Chapter 14-Sophia Now Knows

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Season 2 Episode 1

The sun shines through the branches of the tree into my eyes effectively waking me up. I hear leaves rustling and snap my head to the right, I look down and see three walkers underneath our tree. Must've heard us making noise during the night and came to see what it was.

"Sophia." I whisper into her ear. "Sophie." I shake her shoulders a bit. Her head snaps upright from the lulled position it was in before and she screams. "Shh shh shh it's ok sweetie, you are safe." I coo gently into her ear again. "Just be quiet." She nods her head and looks down.

"Oh my god." she whispers.

"It's fine just scoot forward so I can stand." She obeys and I stand up. "Follow." I mouth and start climbing around the tree. She copies me exactly we get to the other side of the tree and I crouch down on a sturdy branch and move to the end of it. "Stay there. I'll tell you when to come over." I whisper behind me.

"OK." She says quietly. I continue scooting down the branch the moss rubbing off on my hands and most likely the bottom of my pants. I reach the end of the branch which has thinned out quite a bit. The branch that is closest to this one is a lot smaller and probably a lot less sturdy. I grab it and shake it up and down really hard just to see if it'll break. It's safe thank god. The one under it looks sturdier though.

"Alright Sophia I want you to watch me and copy me exactly." I direct it a hushed tone. She nods. I grab the top branch with both of my hands and slowly swing my body down, I put my feet on the branch under it, Walking along it and keeping hold above me I move to the base of the tree. "Come on." I whisper/yell. She scoots down the branch I just left grabbing the top one with both hands. She swings her feet down but is to short to reach the bottom branch. She whimpers knowing if she makes any noise louder the walkers below the first tree will hear and we won't be in a good place.

"I can't hold on, it's to mossy." She whimpers again quietly. I swiftly walk back up the branch holding on to the one above me.

"Shh shh shh. It's alright." I coo, and put my right arm around her waist."I got you, you can let go." I whisper softly. She releases the branch and I hold all of her weight. I take two steps to my left and then put her on the branch. "Sit down and scoot across." I tell her, she obeys.

"Thank you." She whispers.

"'Course sweetheart." I smile and continue to the base of the tree. When we both are stable I repeat what I did with the first tree, Sophia still copying me exactly. After about three more trees I start climbing down. "Alright sweetie, We are far enough away to get down and get away but we still need to be quiet. We aren't out of danger yet." I say and she nods quickly. I climb down silently Sophia following, She plants her feet on the ground after me. "Go to the next tree and hide behind it."

"OK, what are you going to do?" She questions.

"The group is going to be looking for us, I'm leaving a trail." I state and push her towards the next tree. I take out a bolt and carve into the ground. 'Glenn this way' I draw an arrow pointing to the direction I shooed Sophia in, I take three steps forward, digging my feet into the ground for darker tracks. I run over to the small girl. "C'mon" I say and we start running quietly to what I believe is the end of the forest. 


"Do you have any water?" Sophia questions between breaths after about fifteen minutes.

"Sorry sweetie no." I pant and slow down. "But I'm hoping that, that's a town right there that we can raid." I point ahead to a building that's visible through the trees. "Here, hop on." I say anding her my crossbow and bending down.

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