Chapter 13

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As the night drew on over the forest. The shadows stirred, deep among the darkness moved a creature of horrors. It was no creature by any means but a savage beast.

The beast mover growling one word under its breath as it lurked pacing.

"Luce, Luce, Luce, Luce, Luce" it repeated until the muttering became a cry of anger echoing throughout the forest...


Erza's POV

As we moved through the darkness to reach the safe houses, that were, well .... not very safe after all. The crows flew overhead squawking as they went bringing a manic cry with it...


Erza shuddered, Natsu was mad and she knew it.  But never give in to a rampaging dragon.... right.

Laxus' POV

Erza passed by me in the trees, she shuddered as that manic cry defend me. I could tell that Natsu had gone as we call it 'savage' and not to go near him. Me and my...  precious..... Mira would have to stay far far far away. As far away as we could possibly get. 

I had to see her beautiful smile again. I would give anything to be with her right now. Anything in the world. Even my freedom. I had to see her; it had to be tonight. 

As I ran through the forest towards the lights that were like the sun compared to the darkness of the forest that I was so used to right now. I was blinded. Mira shouted down to me...

"Laxus, oh you came if I jump will you catch me??"

"Of course my dearest. I would never let you get harmed"

"Okay here I come"

Then she jumped from the window into my open arms. As we ran into the shadows of the forest Erza got back to the safe houses. We stopped in fright and hid. We were so close that I could feel her hot breath on my cheeks and her shivering in fear on my arms. The moment was so perfect that I couldn't help but lean in to kiss those perfect red lips that I had wanted to kiss for so long but never dared to...

Mira looked at me and smiled. Her lovely smile it was getting harder to resist every second the urge to claim her as my own was the only thing that I wanted to do. I leant in placing my hand on her chin. I kissed her on the lips. She froze in shock but the kissed back. My tongue pressed against her lips asking for entrance and she opened her mouth. My tongue explored her mouth until we finally broke apart for breath. The as soon as we looked into each other's eyes we started kissing again. Each one becoming more passionate and intimate than the last. We broke apart and plunged deep into conversation. Until we had both tired ourselves out.

As the light shone down through the bushes Mira woke me up...

"Come on lazy we better get moving. Don't want to be caught out here like this. Do we now??"

We got dressed and hand in hand we ran through the forest. Until we reached the little treehouse that I had made us. 

She jumped in shock as I turned her world into darkness with my hands.

As I slowly turned around I took my hands off of her eyes and she gasped. 

"Like it??" I said chewing the inside of my gums, an old habit that had returned in these past few days. 

"No, I don't like it" She turned around with a whip of her hair she grinned "I love it"

My heart that had sank soared up and I flushed in pleasure from this praise of my darling.

"Laxus, don't you need to mark me or something, that's what Erza said. To neutralise you and make sure you don't harm anyone or yourself." The sweet nature of her face turned sour and there was a brief moment of uncomfortable silence before I replied, 

"Yes, I do" 

I didn't really want to ask her if she wanted me to do it but deep down the desire to mark her as my own became stronger and harder to resist with each passing minute. I knew that I couldn't give in to the temptation but it was hard, even for me, to not let the cracks show. 

As the night drew closer and the wolves began to howl we moved on inside. I started a fire in the fireplace and we sat on the floor warming our bones. Mira got up and walked into the kitchen to collect our dinner, we had been out collecting berries, fruit and meat all day.  She walked in and we sat in an uncomfortable silence the same question was on both of our minds. 

The moon came out from behind the clouds and shone on Mira's face illuminating her angelic features. 

"You look really pretty you know" 



As we both turned back to the moon I  knew it was the time to ask her the question...

"Mira, will you be my girlfriend...??"

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