Chapter1:Bar Nights

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You sat in a bar after a bad vamp hunt drinking your problems away

"Bad day?" the bartender asked
"Yeah something like that"you said downing the shot in front of you.

It burned as it went down your throat slowly.Then the bell hanging above the creaking bar door ringed as someone entered.You didn't care to look at the moment you heard two sets of footsteps step in.Your hunter instincts kicked in and you looked towards the noise.Two attractive men walked in.One taller than the other with long brown locks framing his face perfectly with tan skin.The other more jaw dropping he was a shorter with dirty blonde short hair with long bow legs.Both wearing flannels,canvas jackets,and jeans as well as both very fit under those layers.The dirty blonde haired one smiled and winked at you while the other nudged him with his shoulder and walking them to a booth.

"Another one sweetie" the bartender said while cleaning a glass
"Yes thanks"you replied to her focusing back to reality.

She grabbed the shot glasses in front of you and filled them back up and slid them back over.You have already had about three not enough to feel anything yet you could handle your liquor.You downed the first one letting it slide down your throat with ease.You couldn't keep your eyes off of those two guys.The taller one was looking down at his phone with raised brows.It had looked like he found out something interesting or surprising.You heard them start to talk quietly to each other

"Dean your drooling"the taller one said
"Shut up Sam so what did you find out about that vamp nest nearby"Dean said to Sam.
"Well while you were out getting some pie I went and checked it out and when I got there they were all dead not a vamp in site"Sam said

You started to smile and laugh to yourself proud of your work.You thought it was great having other hunters around to admire your beautiful work.You didn't really trust other hunters because most of the time they would think low of you and think you couldn't handle yourself but you could kick some serious ass.You have heard those names somewhere before Sam and Dean but where?Besides your many questions Dean started to stride over and sat on the bar stool next to you.He waved down the bartender.

"Two beers please"he ordered
"So did your brother like my work?"You asked with a small chuckle
"What do you mean"he asked shocked with disbelief
"That was me that took out the nest it was tough with a few injuries and I made it out alive but those sons of bitches didn't"you said as the the bartender gave you two the beers
"Wow now that is incredibly hot"Dean said with a blush rising on your cheeks
"So what's your name mystery huntress"Dean asked as he leaned on the counter
"Y/N Y/L/N and yours?" asked dumbly
"Dean Winchester and over there is my brother Sammy"he said pointing over to Sam with his beer in his hand
"Is that beauty out side yours"you asked as you looked at the Impala parked out front
"Yep that's my baby and is that beauty yours?"Dean replied and asked
"Yep that's Darling out there 1970 Plymouth Roadrunner GTX"you replied proudly.
"Well I have to get going or I'll never leave goodbye Dean"you said and started to pay the bartender for your drinks.
"Here is my number call if you need anything no matter what time"Dean said as he gave you a napkin with his number and name in it.

You walked out of the bar to Darling and drove to the motel you were staying at down a few blocks.It was quite so you put in one of your caste tapes.Lucky for you it Blue Oyster Cult one of your old time favorites.You sang along to the songs as they played threw your speakers.As you drove down the road and start to pull into the Russian Rose your motel you were staying in.You parked Darling and went to your room#12 and you heard the familiar rumble of Baby pull up behind you.Sam and Dean get out of Baby with duffle bags swung over their shoulders.Sam went into the office to get them a room.Dean started to walk over with the dumbest grin on his face

"Hey fancy seeing you here"Dean said
"Hello Winchester so what room are you in?"you asked out of curiosity
"Room 10 at the far left"Deans replied pointing
"Well I'm going to go to bed I have to find a case tomorrow see ya Winchester"you said and gave him a two finger salute.

You keyed into your room and waved back to Dean also Sam coming from the office.You closed the door and as soon as your head it the pillow you were out
Okie dokie so that is the first chapter I hope you like it and always keep fighting until next time
Duces Mooses✌️

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