Chapter 2: The Date

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I'm sorry I haven't updated this story in a very long time, I've been too busy with school and then I went on holiday. Hopefully if I have time I will try and upload every weekend. Again sorry
We walked out of my house still linking arms and we walked towards his motorcycle. I can't believe he still uses it.

V: Do we... have to? I asked him very nervously.
L: Well I don't own a car. Yet. And if you want to walk it will take us half an hour. So it's either this or we walk. Your choice
V: Fine, but please drive slow I don't want you to be caught for speeding and then you'll be sent to prison and then I'll have no one to look after me or we both get injured and sent to hospital and then... I was cut off by Leon.
L: That won't happen, trust me, I promise to drive slow and that's why I got two helmets for protection so neither of us will be hurt.

He gave me a helmet and I put it over my head, it was quite tight but I hope it doesn't ruin my hair which I spent 15 minutes doing. Leon sat in front of me and I sat behind I tightly wrapped my arms around his waist. He started the engine and we set off. He kept his promise, it wasn't too fast, it wasn't too slow it was just perfect. My hair was dancing in the wind. The smell of fresh air hit my face. I couldn't stop smiling. After 15 minutes we arrived at the restaurant. It was quite small but I bet it is beautiful when you walk inside. He parked his motorcycle opposite the restaurant and we walked in holding hands. I was right it was the most beautiful restaurant I've been to.

W: How can I help you two? He said with a huge smile on his face
L: I've booked a table for two under the name Vargas.
W: Let me see. Ah yes. Would you like to follow me Mr and Mrs Vargas.

Me and Leon looked at each other awkwardly, why would he believe that we are married, has he seen my finger there's nothing there. Although I hope Leon would propose to me one day. We walked to our table and Leon pulled my chair for me to sit down. Isn't he a gentleman? He sat down and the waitress came over to our table.

W: Can I get you to any drinks? The wine here is Devine you would love it.
L: I'm sorry but we don't drink, well just have water please.
W: Sure no problem sir. I'll came back with your food order in a minute.
V: Ok, thank you. Isn't this place so beautiful?
L: I don't think this place is beautiful.
V: Why do you say that? I said looking confused.
L: Because the only beautiful thing here is you. I was blushing, he likes to do that but I hope he didn't see. I heard him giggle. I love it when you blush like that. It's cute.
V: Now I feel embarrassed and FYI I am not a thing.
We both laughed,
L: So how was work today?
V: It was alright but very stressful. My boss came a spoke to me today and he said that there's a new artist coming in tomorrow, but I said to my boss if I know him and he answered "I don't know but he knows you."
L: So let me get this straight, the new artist know you but you're not sure if you know him.
V: Exactly, who do you thing it will be.
L: I don't know but it could be someone who was at one of our concert a few months ago.
V: Maybe you're right, I can't wait to see who it is. Maybe we'll become good friends.
L: Just be good friends nothing more than that.
V: Are you jealous?
L: Maybe I am, maybe I'm not, what is the new artist tried to steal you away, away from me.
V: Listen Leon, I love you and only you, that will never change and if the new artist tries then he will have to come to you cause you are so strong, you're brave and that is why I love you.
L: I'm not that strong, or brave, I'm so lucky I have you on my life.

They both lean it but was interrupted by the waitress

W: Are you ready to order?
L: Surprise us?
W: Ok sir I'll be back with your food. She walks off.
V: Why did you say that I probably wanted something else.
L: I wanted her to leave early as she ruined our moment.
V: Ok I'll let you get away with it this time, now where we're we.

They leaned in and was again interrupted but not by the waitress. By a phone call. It was Leon's phone.

Phone convocation
L: What is it Andres
A: I want to know if you're doing anything now cause I was thinking all of the guys want to hang out and play songs.
L: I can't right now Andre, I'm on a date, maybe next time.
A: Wait, a date, are you cheating on Violetta?
L: What? no. I'm on a date with her.
A: Oh, sorry I bet she heard that
L: she nodded. She did.
A: I'll leave you now, enjoy your date.
They both hang up.

L: Forget about Andre
V: I laughed. He hasn't changed.
L: Not even a bit. We both laughed.

The waitress came with our food. To be honest the food looked delicious and the presentation was just perfection. It was a breast of chicken with vegetables and on the side was a brown sauce which I thought it was BBQ at first but it had a sweet taste to it and it was amazing. We ate and talked and laughed. Tonight will be a night to remember. Leon paid the bill but I also wanted to pay but he wouldn't let me. We walked out of the restaurant and went on his motorcycle. I thought he was talking me home but he took me to a park. Our park.

L: Do you remember this place?
V: Why wouldn't I forget, this place brings back a lot of memories.

We sat down on our bench.

L: What about this bench that we're sitting on?
V: We had our first kiss here.
L: And what did I say?
V: Ok first stop asking me questions and lastly I know every word but I want you to say it.
L: Ok. I want you to close your eyes. I want you to think of the most beautiful and romantic place you can imagine. I want you to imagine this is the perfect place, I want you to imagine the perfect music. Well, there's only one thing left.

Leon leans in, I still have my eyes closed and I felt his soft, gentle lips press against mine and immediately I kissed back and it lasted for about 2 minutes. With no one interrupting us. We pulled back and we smiled at each other.

V: That was...
L: Magical, special
V:I agree.
L: We should probably head back, have to checked the time?
V: 10:45, we need to go I have to go to work in the morning and my dad is going to kill me. Let's go

We went back to Leon's motorcycle and he drove me back home.
V: Thank you for the best night tonight
L: it's my pleasure. I better get going, I love you.
V: I love you to. Leon kissed my cheek and left.

I walked inside the house, I was trying to be as quiet as a mouse and I went to my room and changed into my pjs and fell asleep. I will never forget tonight.

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