Chapter 4

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Natsu's POV

I awoke my head throbbing the pain was too much I cried out in pain, then I remembered what was going on and I knew I must only have 5 or 4 days left with Luce before the season fully started.

"Flame Brain, your awake" murmured Grey, who was sitting in the corner alone.

"What do you want, Ice Princess"I asked putting a hint of sarcasim in my voice as I sat up wincing

"Do you know what I truley am?" he asked his navey hair covered his hair but I could tell by his voice that he was upset

"Yeah, an idiot" that's what you are" I replied smirking, making sure that I was ready to fight with him I got my fists ready under the crisp white sheets

"Well stop now flame for brains, this is important and lifechanging," He said sighing, "I am the ice dragon slayer and we are going through dragon mating season, together"

"Y---ooooo--u what Grey, "I was shocked but then I was sympathetic getting up I said "Gery, man you need to pull yourself together okay, man you're a dragon slayer, come on be happy you can create and try out new moves and you are much stronger know. And I know that it is dragon mating season but who cares we'll just have to cope with it, together"

Grey left and I was alone

"tsh, no reply he really is dumb"

I got up and walked over to the door ready to go out I knew that I had to tell Luce and that I had to spend every moment that I could with her because it would make dragon mating season a lot easier for us both.

As I opened the door the whole guild fell silent

"Don't worry guys the season hasn't started yet" I shouted with my signature smirk.

as I looked around I could smell Lucy's sweet vanilla scent but couldn't see her anywhere, but then she walked down the stairs looking shocked and deep in thought.

"Luce!" I shouted and ran over to her,

"Natsu," she said flinching when I touched her, "You idiot why did you faint on the floor in my house why not your own home?" she shouted

"But Luccceeeeeee" I sounded like Happy, speaking of Happy where was he.

"Natsu my boy, the exeeds have gone away as it will make dragon mating season easier, they are on a luxury vacation" Master boomed, standing on the balcony (AN: Like he did when he told Fairy Tail off in the first or second episode before doing the weird Fairy Tail hand thingy)

"Okay then"

Well I was confused, I needed Lucy and only Lucy. When I saw her I smiled and my eyes, my eyes I could feel them changing and so was my body and then somebody shouted

"Hurry Natsus changing, get Lucy out of here and get him into the basement and chain him up to the walls!"

"Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, give me my Luce" I shouted/screamed as I saw her leaving through the guild doors being escorted by somebody. And then it all went black, I knew that my guildmates had used a sleeping spell on me and I was glad, Luce was safe from my harm for now.

When I awoke I was sitting in a dark cool room with my hands and legs chained up with fireproof, magic energy-draining chains. I sighed then I noticed the unbreakable glass around me making a cell that was very much like the ones in the prisons in the magic council building. Then I decided to fall asleep, as there was nothing else to do.

Lucy's POV

I watched as thee guild put Natsu to sleep and dragged him down to the basement. As he was dragged down the stairs I cried, "Lucy stop that please," said a strong cool voice," It's time for you to go to your safehouse with me."

I turned around and saw Ersa 'Okay, let's go."

Time Skip On The Way Their

When I was finally packed, with the help of my celestial spirits, I and Erza jumped on the train out to the countryside where there was a lakeside cabin that I would be staying at with Erza to try to keep me safe from Natsu whilst he was in dragon mating season.

Time Skip Arrival

Me and Erza finally arrived at the cabin, I looked at the outside and it was beautiful. It was a large wooden bungalo cabin with an attic rooom overlooking the nature reserve. It was so big, the reserve stretched over to the mountins which were covered in fur trees and from this distance away it looked like a sea of green, the driveway was gravel and I loved the crunching sound that it made under my feet as I walked up to the front door. The inside looked very modern, it was open spaced and bright. As I walked up to my room I looked out of the window ans saw the veiw overlooking the lake, the sun shone on the water and the slight breeze made it ripple. I finally reached my room (because I was stopping to look at everything) and it was beautiful. It was gold and white with stars painted on the walls, it was exactly what I would ever want a room to be. I checked it out and the ensuite was massive with a steam room, hot tub, electronic shower, sauna and an electronic massaging machine that I could program to do whatever I wanted. The journey here tired me so I decided to have a nap.

Whilst I was asleep I dreampt that I was a mothwer to two, Nashi a girl and Igneel a boy, I had a fire embelem on my right ear which was just big enough to look like an earing but it was perminant and I knew that. I awoke sweating andshaking what was that dream as I got up I felt a searinf pain in my right ear where my fire embelem had been inmy dream and somehow I knew that dragon mating season had fully started for me and Natsu.

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