Chapter 4: Hunting Some Sons Of Bitches

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All three of you entered the room and started to get your FBI outfits out of your duffles.You headed over to the bathroom to change into your black pencil skirt and white blouse including a black blazer.You walked out to see Sam putting on his blazer and Dean button in up his shirt.Damn now that was a sight to see they cleaned up nice.Dean turned to see you standing in the bathroom door frame.

"Wow you cleaned up nice"Dean said while looking over your body
"You aren't to bad your self"you said flirtatiously
"Ok you two let's head out Y/N you don't need to bring your car"Sam said putting his gun in the inside of his blazer.

You tucked a knife in a secret pocket in your skirt.You got your fake ID out of your duffle and put it in your blazer and followed the Winchesters outside to the impala.You got in the back seat because Sam would let you sit shotgun for the life of him.Dean turned in the radio and AC/DC's Highway To Hell danced threw the speakers.
"I hate this song"Sam said slightly annoyed
"Family rules Sammy driver picks music and shotgun shuts his cake hole"Dean said and started to drive to the victims address
                    -Time Skip-
Dean parked baby and you all walked up to the victims family house and rang the door bell.A women in about her mid fourtys answered the door.

"Hello Mrs.Jones I am agent Young these are my partners Rose and Johnson we are with the FBI an we have some questions about Katie"Dean said as we all showed our ID's
"Ok well come in agents"Mrs.Jones said and opened the door further allowing you to come in.

The three of you sat on the small couch across a chair that Mrs.Jones sat in.

"We have some questions that we wish you could answer to help us with the investigation"Sam spoke
"Did Katie have any enemies or someone that would want to hurt her"Dean asked
"No she was a sweet girl she had a lot of friends but she recently had a bad break up but I wouldn't think that Jerry would want to hurt her"the women replied with a raised eyebrow.
"Do you know why they broke up"you spoke up
"Yea he actually was cheating on her with some other girl"she answered
"Where did she work and what was the boyfriend's full name"Sam asked
"Jerry McGill and she worked at the diner just down the road"Mrs.Jones said
"Ok thank you ma'am for your time we are so sorry for your loss have a good day"Dean said as you all stood up and walked out the door.
"I think we have all our info we just need to find out where this Jerry guy is now or where he works"Sam said sitting shotgun
"When we get back to the motel we can start on some research"Dean said and drove to the motel.As you keyed into the motel it was time to start some research.Sam pulled out his laptop and started to look threw newspapers.Dean called Bobby while you looked up things about Jerry.You had found out his background and where he worked.Jerry worked at an auto-part store an got off at the same time as Katie.You shared this info with the boys and they agreed that you would hunt him tomorrow.You had enough evidence that you knew it was him.You had been researching for hours it was night now and you all were starving.
"Hey Sam can you go get food I'm starving"you asked with a following groan
"Yea the usual for you and Dean?"Sam asked grabbing the keys to the car.
"Uh yep"Dean answered

Sam walked out the door with not another word.Dean sat at the small table and opened up a beer.You decided that you needed a shower.

"Hey I'm gonna hop in the shower hope you don't mind be out in a bit"you said and grabbed your duffle and head to the shower.

You showered and changed into a ACDC tank top and a pair of black sweatpants.Dean was still sitting there and drinking a beer.

"Want one?"Dean asked with another beer in his hand
"Sure"you replied and took him up on his offer
"Hey where is Sam I'm starving"you asked and looked around the room
"Well he noticed we needed more ammo so he went to get that as well as food he won't be much longer I don't think"Dean took a long drink of his beer
"He better be back soon or I'm just might die"you joked

About and hour or so later of drinking and talking you were now drunk.You didn't even care about food anymore all you could think about was Dean.

"Hey there cowboy how about you say we go and roll around in the hay?"you slurred
"Y/N your drunk I think it's time for you to go to bed"Dean said as he scooped you up bridle style
"I'm not drunk and no pretty boy I'm not sleeping any time soon"you argued
"Ok princess good night see you in the morning with that hangover"Dean said as he laid you down on the bed and turn off the light
"Wait can you stay with me please I don't want to feel lonely ever again just lay here until I fall asleep"you asked ever so sweetly
"Ok fine put no funny business got that cherry-pie"Dean joked
"Ok buck-o"you said and instantly fell asleep.Morning arrived and well the hangover had hit.The pounding headache and you were about to puke.Before you got up you had noticed Dean was still there right by your side with a hand over your middle holding you close.That didn't last long until you ran to the bathroom and threw your guts up.You felt someone there folding il your hair and rubbing your back for comfort.After you were done you turned to see Dean with a smile but caring look on his face.

"Morning sweetheart how's the hangover treating you?"you chuckled
"Shut the hell up"you replied.

Now it was time to gank this son of a bitch and get out of this town.
Howdy Mooses hope you are all doing swell I don't think this one was very good but i hope you enjoyed until next time
Duces Mooses✌️

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