Chapter 10: I Can't Trust You

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Leon POV

I ran out of the Motor Cross and I got in the car and I drove to all the places where I thought she would be. First I checked our bench where we first kissed each other but it was empty. Then I thought she would run back home so I drove to her house and knocked on the door. I waited a while until someone opened the door.

??: Leon. What are you doing here?
L: Hi Mr Castillo...
G: Please, call me German?
L: Okay, German have you seen Violetta anywhere?
G: I thought she was with you at the Motor Cross track.
L: She was but she left and now no one knows where she is.
G: How could she run away like that. I'll try and call her. He dials Violetta's number but surprisingly she doesn't pick up. She won't answer her phone. Did you do something to make her like this?
L: It's just a misunderstanding.
G: What do you mean 'misunderstanding?'
L: Its nothing important?
G: Are you sure?
L: Yes I'm sure German, so do you know where she is?
G: I'm sorry but I don't know have you asked the girl... what's her name... the one with black straight hair.
L: You mean Francesca.
G: That's it, they're best friends right. I nod in response. Maybe she would know.
L: Thanks for all your help German. Bye
G: Bye

I leave Violetta's house and I drive around to all the places that she would be. I park the car and start walking around the streets and I ask people if they have seen her around.

L: Excuse me her, have you seen a girl with short hair with blonde highlights, she's wearing a white skirt and a white top with a red jacket.
Man: I'm sorry but I haven't seen her.
L: That's ok, thanks for your time.
Man: My pleasure, I hope you find her soon.
L: Thanks.

I ask everyone the same question but everyone's answer is the same and that answer is no. I'm starting to get even more worried. I'm panicking so much I accidentally bump into a few people.

L: I'm so sorry.
??: It's fine don't... OMG are you Leon from the studio?
L: Umm, yes.
??: You're more handsome then I expected.
L: I'm sorry but I'm in a hurry and I don't even know you.
??: How rude of me, my name is Maddie and I am your number one fan. I have your posters and pictures all over my...
L: I really don't have time for this sorry.
M: It was... nice... meeting you. She says as I quickly run away.

I walk past a cafe where I spot Diego and Francesca. Yes. I rush into the cafe and dodge the crowd if people lining up. I walk over to their table.

D: Leon, what a surprise, are you alright, it's looks like you've ran a marathon.
L: I'll probably win for running almost everywhere around Buenos Aires.
F: So you still haven't found her?
L: No, I went to Germans house he said he hasn't come back. I also asked everyone in the street but their answer was no. I even went to our bench but it was empty when I went there.
D: I'm sorry to hear, but if you're here to tell us where she is then we would also say we don't know.
L: Oh, sorry to bother you, I'll leave. As I was about to take my first step, I heard Frans voice.
F: I might be wrong about this but she told me some time ago that when she's upset or broken she would go to the place where her heart belongs.
L: I think I know what and where that place is.
D: How are you so sure?
L: I know Violetta.
F: Anyway, good luck.

I ran outside of the cafe and hurried to my car. I drove near the place where she would be. I stopped outside. This area brings back so many memories. That's right. Studio On Beat. I miss this place so much. I met everyone here especially my true love. I walk towards the double doors of the studio and I heard a piano play of a recognised tune and I knew it was her.

Why have anything if I can't have you
'Cause I can feel tornadoes when I look at you
You mean oh so much
Let the fairy tale start

Carry my heart
Take it wherever you are
Together we'll go so far
We're gonna last forever.

I'll carry your heart
So we are never apart
You are my angel, the one
So carry me to stars.

As I watch her through the door that is slightly open. The look in her eyes tells me that she is upset. Because of me. When the song finished I clapped my hands and she looked up at me and her smile faded. I feel so bad. It's all because of Lara.

L: I knew you would be here.
V: How did you know?
L: Fran said that you go to a place where your heart belongs to so I knew you love singing so I came here. I searched everywhere for you I even went to your house, everyone is so worried that you didn't answer any of our calls.
V: I think it's best if you leave, I need to be alone.
L: Can I at least explain everything...
V: There's nothing to explain so why don't you go back to Lara so you can start a happy family.
L: Listen...
V: No Leon...
L: Just let me explain for a minute.
V: Fine, I'm counting down.
L: Lara lied, she's not pregnant, we haven't even been together for 2 years so it's impossible for me to become the father...
V: 30 seconds left. Tick tock.
L: She just wanted to make you jealous, maybe she still has feelings for me like Tomas has for you.
V: This doesn't concern Tomas.
L: I know it doesn't but you have to believe me, what I'm saying is the truth. Please Vilu, I love you more than anything. We promised each other eternal love remember.
V: I wish I could believe you but right now I can't.
L: What are you saying.
V: I don't feel that I can trust you anymore. I think it's best is we stay away from each other so we can think this through.
L: Are you breaking up with me.
V: I'm sorry, we can still be friends.
L: Vilu please, I love you ok and nothing is going to change that.
V: Word can't change how I feel right now Leon. Can you please leave.
L: Ok.

I walked out of the studio. I feel so heart broken. She has to believe me. I will use all my strength to get her back. Because of Lara my life has just died. I can't stand this anymore. I shuffle to the car and drive home. I want her... no, I need her.

Vilu POV

I feel so hurt right now. How do I know if Leon is telling the truth or not? I can't trust him now, I need time to think about this situation. I gather up the music sheets and place them in my bag. I grab everything and head home. As I'm walking home I think about all he things that Leon and I have been through together, such as the hot air balloon ride, when we was in Madrid for You Mix and he helped my get over Diego after what he did. I arrive home; it was late so everyone was in bed, I tiptoe upstairs and try to be as quiet as a mouse and I go to my room and close the door. I sit on my bed and cry and cry and cry till I fall asleep. I can't forgive him? Yet.

I hated every second of writing this chapter. I'm sorry! But who knows what would happen next! Will Violetta forgive Leon?
Also I did promise I would upload more chapters over the Christmas Holidays since I finally finished my exams. I want to say thank you all for your kind comments it really makes me happy to know that you enjoy reading my book. ❤️

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