that and also I'm sorry about this being published so late.I have just been kinda stuck on where to go with this book and how to close it all.Sadly the next chapter with be the end but everything had to come to a close.And I need your guys opinions was this a good book for being my first was it too short,too long,boring,entertaining?But the year is almost over it has been a roller coaster but I'm happy it's ending.I hope you are all doing great.Im just dragging this note out but it's 4 am where I am and I'm wide awake maybe I'll get some writing done for once😂
But until next time
Deuces Mooses✌️

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