Chapter 5

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Gajeel's POV

The air was cool around my face as I woke up from my sleep, I needed to be warm and I needed to be with Shrimp. "Gajeel you're awake" a familiar voice, Shrimp my mind clicked it was dragon mating season and I had to get away and make sure that shrimp was safe away from my harm... Just thinking about her made my heart skips a beat and I blushed bright red, my eyes felt wired than my gums were sore, I had started to change I darted out of bed into the hall and then I shouted "Get me out of here, get Shrimp out of here, quickly, hurry up I'm changing now, hurry whilst I'm in control"

"Gajeel..." was the last thing that I heard before I fell into the darkness and peacefulness that only came when a sleeping spell is used on someone, I smiled shrimp was safe but that might not be for long...

As I awoke my head throbbed, I went to rub it but my hands were stuck on the wall, chained with magic draining chains that were made out of obsidian so if I even tried to eat them then I would be going through excruciating pain and my mouth would bleed a lot which is never good. Then I noticed the barrier the magical glass, non-magic barrier, basically it meant that I wouldn't be able to use any spells even if I did break free of these chains, then I heard snoring and the pink-headed pyro was asleep in the cell next to me and there was 2 opposite us and one next to me, that meant that there were 5 dragon slayers, not 4 like I thought, then who was the 5th. Hmmmmmmmmmm well, there's Natsu, Laxus, me, Wendy annnndddddd ermmmmmm, I really don't know, as I sighed the barrier became white it was strengthening on my depleting magical power. I decided to just go to sleep.

Levys POV

As I watched Gajeel get dragged down the stairs unconscious a tear escaped the corner of my eye. 

"Come on, let's go, need to get to the safe zone," said Cana, making me jump

"okay" I replied wiping my eyes before anybody saw

time skip arrival

Well here I am, 50 miles away from Gajeel, finally near Lou again. The gravel path crunched as I walked down the drive and Cana had already gone inside, the house was amazing so light and spacious and for some reason, mine had a library that I could see through one of the second-floor windows like they knew that I would be staying in this residence. 

Wait, something then clicked how did they know and get the basement ready and how did they know that it was us that would be here and put in the rooms that we would like the most?

"Levy, hurry up get inside this place is decked out, stop staring through the window at the library, Erza and Lucy are coming in an hour get ready, we're having dinner" Cana shouted already inside leaving the door ajar for me.

I sighed and walked forwards opening the door I let out a gasp... 

The house was so beautiful on the inside so modern but yet it looked historical, as we explored the moe my mouth hurt from being speechless and my expression continuously being just my mouth open in shock. Then after about an hour we moved upstairs, which to my surprise, only had three rooms. Then I walked into the library and fainted. There were so many books it covered half of the floor, my fingers twitched but before I could start reading Cana dragged me to see the rest of the mansion. 

At last, we got to my room at the top of the house, Cana had left me to sleep in her bar themed room, she cried with happiness when she saw all of the alcohol contents. My room had a staircase going down which to my happiness I found led to the library. As I sank down on my blue deluxe king-sized bed my thoughts trailed again back to Gajeel...  

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