Chapter 19-Girl's Day

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A/N Hey guys! I know I put one of these at the beginning of the last chapter aswell but I am sorry I haven't updated in like 3 week. I've been busy, I worked in a haunted house for like a week straight for halloween, it was also my birthday(Please don't say happy birthday I'm tired of saying thank you) I am still watching the walking dead and I am so sad about 7X01 since we lost two important characters and I can't wait to see what happens the rest of the season. I am sorry this little A/N is kinda long but I just wanted you guys to know that I do still want to update I'm just busy.  This update won't have the episode because i don't really know aha.

Season 2

"Lori and the rest of the women are cooking up a dinner for Hershel and everyone." Glenn says as we cuddle in our tent with Razor at our feet.

"That sounds like it can either be real fun or real awkward." I laugh.

"Yea but we can make it fun after." He whispers into my ear and grabs my waist, kissing my neck then starts to tickles my sides. I flip over to push him off but e pulls me closer and holds me tighter and starts tickling me more a huge smile on his face. I start trying to tickle him back but he grabs my hands and pin them down with one of his, still tickling me. Razor doesn't budge. Normally he would attack Glenn but he's smart enough to know when I'm laughing and when I need help. 

"Glenn....I-I-I can't b-b-breathe." I choke out, tears come to my eyes from laughing so much. Glenn keeps tickling his face getting closer to mine. "S-s-stop, G-g-glenn." I say laughing more.

"Why would I do that, you're cute when you laugh." He whispers putting his forehead on mine. He stops and kisses me. As it starts to get heated Dean comes by and knocks on the tent.

"Hey, Lovebugs c'mon out." He says.

"Hey Dickhead--" I start.

"Nobody wants to hear you two start moaning." He laughs cutting me off. "Plus you don't wanna scare Razor like that." He adds. Me and Glenn start laughing and getting up. I kiss him one more time after putting on my boots. "I wouldn't have interrupted you if the circumstances were different." Dean says laughing and I punch him in his chest. I go into the house saying hi to Beth and Patricia who are eating breakfast. 

"Is Maggie upstairs?" I ask.

"Yea I think so." Patricia answers.

"I'd knock before entering." Beth adds giggling. I laugh and run up the stairs bumping into Hershel. 

"Hey." I say with a small smile.

"Hello Kloey." He smiles back.

"Uhh, what room is Maggie's? I just want to ask her if I can borrow some clothes I've been wearing these ones pretty much since I first reconnected with my brothers." I laugh. He chuckles a bit before answering.

"Second last door on the right."

"Thanks Hershel." I smile and pat his shoulder walking to the dark wooden door near the end of the hall. I knock lightly hearing Maggie giggle.

"Just a second." She yells, giggling, then quietly says. "Sam. c'mon, we gotta get dressed." She giggles. 

"Sam let Maggie get dressed. I can understand that she's a hot person but if I'm not aloud to get laid, neither are you." I laugh banging the door again. It opens revealing my twin shirtless. "Damn Sammy ya gotta start working out again, you're getting a little chubby." I laugh. "Now move slightly to the right and get a shirt on, please." Both him and Maggie laugh and he moves to grab a shirt. 

"How can I help you Kloey?" Maggie asks, a smile on her face and her southern accent showing through.

"I was wondering if you had any clothes that I could borrow/take. I didn't pack very well when I left my camp to help save Rick's ass from that tank." I laugh.

"Oh yea sure." Maggie says smiling. Then looks at Sammy. 

"Yea. I'll go find Dean." He says a little awkwardly.

"Can you feed Razor to?" I ask he nods and walks out. Maggie and I walk over to her dresser. and she pulls out a bunch of different outfits. I grab a red tank top, black jeans and a leather jacket and move to the corner to change my clothes. 

"You look cute girl." She smiles and I strike a model pose and we both start laughing. We sit on her bed and start talking. Basically starting to do what girls did before the dead started munching down on the living.


We talked for awhile and then the topic of boys came up. 

"I had this boyfriend once, and my dad despised him, Not because he was a douche or anything. but because he was smart, and cute, and had a future that my dad wanted for me but couldn't see me, or my brothers having. Plus I introduced Bobby as my dad in front of  him." I explain.

"Oh wow what happened?" She interrogates.

"My dad threatened him with a shotgun and that boy never talked to me again. Two days later my dad packed up my brothers and their things and disappeared for another couple months."

"Oh sweetie that sucks."

"Eh, I got used to it." I say looking down. (Can you tell I'm Canadian?😂)  

"That's not something you should've gotten used to." She says authoritatively.

"It's fine though, I have Glenn now." I say and smile. "And you....Have my brother." I add and wiggle my eyebrows at her. She smiles widely and looks down.

"He's real sweet and nice." She says quietly.

"Yea, plus there's other things that I wish I didn't know 'bout my twin, but sadly, I do."

"What kind of things?" She questions.

"Things you can find out on your own, 'cause I ain't saying them." I laugh and stand up.

"Makes sense." She says standing up with me and leading me downstairs so we can help with dinner.

A/N Hey people! I know this chapter is short, and believe it or not it's taken me all day to write, Mainly cause I keep getting distracted, but hey I updated finally 😂. Anyways hope you guys enjoyed this short little chapter with lots of cutesy bits. Next chapter I think will have more action, but maybe not, but there will be more Glenn because we all need more of him in our lives.

Like I said at the beginning of this chapter I'm sorry I haven't updated I awhile I've been busy, but hopefully I can ge back into the groove of  writing on at least a weekly basis, because not only do you guys like reading this(hopefully) I like writing it and writing helps take stress off

Anyhoo, I'll try to update soon, I know barely anybody reads these authors notes so I'm kinda just writing to make myself feel better but I will try to update regularly.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Until next time. Toodaloo :).  

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