Chapter 3: Victory For Cherry-Pie

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Throughout the "race"to Detroit you couldn't stop thinking about that smile of Deans how it could light up a room if it was pitch black.As you drove classic rock bands played threw your ears as you smiled and looked in your rear view mirror to see Dean close behind.While driving you had gotten a message from Dean you pulled up the message an it was a picture of Sam sleeping with a spoon in his mouth.You couldn't help but laugh Dean then used that as a distraction to maneuver around you and get in front.After you had finished laughing your ass off you had looked back up and saw the shiny black impala in front of you and the sign saying Detroit up a head about a mile.No way in hell you were gonna let Dean win not now not ever.You speed up and surprised Dean and he honked back at you and waved to you out the drier side window still focused on the road.You made sure there were no cars coming on the other side of the road and you slide over to the opposite side of the road getting side to side with Dean.You told him to stop so he obliged and so did you.Sam had woken up by the sudden stop

"First one to the sign wins final.One...two...three"you said as you and Dean launched as fast as you could.

It was going to be close to call but Dean was in the lead.You sped up believing in your self the sign was coming up.Just in the nick of time you got your full bumper ahead and won.You screamed with excitement and adrenaline running through your veins.You called Dean and he picked up right away.

"I told you I was going to kick your ass ha ha asshat hey where is the diner at I really have to pee and I'm also hungry"you said all mixed together
"Ok fine you beat me but I will win next time and it is coming up in about five minutes so we are almost there so see you there Cherry-Pie"Dean said and hung up.

A sudden blush rose on your checks from the new nick name.You both pulled up to the diner and got out.

"Hey boys so how was the drive?" you asked with a cheeky smile.
"Fan-freaking-tastic Y/N can we get food now?" Dean replied as he asked.
"Yes I'm starving and I have to pee"you said and followed Dean with Sam following you from behind.

You rushed into the bathroom and came out in a flash.Dean and Sam were seated in a booth across the diner.Sam had waved you over so you could see them.You decided to sit next to Dean for reasons.A waiter came by and took your orders you and Dean ordered burgers and fries while Sam just got a salad.Sam started researching on his phone about the case.

"So Cherry-Pie where did you learn to race?" Dean asked while a raised eyebrow
"My brother I guess I came in handy"you answered
"Why are you calling me cherry pie"you questioned in curiosity
"Well you turn red like a cherry when I talk to you and you like pie so cherry pie just stuck and you gave me the nickname Asshat so now we are even"Dean answered.

Fair enough.The waiter came back with the food as we are Sam told you guy's about the case.

"So get this the werewolf or wolves are attacking young women aged varying from 16-26"Sam said taking a bite of salad
"Well that's just peachy"you said eating your burger.

With you being 26 you were a target but it could be a good thing

"Well anyways the victims were found with hearts missing and claw marks down their stomachs and legs like as if they were trying to get away"San replied showing a picture of a victim.
"What is the recent victims name"Dean asked finishing his burger.
"Katie Jones she was 19 and was walking home from her job when she was last seen"Sam said scrolling threw the news article
"Let's go talk to the victims family and see if they have any pertinent information"you replied and waved over the waiter.
"Could we get two pies to go apple and a cherry thank you sir"you ordered and smiled back at Dean.
"Let's go get a motel so we can change and have a place for later"Sam raid as he got out if the booth.

The waiter had gave you the pies you ordered and you paid and thanked him and followed the brothers out the door.

"How about I go with Y/N drive her Darling and you can drive my Baby Sammy ok don't hurt her or I will hurt you"Dean said and walks over to Darling.
"Only this one time got that Asshat"you said and say in the passenger seat as Dean ducked into the driver seat
"Okie dokie Cherry-Pie"Dean said and started her up.

You followed Sam to the nearest motel and parked outside.Sam went in and got you all a room.

"Why do you call your car Darling?" Dean asked breaking the silence
"It was what my dad called her why do you call your car Baby"you answered by soon asked.
"Because she is my Baby If anything happened to her I would be devastated"Dean answers patting the hood of his car.
"Hey uh little problem you guys they only had one room available...with only one bed"Sam said and walked around to the impalas trunk
"It's ok we'll figure something out"you said and got your duffle out of the back.
"Let's go and gank this son of a bitch"Dean said as you all walked into the room.
Ok that chapter was pretty long but you know what longer is better(that's what she said) I hoped you enjoyed this chapter I feel like no one is reading this but it's still new but anyways until next time
Duces Mooses✌️

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