Chapter 7: The Morning After

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You woke up the next morning to an empty bed.A smile crept onto your face as you remembered last night. You got up and but on your pair of shorts and grabbed one of Deans flannel and buttoned it up and walked out.Sam was sitting in the study reading.

"Morning Sam where is Dean"you asked playing with the sleeve of the shirt
"He went to get food for the bunker and sorry I could be here for dinner last night"Sam said with a sorry look
"It's ok I had some company"you said as you smiled to your self

Just then you heard the door open and saw deans arms filled with groceries.He came and set them down in the island in the kitchen and hugged you.

"Hey Cherry-Pie is that my flannel it looks good on you"Dean said and kissed your forehead.
"Yeah I couldn't find any of my other clothes from last night"you said with a smirk
"Oh is that what happened while I was gone"Sam said with a raised eyebrow an a chuckle
Hello there my herd of moose this chapter was really short but I promise the next one will be longer but until next time
Duces Mooses✌️

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