Chapter 1

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Natsu's POV

I woke up as the sun shone through my windows, it was winter so I estimated that it was half 10, time to go to Lucy's I thought as a blush became visible on the apples of my cheeks. I loved Luce, I just didn't know how to tell her yet...


Morning Luce wanna go on a job I said with my signature smirk as I clambered through the window.

"Natsu!", she screamed, "Lucy Kick.." was all I heard before I felt a pain run through my left shoulder, " Man Luce why did you do that?" I asked whilst rubbing my sore shoulder.

"Because you're intruding my personal space and why don't you just use a door like any normal person and learn how to knock next time" she exclaimed whilst lowering her voice I could sense her calming down thank god I breathed out thank you dragon senses and that's all I thought before it all went black and I could only feel pain.

Lucy's POV

"Natsu!", I screamed as he fell, "Natsu, Natsu, Natsu wake up" tears streamed down my face. I was lost I didn't know what to do so I just buried my face into his scarf. We stayed like that for hours until I finally got my senses back, I had to go to the Guild, to Fairy Tail my home they would help.

"Open Gate Of The Lion, Leo" I chanted and a magic circle appeared under me. "Leo help me, bring Natsu he's over there on the floor" "Yes Princess" he replied "Stop copping off Virgo!" I yelled.

Leo's POV

I was confused very confused why was Natsu on the floor unconscious but I didn't question Lucy just yet. I wonder if she knows what's coming up I only hope that she does, if not then I hope that she has got protection from the guild.

Random Person's POV


Lucy kicked the doors open her eyes are puffy she had been crying then we saw Leo holding a knocked out Natsu in his arms. We didn't question why we just rushed him to the infirmary where Laxus, Gajeel, Wendy and weirdly Grey lay, what had happened to Fairy Tails Dragon Slayers.


Gajeel's POV

I opened the doors to the guild it was still dark out but their sat Shrimp reading with her Wing Glasses, I felt funny my stomach hurt in cramping pains but I wanted to be with Shrimp and Shrimp only nobody else could be near her only me just me. I snarled and then a searing pain ran through my spine, I cried out then all went black.

Levys POV

I was speed reading a new book but I was also watching Gajeel out of the corner of my eye . He was acting strange today that's when he cried out in pain and blacked out. I ran to his side tears were brimming in my eyes. "Mira!" I yelled, she came sprinting out of the basement chambers, she was preparing it for something I didn't know what though and that annoyed me so much I hated not knowing things. I pushed this to the side of my mind as we attended to Gajeel.

(And he was the first of the 5 in the infirmary.)

Carla's POV

I woke up, it was early morning and Wendy was carrying me in the basket to the guild. I hopped out and started walking. "Good Morning Carla" Wendy spoke her breath appeared white in the morning air, " Good Morning" I replied "Carla I don't feel well, my stomach hurts and for some reason I just want to be with Romeo and Romeo only, I want to defend him and nobody else can touch him he's my Romeo"She said her eyes turning black as she spoke then she shook her head "sorry I don't know what came over me" she exclaimed her brown eyes looking troubled. "Don't worry child you'll be fine we'll ask Porlyusica, she's coming to see if masters been taking his medication"I replied trying to sound calm but deep inside I was worried.

Suddenly she fell her eyelids closed she had fainted, I gasped but turned on aera. Flying her to the guild and straight to the infirmary (were Gajeel lay). "Porlyusica", I gasped, "" was all I could manage I was sweating my magic power was low but I put her on a bed and Porlyusica ran over and told me to get out.

Grey POV

I walked out of my flat to see Juvia waiting for me "Grey-Sama" she squealed I sighed she walked up to me and grabbed my arm. We walked to the guild all you could hear was her heels on the pavement. Then, I got a searing pain through my forehead, I winced "Grey-Sama is everything okay"Juvia spoke her words breaking the silence "Yea..." My vision went black all I felt was sudden pain and the cold cobbled street.

Juvia's POV

"GREY-SAMA" I screamed running to his side. I crouched down he was on the floor. Water stretcher I shouted. Gently using my abilities I put him on the stretcher and rushed him to the guild.

When I arrived Porlyusica rushed him into the infirmary and I sat with Carla and Levy, we all looked lost.

Laxus's POV

Weird things were happening in the guild today most people were in tears, at first I thought that it was just dragon slayers but then Grey came in being carried by Juvia on some water stretcher, I remembered that the old man had told me that Grey was an Ice dragon slayer then things clicked, my stomach turned and I resisted the urge to scream as I ran into the infirmary and collapsed onto the bed.

Author's Note

Thank you for reading this is the first chapter that I have ever written in a book I hope you enjoyed it.

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