Chapter 8

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Wendys POV

I woke up the beds next to me were stripped down, there were 4 of them, I got up the wired feeling was still here I had to find Romeo before they put me in the basement... Wait how did I know that, and why did I sense that I had to run and then come back for my love before it was too late?

Little did I know that if I ran I would put him in danger but if I gave myself up I would put all 5 of them in danger but I gave myself in. 

I walked out and down into the basement where I was about to chain myself up but then some unknown force took over my senses and I broke out, freeing all of the others who instantly awoke (they were all asleep) and we fled so that we were free.

 Then Natsu having an amazing sense of smell picked up Lucy's sent and ran so we all followed him, I shouldn't have but I knew that they were taking him where the others were. 

Romeo's POV

As Wendy walked down the steps to the basement dad came up to me, 

"Romeo, come on we need to go to get a head start, we are flying there, to save time to get you to safety as quickly as possible. 

As we left I swear I saw Wendy running with all the other dragon slayers in the direction that we were heading. 

As we arrived I looked into the forest and saw what I thought to be 'Wendy but I just shook it off thinking that my mind was just playing tricks on me.

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