Chapter 6- Meet Daryl, He Needs Anger Management

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"Daddy please don't leave me! I'll be a better hunter I swear, please just let me stay with my brothers!" I beg looking up at my father, his jaw twitches and he shakes his head.

"I'm sorry sweetheart, You have to stay with Uncle Bobby, we will be back soon." He pats my back and kisses my forehead. "Now go say goodbye to your brothers, we have a monster that needs to be hunted." I nod my head fighting tears.

"S-sammy, D-deano." I stutter out looking for my brothers.

"Hey Klo, what's wrong?" 12 year old Dean says coming around the corner seeing my tear-stained face. 

"D-d-daddy is making me stay here while you go on the hunt." I stutter.

"Hey hey hey, Klo breath before your stutter becomes worse." he strokes my arms and smiles. A crow caws and everything blurs. 


My eyes flash open and I see Glenn's worried face above mine, and I feel Razor nudging my side with his muzzle, I rub his head and smile at Glenn.

"You were talking in your sleep, well kinda cry-screaming, did you have a bad dream?"

"Yea." I reply.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asks, his eyes full of sentiment.

"Not really." I say rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

"Ok well I'm going to see if people need anything outside, come out when you're ready." He smiles awkwardly.

"Ok." I mumble. "Oh hey Glenn?" I ask and raise my voice causing it to crack.

"Yea?" He asks turning around, I gently put my lips against his and hover for a second, then pull away. "What was that for?" He asks his face both flushed of all color and bright red.

"For caring." I smile, my cheeks hot.

"Alright, I'll be outside if you need me." He chuckles.

"Ok." I smile wait until the zipper of the tent is fully zipped, turn to change into the clothes I was wearing yesterday. I pull on my boots and lace them up and pat Razor on the head. "Come on bud, let's find some food." I unzip the tent and we both walk out Razor following in suit. I walk towards Glenn who is watching some of the guys strip the red sports car his face glum.

"Look at 'em. Vultures. Yeah, go on, strip it clean." He grumbles I just laugh

"Generators need every drop of fuel they can get. Got no power without it." Dean chuckles.

"Sorry, Glenn."  Dale smiles apologetically and pats him on the shoulder.

"Thought I'd get to drive it at least a few more days." He mumbles.

"Maybe we'll get to steal another one someday." Rick says walking up to us.

"Morning, officer." I chuckle.

"Morning." He chuckles and then walks off towards Lori.

"OI Deputy Dickhead, where can I get some food for my dog?" I half shout at Shane. Everybody looks at me stunned at what I called Shane, and Sam just starts laughing to the point where he falls over. 

"Pardon me sweetheart." Shane looks at me.

"Don't call me sweetheart the next nickname I give you won't be as nice. Now where can I get my damn dog some food, he deserves to eat more than anybody else in this camp, well except the kids."

"Goddamn girl, here." He says walking over to me with some squirrel jerky. 

"Thank you kind sir." I bow sweetly, putting on a southern accent. "here you go buddy." I put the jerky on the ground. Everybody is chuckling at how much I care about Razor. All of a sudden the kids are screaming for their parents. Everyone jumps into action and I grab my weapons. I run through the woods tree branches hitting me in the face, I see Carl and Sophia hug their moms, and the men following me with wrenches and bats, odd weapons. I enter a little clearing and i see a gross walker eating a dead deer with arrows in it. I whistle to get it's attention it stands up and starts to walk towards me, I go to grab a knife off of my thigh when all the guys come from behind me and start beating the damn thing until Dale chops its damn head off with an axe.

Brain Dead: Glenn Rhee [DISCONTINUED] Where stories live. Discover now