Chapter 3

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Hey Guys just a little note next chapter there will be less POV's and more detail but there's not much that I can write about when all of the dragon slayers are knocked out enjoy

Masters POV

I sat waiting for the 5 girls to come up to my office, then there came a knock at the door.

"Master, what is this about and can you tell me why I've been getting the cellar ready," asked Mira with a hint of panic in her voice

"Don't worry my children it's just that dragon mating season has come round again"

"You what, why are you telling us that, master what does this mean"questioned, Lucy

"Let me explain"

"Go on then," they all said eagerly waiting for the news

"Well, dragon mating season is where a dragon finds their mate and marks them if the mate refuses they die. There are 5 stages each more deadly than the last, the dragon slayers have been through it once before but they were all too little to experience the pain apart from Laxus, that's why he disappeared for a week, we managed to keep him under control but it was extremely hard. We think that your their mates and yes before you ask grey is the ice dragon slayer. Is that clear"

"Yes but what do we do now then"

"I don't know"

Greys POV

I woke up, my head was throbbing but all I saw was a sad version of Juvia sitting in front of me looking lost. "Juvia" I murmured "Grey my love, don't sit up you are still not ready, you have been knocked out for 2 days now, I've sat with you every day though not leaving your side" Juvia chirped her face lit up when she heard my voice again.

Time Skip 10 minutes

I walked out of the infirmary door everyone was silent, "grey, how are you", "you're finally up", comments came from all around the room and I lost track of who was saying what. "Grey", gramps voice boomed above them all, "can you come to my office alone I need to tell you something. "sure old man be right up"I replied, I was curious maybe gramps would give me some answers to all of the questions floating around in my head.

Time skip in masters office

"Grey you are not an Ice-Make mage," He said being very upfront

"yo---u what" I stuttered clearly taken aback by this,

"You are the Ice Dragon Slayer," He said

"Okay, why was I not informed of this earlier"

"Because Uhr wanted you to be safe from Deliora, he wants to kill the ice dragon and ice dragon slayer, she was just protecting your life" He answered looking very serious.

"Okay Gramps, can you tell me why I fainted then"

"Yes I Can",he started,"Well every 10 years a Dragonslayer has a mating season and it just happens to be now you have 5 days before the 5 phases begin, when they do you will have to be locked in the basement as you get extremely strong, strong enough to beat Erza or me, any way you get the extra power because in the olden days the dragons had to fight for a mate."

"Wow" was all that I could manage before I blacked out.

The other dragon slayers POV

Still knocked out in pain, in darkness. It' an endless spiral of pain.

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