Chapter2: Motel Mornings

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Youu woke up with a slight hangover so the usual vomiting and headache but nothing you couldn't handle.It was already about 7:30 and it was about time to start looking for a case after a quick shower.You showered and got dressed in your usual flannel,black ripped skinny  jeans,and black combat boots with your Y/H/L Y/H/C hair tied back in a pony tail.Scrolling threw many news articles you couldn't find a case.Then there was a knock at the door you looked the the small peep hole just in case and noticed it was Dean from last night.You opened the door with a welcoming smile and gestured for him to come in.

"Morning Mr.Winchester want some coffee?" you offered closing the door.
"Uh sure and I wanted to get to know you a bit better since last night I didn't really get to"Dean said scratching the back of his head nervously.
"Ask any question you like"you said coming with your guy's coffee and sitting at the small table.
"How long have you been hunting?"Dean questioned
"For most of my life most of my family were hunters and they wanted me to be protected so they taught me all and everything about the supernatural"you replied sipping your coffee.
"If you don't mind me asking do you have any family"Dean asked with a caring look as he drank his coffee.
"I had my mom,brother,and dad but they were all killed thanks to the hunting life"you replied thinking of the memories you had if your family.
"What happened?" Dean asked putting his hand on yours to comfort you.
"I wasn't home when it happened but I know what killed them,it looked like a werewolf attack like a pack of two to three.My mother and father were taken out first and then my brother Adam because when I got home Adam was still breathing and he tried to speak but died trying"you said starting to get choked up
"Hey it's ok come here"Dean said and hugged you tight.
"Thank you Dean I really needed that"you said wiping a stray tear from your cheek.
"Were you looking for a case if you needed one Sam found one and we could use some help"Dean offered looking at your laptop.
"Yeah I was and I would love to help you guys where is it and what are we hunting"you asked a little excited
"Sam said it was in Detroit and it looked like werewolves but he can tell us more on the way"Dean answered
"Woah wait I can't just leave Darling here she is my pride and joy"you said worried about your car that your dad gave you
"We have a bunker you can take it to after the hunt so just take her with you and we can drive there after"Dean reassured.
"Ok thanks for understanding"you thanked Dean.
"We have to start leaving soon Sammy hit in the shower like a half hours go so he is probably ready now so start getting ready and come down when you want to leave"Dean said and stood up
"Hold on cowboy I need to get to know you too"you said standing up as well

After another half hour you got to know Dean a little bit better and found out you had a lot of things in common.Like having the same taste in music and cars also liking pie over cake.

"I'm going to go make sure Sam is ready ok Y/N see you in a few minutes"Dean said and walked out the door

You had packed your duffle bag and loaded your .45 ACP pistol with silver bullets and tucked it into the back of your jeans.You walked out of the motel room and payed for your nights stay and returned the key at the office.You then walked down to room number 12 the Winchesters room and knocked.Sam opens the door with his duffle bag with Dean close behind.

"Hey Y/N are you ready to head out it will be about a five hour drive"Sam said.
"Ready as a hunter could be"you replied and started to walk to Darling as the boys went over to Baby

You threw your stuff in the trunk like the brothers did almost in sync.You hopped into the drivers seat and started her up and started to pull out and onto the road.Dean followed you onto the road and then your phone rang.

"Why are you calling me Dean your literally like right next to me"you asked as he just laughed
"First one to Detroit has to buy dinner plus two pies"Dean said in a sing song voice
"Oh your about to get your ass kicked asshat"you said and hung up

One thing that Dean didn't know is that your brother had taught you how to street race in the time being so Dean was in for it.You pulled up and around Dean you were both parallel to each other now.You both looked at each other and gave a smirk.He mouthed one...two...three. Giving him a quick wink you then sped off quickly leaving Dean in the dust.Looking in your rear view mirror you could see Dean jaw dropped and Sam laughing.This was going to be a long but fun drive.
Hello Mooses I literally wrote this at 2 o'clock in the fudging morning so if some parts suck opps sorry ladd but besides that until next time
Duces Mooses ✌️

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