Chapter 12

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Natsu's POV
"Yass" I shouted as I finished mine and Luce's cabin. The sun was setting so I set out through the forest towards Lucy's house that she shared with Erza.
Tonight I was ready to take her away from here so we could just be together. Like we were supposed to be. As I looked through her window she looked out towards the moon and saw me. Her face lit up and she ran toward stage window throwing it open.
"Natsu, please can we go. I heard Romeo and Juvia have gone with Grey and Wendy. Can you take me"
"Of course Luce anything for you," I said with my signature smirk
She jumped into my arms and wrapped her arms around my neck so I was giving her a piggyback. After I checked she was secure I jumped off of the window frame and ran into the forest. I didn't stop running until we were far out of sight.
The trees made a shadow around us but I could still see Luce's beautiful face in the gloom that surrounded us. I hugged her, her flesh was cool to my skin. She shivered. It was quite a cool summer's night and she came out in a tank top and shorts. I felt a pang of guilt in the fact that I should have stopped her and waited for her to change into something more suitable. I grabbed the leaves from the trees surrounding us and wove them all together making a cloke. I wrapped it around Lucy's shoulders and put my arm around her neck and we walked into the shadows. "Luce I have something I need to show you"
"What is it Natsu?" she replied in her honey-toned voice
"I made a cabin for us to live in, it was Wendy's idea that we all made our own little cabins but still I made it all by myself," I said, sounding proud and I suppose it may have seemed like I was bragging a little bit
"Wow Natsu can you take me there, I need some sleep and some warmth"
"Sure, let's go"
And then we began the journey through the forest until we reached a clearing. I covered Lucy's eyes and walked her forward. We walked around a little bit and then went to the other side of the clearing. I uncovered her eyes,
"Wow Natsu this is amazing, but how are you going to hide it?"
"I already did" She walked round to the back of our new home and let out a gas
"Natsu, I never thought that you were a painter" She stood and marvelled my work whilst I chuckled and walked inside.

I was lighting the fire when my ears picked up the call,

I ran outside but stopped at the edge of the cabin, Erza was in the clearing with Gildarts and Mira. I raised my hackles and snared my new fangs glinting in the moonlight.
"Lucy! What happened to you?"
"Well I was looking *sniff* out of the window *sniff* when Natsu showed up and pulled me out of the window *sniff*"
She broke down into tears right in front of my eyes but I knew that I couldn't do anything. It would ruin her acting.
" It's fine Lucy you're safe now" Erza spoke in a soft voice making sure that she is reassuring, "Do you know which way he went"
"When he heard you shouting he ran off in that direction" She pointed at the opposite side of the clearing that I was on.
"Let's just get you to safety"

My true love, my soulmate was being dragged right off in front of me after I have just got her back. She didn't want me she didn't need me. She would rather go with Erza than be with me...
I broke down tears streaming down my face, why? why not me? why go with Erza?
I was inferior, I wasn't important she didn't need me.

I don't know how long I lay on the ground crying that sorrowful night as I tried to forget the pain that eventually numbed me. But as I got up the sun was rising and that's when it took over.

The darkness and depression that has stolen my night and broke my heart took over and I was trapped. I tried to fight it but nothing would work. Eventually, I just let it win and sunk down deep inside myself not knowing what was going on it the world around me. 

(3rd Person POV)

Natsu was writhing around in the grass for what seemed like hours. Eventually, he stopped but when he got up his normal onyx eyes weren't their friendly onyx colour. They were blood red and he looked like he had the intent to kill...


Sorry, I haven't updated in awhile gang but I tried many different versions of this chapter but none of them seemed right. I knew that Natsu was going to become mad after Lucy got taken away from him after he had just gotten her back but I didn't know how to get there with the story. So this was the 15th version that I wrote and it is the one that I believe is right for the story and how I want it to continue.

Again I'm sorry for not updating for a while but now you know why I hope that you can forgive me


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