Chapter 8: TrainingTime

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After you and the boys had eaten breakfast Sam and Dean decided it was training day.Dean would be training you today with hand to hand combat and shooting.

"Alright sweetheart it's time for some hand to hand combat so you can kick some sons of bitches ass but you can already do that just for some practice"Dean said as you both walks outside to a field
"I'm going to kick your ass"you challenged
"Is that so?"Dean said striding over
"Yep I'm going to pin you down and you won't be able to get up"you replied
"We'll see about that"Dean said and charged you

You dodged it easily he came attic with his fist you blocked some of them but he got a few hits but he wasn't really hitting he was just making it look that way.You got him a few times to.You and Dean were smiling the whole time trying to beat the other.Dean had tried to trip you but you moved out of the way just in time to get him and pin him down to the ground.You sat on top of Dean holding his arms down.
"Ha pinned ya"you said smirking
"I don't think so"Dean said and flipped you on your back
"That's not fair that's cheating"you said playfully
"You wouldn't say that to a demon now would you"Dean said snarky
"True"you replied short
"Can I get up now your crushing me"you begged
"No you have to say this sentence 'Dean is awesome and can have all the pie he wants and he is great in bed' "Dean said with a sly smirk
"Dean is awesome and can have all the pie he wants and is great in bed"you repeated
"Ok you are free to go"Dean said and got off you
"Hold up its time to go to the shooting range"Dean said and grabbed your wrist
"Ugh fine but I will beat you at that"you said smirking
"Sure"Dean said as you entered the bunker

You followed Dean down to the shooting range.He got your guns ready and made sure the targets were good.

"You are gonna get your ass kicked"you said and gave a wink
"We'll see about that little missy"Dean said and got into the starting position

Dean started firing and hit about each target at every shot

"Nice shooting Tex now it's my turn"you said and aimed down the gun

You hit each target in the head with every shot

"Well damnit you beat me"Dean said and looked down but was smiling
"Yep I told you I'm better"you said and gave him a kiss on the cheek

After this long day of training you decided to call it off for today and go and rest.Sam was still looking for a case but didn't find one just yet.You wanted to kinda relax a bit so you went to the living room and turned on some Netflix.Dean came and sat by you on the couch.You turned on your favorite show(besides SPN) and snuggled up next to Dean.Dean had gotten really into the show as it went on episode by episode.

"Oh come on another cliff hanger well onto next season"Dean said and laid back
"Dean I'm hungry get me food"you begged
"No I can't I have to know what happened to (Some character from your show)"Dean said not taking his eyes off the screen
"Ugh fine SAM"you yelled
"Can you get me food please pizza to be exact"you ordered
"Why do I always have to get food make Dean do it"Sam said with a groan
"He won't move have you met your brother"you said
"Ok fine I'll go get it you lazy asses"Sam said and walked out

About half an hour later Sam was back.

"I could have starved to death"you said
"Yeah right"Sam said and gave you some pizza
"You never know a witch could have put a spell on me as I could have died but anyways thank you giant"you said and took a bite of your food
"Yeah yeah mouse"Sam said and went to his room

You and Dean sat and ate pizza together watching your favorite show and cuddling up together.You had both fallen asleep on the couch and Sam had to come and turn off Netflix.He smiled to see his brother happy and then went to bed.
So hey I'm alive sorry I haven't been as active as I usually am but I got on the chess team at my school! It's great but I have practice on Monday Tuesday and Thursday so I won't be able to write as much but I will try.If it is starting to suck I'm sorry I'm trying my best I'm a noob at this.Some of these chapters might be shorter than others but I hope thats alright.A Sam story will be on its way so be prepared for that and until next time
Deuces Mooses ✌️
(I just noticed that I have been spelling deuces wrong this whole time 😂)

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