Chapter 6:Dick in Dick out

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Morning came and you woke up first. Dean had you grouped tight to him. You tried to wiggle out but it was no use so you tapped Dean lightly

"Hey Dean-o can you let me get up please"you whispered
"No please stay five more minutes"Dean begged
"Nope not happening Mr.Winchester not let me up"you said
"Fine Cherry only this time"Dean said and let you go.

You got up and got your clothes for the day.You turned on the shower hoping not to wake anyone else up.You got undressed and hopped in the shower. Then there was a knock at the door.

"Hey Y/N I really need to pee can I come in if its ok"Dean asked anxiously
"Sure just hurry up"you said as he walked in
"Cherry-pie at it with the black lace"Dean said looking at your clothes on the floor.
"Wow Dean way to be pervy but you like them" you said dirty as you wasted your hair.
"Yes I do I think it would look better off"Dean said as he finished going to the bathroom
"Oh you bad boy save it for later"you said as you turned the water off.

Dean had already walked out.You got out and got dressed in a black guns&roses tank top with a red flannel with some blue jeans and your usual black boots.Dean had already woken up Sam and they had both gotten dressed.
"Okie dokie let's go"Dean said as he swung his duffle over his shoulder
~Time Skip~
It felt like the longest straight away ever until you followed Dean into a garage and parked.
"Finally are you sure my Darling will be good down here?"you asked
"Yes she will be right here next to my Baby come on I'll show you around"Dean said as Sam went up stairs to drop his bag off
"Kitchen,study,dungeon,Sam's room,my room and now yours"Dean showed you around taking you to every room

Dean had said it belonged to the men of letters in which they were both legacies.Sam had said he had to go do something do he took the impala.You wanted to cook dinner because you haven't in a long time.You checked in the fridge and freezer for cooking stuff. You found beer,BBQ sauce,and three potatoes.Just enough for you all.

"What's cooking good looking"Dean asked as he came over and looked at your cooking progress.

You started to put the chicken in the pan.

"What are you making"Dean asked
"BBQ sauce marinated chicken and a baked potato with a good beer for a beverage"you said trying to sound cool
"It sounds good"Dean said and kissed you on the forehead and went back to the study

You could feel the sexual tension between you two you wanted more than just a little forehead kiss.

~Time Skip~
"It's done!"you yelled serving it on the table.

Dean took a bite and his emerald green eyes lit up with delight.

"Holy hell you can cook can you make pie too?!"he said excited
"Thank you and yes I can cowboy"you said as you opened up the beers.You and Dean finished dinner and went to the couch to watch Dr.Sexy.As you were watching it Dean did the old yawning and stretching out his arm around you trick.You didn't mind but you hungered more.You both looked at each other and your eyes met his.You both started to lean in and your lips crashed together with passion and hunger.He started to lay down on top of you his breathing getting hard and his kissing getting rough.As you both took a moment to breath you whispered

"Bedroom now"you ordered and he obeyed.

He picked you up bridle style while kissing you on the way.He kicked his door closed with his foot and started to undress as so did you.He stood there admiring your bare body.

"Y/N you are so god damn beautiful"he said and laid on top of you.

He teased your entrance with his dick.

"Damnit Dean will you just fuck me already"you said as he surprised you with a sudden rough thrust.He was rough but gentle his hips got a rhythm fast slow fast slow.It was filled with love and pleasure you started to let out small moans while gripping the bed sheets.You felt your climax coming close

"Hold on Y/N I'm almost there just a bit longer you can do it"Dean said in heavy breaths as he picked up the pace.

He went in deeper and faster by the second you couldn't hold it any longer.

"DEAN"you screamed in climax

Dean had exploded in climax and rolled over next to you breathing heavily along with you.

"That was probably the best sex I have ever had in my life"you said as you looked at the ceiling.
"That was amazing Cherry-Pie all that dirty taking can really get a man"Dean said as he looked over at you
"Good thing Sam wasn't here"you said with a small chuckle
"Yea I love you Y/N"Dean said looking deeply into your eyes
"I love you too Dean"you said and soon you both fell asleep in each others arms
So I suck ass at smut but I tried

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