Amie and the Army (Harry Potter fan-fic) Book 5

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A/N: This is the fifth book in a series, I advise you to read the first four before reading this :)



Amie Jones woke up early on the 20th of July. Her owl, Lucy, was tapping the window-sill with her beak.
"All right, Luce, I'm up, stop that noise," Amie groaned, sitting up and rubbing her eyes.
Lucy hooted and flew over, landing on the edge of the bed, holding out her leg for Amie. Tied there, were a couple of letters.
"Ah, you come bearing gifts," Amie said, instantly becoming happier. "Okay, I forgive you,"
"Amie! Are you awake?" Anne Jones voice called up the stairs.
"Yeah, mum!" Amie yelled.
"Well, come down quickly, we've got a letter!"
A letter? Amie frowned - since when did a letter to her mum have anything to do with her? Amie decided to take her own letters with her downstairs, and hear what the letter to Anne said.
"There you are," Anne Jones said, when Amie walked into the kitchen.
"I was curious," Amie shrugged with a smile. "Who's the letter from?"
"Mrs. Weasley, I think,"
Amie's face lite up with the brightest smile. If Mrs. Weasley wrote a letter to Amie's mother, surely that meant she wanted to ask if Amie could come and stay?
"Read it!" Amie ordered happily.
"Okay," Anne agreed, with an amused smile.
"Dear Mr. and Mrs. Jones,
I am writing to you to inquire on whether Amie is allowed
to come and stay with us for the remainder of the summer holidays. 
Her friend Hermione is already with us, and soon enough we
expect Harry to come as well. George will have sent a letter of his own,
so tell Amie to send her reply to him the normal way.
Hope that you are well,
Yours sincerely,
Molly Weasley."

It was silent for a few seconds as Amie waited for her mothers response.
"We've had you back for less than a month," Anne said sadly.
"I know mum, but please," Amie pleaded. "Ron and Hermione are there, and -"
"George?" Anne said, raising an eyebrow.
Amie blushed scarlet.
"A - and George, but - that has nothing to do with it, mum!" Amie said, embarassed.
"I'm sure it doesn't," Anne said knowingly. 
"So - can I go?" Amie asked hopefully.
"It's up to you, darling," Anne said. "We'll miss you very much, of course. And you'll have to come home for Christmas."
"Thanks, mum, you're the best!" Amie shrieked with joy, and, too excited to have any breakfast, she hastily kissed her mother's cheek and ran upstairs again to pack and send a letter to George. His letter was short and to the point.
I miss you. Do you want spend the rest of the holidays with us?
Hermione's already here. Mum's sent a letter with the Muggle post.
Hope you can come; if you can, send this back with a time dad can pick you up.

Amie sent a quick note back, saying that she could be picked up the same evening, and if that wasn't possible, the next day. Then she packed her suitcase and read her other letters which were from Harry, Hermione and Ron. Harry's sounded annoyed, he didn't like being with the Dursley's and he wanted to get out of there. Hermione's and Ron's were also about her coming to stay with them, and that they'd been cleaning for the last couple of days. Amie frowned - that sounded odd. She sent replies back to all three of them, with her parents owl, Chip, and then she went back downstairs to have breakfast.
"Finished your packing already?" Anne Jones asked, without looking up from the newspaper as Amie walked into the kitchen.
"Yeah," Amie said.
"So, when are they coming?" Anne asked.
"Dunno," Amie replied. "I said tonight or tomorrow morning,"


A couple of hours later Amie got a response from George, telling her Mr. Weasley would pick her up at seven o' clock. To spend time, she threw on her work-out clothes and went for a run. It was a clear and warm summer day, and there were a lot of people about. Amie ran to King's Cross, the train station where every year hundreds of Hogwarts students board the Hogwarts express. It was busy, as usual, and Amie wasn't expecting to see someone she knew - but she did.
"Seamus!" Amie called out to the sandy-haired boy who was in her year at Hogwarts. A fellow Gryffindor.
"Amie!" Seamus called back, looking surprised to see her. He was in the company of a man and a woman, the woman Amie recognized to be his mother, a witch she'd met at the Quidditch World Cup the previous year. Seamus and Amie met halfway and hugged.
"How are you? What are you doing here?" Amie asked.
"Me mum has a couple of relatives in London, so we're here to visit them," Seamus explained.
"But coming here by train? Is that normal for wizards?" Amie frowned. Seamus laughed.
"Me dad's a Muggle," he said. "Doesn't like Apparation or Portkeys very much,"  Amie laughed as well. "So what are you doing here?"
"I live here," Amie said. "Just a couple of streets away,"
"You do? Lucky, you're so close to King's Cross," Seamus said.
"I know," Amie nodded. "But third and last year I spent the last of my holidays with the Weasley's, so I went with them. And they're picking me up tonight, so it'll be the same this year,"
"They're picking you up tonight?" Seamus repeated. "It's more than a month left of the holidays! What does your parents say about that?"
"Well, I haven't told dad yet, but mum said it's up to me, so," Amie shrugged.
"Only you can get away with that, Amie," Seamus said, shaking his head.
"Had a good holiday so far, then?" Amie asked. Seamus smile fell.
"Honestly, Amie, it's been quite hard. Still is, as a matter of fact," he said.
"Why, what happened?" Amie said, worried for her friend.
"Me mum doesn't want me to come back to Hogwarts," Seamus admitted. Amie gaped.
"Why on earth not?" 
Seamus looked over to his parents who were waiting for him. Amie looked over as well, and saw a disapproving look on Seamus' mother's face.
"You wouldn't understand," he said, after a few seconds of silence. Amie frowned. "I have to go now," Seamus continued. "See you, Amie,"
"See you," Amie repeated, and she looked confusedly after him as he walked away with his parents. Odd.

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