Chapter 9-Decisions

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Everybody is sad, it's like there is a giant storm cloud over us, everything is just gross and upsetting today, I hate it. Andrea is still next to Amy's dead body and nobody is daring to go and talk to her. I walk back into the Glenn's tent and grab my crossbow, I know I should start helping move bodies and stuff but I really feel like hunting at the moment. 

"Kloey." A deep voice says from behind me.

"What now Castiel" I ask rolling my eyes and turning around.

"I see you found th group." He states. "And more."

"Yea I did, and I found my brothers."

"That must have been nice for you." He smiles.

"You knew they were here. Didn't you?" I question.

"Yes." He answers.

"And you didn't tell me why?"

"Because I was commanded to not tell you."

"Alright fine, Anything else I ought to know?"

"Just that you are fulfilling god's work and the angels are very happy with you." 

"Alright, are we gonna have more conversations like this?"

"I will only appear when I am commanded to, or when you pray to me."

"Ok... Umm Castiel?"

"Yes Kloey?"

"If anything happens to Razor would will you be able to save him?" I ask hopeful.

"If you really prayed and I could tell it was urgent than maybe. I do equip the powers to heal him, but it is something that is frowned upon because in the eyes of some angels dogs are lesser than humans." 

"Ok. Bye Castiel."

"Help your group instead of going hunting." He says then disappears the sound of his wings flapping slowly fade out. I get out of the tent and get a few mornings from some people. I see Lori talking to Andrea but not getting a response. Daryl is using a pickaxe and stabbing dead ones in the brain, T and Glenn are burning the walker bodies.Rick walks over to to Andrea to try and get Amy's body but immediately she pulls her gun and aims it at his head.

"I know how the safety works." She says and Rick apologizes and walks away. I grab the kitchen knife I have in my boot and start stabbing dead bodies in the head to make sure they won't pop up and try to kill us. Sam and Dean come over and start to throw the walker bodies into the fire. God this stinks.  Everybody is crowding in a circle and talking about what we are going to do with Amy's body.

"Y'all can't be serious. Let that girl hamstring us? The dead girl's a time bomb." Daryl says getting mad again, Right now I do not trust him with that pickaxe.]

"What do you suggest?" Rick asks.

"Take the shot. Clean, in the brain from here." Daryl says looking Rick in the eyes. "Hell, I can hit a turkey between the eyes from this distance."

"No. For God's sakes, let her be." Lori says and the discussions ends. Goddamn we need to do something. Daryl scoffs and walks away. I follow him to go help with the bodies.

"Wake up, Jimbo. We've got some work to do." Daryl says as he walks by Jim, I go to help him with the body at his feet.

"Our people go in that row over there. We don't burn them! We bury them.
Understand? Our people go in that row over there." I hear Glenn yell. I look to see Daryl and Morales drag a body now angrily to the row where our dead people are.

"Y'all left my brother for dead. You had this coming." Daryl yells and goes to stab more dead walkers in the head.

"Are you bleeding?" I ask Jim looking at is shirt that has fresh blood on it.

Brain Dead: Glenn Rhee [DISCONTINUED] Where stories live. Discover now