Chapter 10

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Romeos POV
I walked through the forest up to the mountain, Wendy a few paces ahead. She turned to look at me, her eyes had changed colour to a beautiful stormy grey, I loved them. Ezra told me and the others about this yesterday when I arrived, she said something like,
"Right so now you're all here I can discuss a few things with you. You know your dragon mates, well dragon mating season unleashes a spirit in all of them called The Other, you can tell if they have been taken over. Remember these signs red eyes, personality changes, acting more evil, wearing all black and most importantly roughness, they will become extremely rough. Now the mates will also have some changes in their normal state, these can be permanent depending on the slayers. The changes can be growing fangs or horns, lumps on the shoulder blades as wings, eye colour change, they will all get stronger, quicker and their sense will improve by 10 times and most importantly they will be really clingy. That's all I have to say, remember this well. Dismissed."

Then I was back in the forest, everything seemed wrong I was staring at the canopy of leaves instead of ahead of me. Then I looked down, I walked off a cliff. My life flashed before my eyes I saw my farther and Wendy, then the whole guild. Then as I was going to slam into the earth Wendy caught me. I was left staring into her eyes. Then she kissed me, at first I froze with shock but then I kissed her back. Wendy was the one who was surprised, then we both ended up in the ground.

"I think we should build our home here Wendy, on the cliff"

"That's a perfect idea Romeo, and we can see the dormant volcano perfectly"

"Let's get building!"

After a lot of hard work and construction we looked at our masterpiece, it looked perfect

After a lot of hard work and construction we looked at our masterpiece, it looked perfect

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We walked inside,

"Romeo, I need to tell you something"


"Did anyone mention the dragon slayer evil twin things"

"Yeah Erza did"

"Well we can keep them contained but we have to do what they say in the time limit that they set, and well ... if we don't then they take over and do it"


"Well got visited by mine today, I have 8 days to mark you and you know well do it with you"

"Okay.... then"

"I have 7 days left and all I can say is wont make you do anything you don't want to but please do it before she hast too otherwise it'll be worse for both of us"

"Okay, Wendy this is a very special day. We built a house, we had our first kiss. I want to ask you something and if you agree then I will let you mark me. But I chose where the mark goes. Okay?"

"Yeah, that sounds perfect, ask me the question then"

"Wendy... Wil...... Will yo.... Will you be my girlfriend?"

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