Chapter 5: Revenge

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After you got done throwing up Sam had eventually woke up to you.Dean had suggested on getting you some greasy food for that hang over and also some breakfast for the both of them.

"So you like my brother"Sam spoke up
"What no I don't is it really that obvious"you said fast
"Yea it kinda is well to me I think he likes you to"Sam looked down at his feet
"So you really think so I mean come on look at me"you said pointing to yourself
"I haven't seen him look at someone like that since forever I know he does he just won't admit it yet"Sam said as Dean entered the room with food
"So what are you two nerds up to"Dean asked putting the bag filled with food on the table
"Just about this hunt and what the plan is"Sam said
"Yea well I was thinking later when the time that Katie got off I could dress up as a waiter on her way home and then we can get him before he gets me easy right"you said winging it
"ARE YOU CRAZY Y/N we are not using you as bait"Dean yelled
"Well Dean we are good hunters and we could get him easy kill silver bullet to the heart and she could have a knife on her just in case but it is a crazy idea"Sam pitched in.
"Hell no we are not doing this"Dean gritted his teeth
"Dean I trust you and Sam I can rely on you for anything I know you have my back and Dean I love you goddamn it I know it's only been like two days but hunters don't live long so I love you Dean"you said with anger but caring
"Damnit Y/N I like you too ok but I just don't want you hurt I care about you and Sam does too"Dean said as he put his hand on your cheek
"Get over here asshat"you said as you pulled him into a passionate but sweet kiss
"Wow there cherry-pie you got some fire behind that sweet smile"Dean said with the biggest smile with his candy apple green eyes looking into your E/C eyes.
"Finally you guys lets eat now"Sam said and opened up the food bag

You all ate breakfast and started to prepare for the hunt you made sure you had ammo and all the info that was right  to make sure you weren't just gonna shoot some innocent guy.You went down to the diner to get a uniform for later.You told them you needed it for the investigation and you showed them your ID and you walked out with a uniform.You got back tot the motel and it had gotten to be around the time for the hunt.You went to the bathroom and changed into the outfit.Dean had knocked on the door to see if you were ok.

"Hey cherry-pie are you all good in there?"Dean asked on the other side
"It feels weird I don't know about this Dean it looks I don't know"you relied
"Just come out and show us it's ok"Dean reassured you
"Ok I'm coming out"you said and opened the door.

You walked out wearing a yellow uniform with skirt a little short for your liking and a collared yellow top that didn't button up.Dean was practically drooling and Sam was jaw dropped.

"Uh um Y/N I think it looks great on you Sammy what do you think"Dean said flustered
"I uh think it's nice"Sam said and looked back to his laptop.
"Ok let's go it's almost time up and atom boys"you said as you grabbed your silver knife and put it in your stockings

You and the boys piled into the impala.Sam surprisingly let you sit shotgun.You listen to classic rock and went over the plan.Dean drove to the diner and dropped you off right on time.But before you got out Dean kissed you and said for you to be safe.He and Sam were around the corner of the diner and you started walking down the road.You were walking by some bushes and heard rustling so you stopped and pulled your knife out.It stopped by you keep alerted.You felt safe with Sam and Dean covering you.Then some on jumped out and tackled you and you screamed you stapled who ever it was in the leg.It was Jerry he screamed in pain but wasn't fazed by it.He got on top of you and knocked you out cold.You could hear Sam and Dean yelling and gunshots before you went out.You now woke up in a dark room with your jaw in pain.As your eyes fluttered open you saw Jerry stand over you with teeth barring he was hungry.

"Look who's up well good morning sweetheart"he said with an evil smile
You spit on him
"Don't call me sweetheart"you said pissed off
"That wasn't very nice sweetheart your a fighter just like your family was I remember you now oh how the screams of them just made me fill with joy"Jerry said with a sly smirk
"You son of a bitch!"you said angry

You saw Sam and Dean enter the room.Dean was about to stab Jerry in the back when you saw two more wolves come from behind.

"Behind you!"you warned and then was punched in the lip once again.

You were working on the ropes as Dean and Sam fought the other wolves along with Jerry.Sam and Dean had gotten the others but Jerry was about to attack Dean luckily your ties broke just in time to stab him in the back.His body clasped to the ground.

"That's for my family you son of a bitch"you said and wiped the blood off your lip
"I'm glad your ok"Sam said and patted your shoulder
"That's going to hurt for awhile and thanks for saving my ass"Dean said as he felt your bottom lip and kissed you on the fore head and lead you out the door.
"Thank you for having my ass,asshat"you said with a smile.

You got into the impala and started to doze off.Soon enough you were back and Sam got into the shower as you and Dean talked.

"Hey Y/N you said last night you didn't want to feel alone"Dean said as he sat in the chair in front of you.
"We'll ever since that happened to my family I have been in my own practically living in my car and cheap motels I needed someone to be there for me and when I needed someone no was there.Then that night in the bar when I met eyes with you I knew that night would change my life I knew you were different since we first spoke"you started to cry from remembering being alone
"I'm here sweetheart you will never be alone again you can stay with me and Sam at our bunker"Dean said as he hugged you tightly
"Thank you so much Dean I'm getting tired I'll sleep on the floor tonight so you and Sam can have the couch"you said as Sam walked out of the bathroom already changed for bed.
"Goodnight jerk goodnight short stuff"Sam said and laid down on the couch and went to sleep

You went and changed in the bathroom into a Blue Oyster Cult shirt and a pair of black shorts you cleaned out your wound and walked out.Dean was dressed in a Led-Zeppelin shirt and a pair out gray sweats.You grabbed your jacket to make your pillow on the floor

"Hey I don't bite get your fine ass up here"he said and gestured for your to come lay with him
"Ok fine but no funny business not for tonight anyways"you said with a smirk and turned out the light
"Oh kinky cherry-pie anyways goodnight Y/N get some sleep we are heading to the bunker tomorrow"Dean said and turned over
"Good night asshat"you said and fell asleep
My friend Alexis is going to be helping me write yay I'm so happy but any who how are you all
Until next time
Duces Mooses✌️

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