Chapter 1: The New Neighbors

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Today, instead of going to the Digital World and helping the others with destroying the Digimon Emperor's control spires, Kari and Tai are at their apartment helping their new neighbors. Their mom told them to help them with the unloading while she made dinner, which the new neighbors were invited to.
These new neighbors, the Konners, moved here from the United States of America. Yeah so Tai was expecting them to be obnoxious and loud, while Kari wanted to see what kind of people they were.
Kari was especially albeit curious because they have kids around her age, but they were walking around, and getting used to the Odaiba.
The parents, however, were really friendly people, but the two would often bicker over almost everything, from who gets what room to how one responds then to being all lovey and such, making Tai and Kari a tad bit uncomfortable.
"Hey Keith, we should have the kids in this room, and then we sleep in this one."
"Sarah, the kids would want some space, they should be in that room and, we'll sleep in this room." Thus, they went back and forth on who gets what room, in the end Mr. Konners won, the kids get the master bedroom because they need space.
Now the unloading began again, Keithand Sarah bickering here and there, tell Tai and Kari where to put what. After awhile their mother came. "Hey why don't all of you take a break? I poured some glasses of water next door!" Exclaimed Mrs. Kamiya excitedly.
"Oh we would love to! Right, hun?"
"Who are we to turn down such nice hospitality? Of course we'll go and take a  break."
After their break they finished unloading all of their stuff. When they were done it was almost sun down. "Oh thank you both so much for helping us get settled!"
"It's no problem me and my brother always like to help others who need our help." Said Kari.
"Yep, and if you need any more help just ask." Said Tai, and they went off to get ready for dinner.

In their bedroom...

"Kari, you look really tired." Said Gatomon, Kari's Digimon partner and friend.
"Yeah we were carrying things all day and going up and down the stairs. Man I'm beat!" Tai collapsed on the lower bunk.
"Don't fall asleep we're going to eat dinner soon." Chided Kari.
"Yeah, I know." Tai sighed. "Hey how are you and the others doing against the Digimon Emperor lately?"
"Frustrating, yeah we've destroyed most of his control spires, but we still don't have a clue on how we're supposed to stop him from hurting all of the Digimon in the Digital World?"
"I don't know Kari, that's something you and the others have to think about."

Meanwhile Next Door...

"Hey we're back!" Yelled out a blonde haired boy.
"Oh Kaleb! Ashley! Welcome home! Your stuff is already in your room, now un-pack a bit before we go and eat dinner next door."
"Okay mom, we will." Said the blonde, also known as Kaleb.
The two went into their shared room and closed the door. Opening up their bags they were carrying.
"Wow, so this is your guys' new room, it's feels... empty." Said the Paomon, who jumped out of Kaleb's bag.

Digimon Analysis: Paomon is a slime like Digimon. It is said that Paomon was created by humans.

"Of course it's empty, they haven't unpacked yet Paomon!" Said the Tsunomon that came out of Ashley's bag.

Digimon Analysis: Tsunomon is a beast like Digimon. Though his horn may look intimidating he's pretty harmless.

Ashley giggled at their antics. "You two are just two funny!"
Tsunomon blushed and hopped into Ashley's arms. "Well do you both want some help unpacking?"
"Yeah, just find the boxes that say "Kaleb's bed sheets" and the ones that say "Ashley's bed sheets"
"Got it!" Exclaimed the two in-training Digimon.

A couple of hours later...

"Alright it's time to go kids!" Called their father.
"Be right there!" Ashley called back, while tying her chestnut-brown hair back into pigtails. She pushed up her rectangular glasses that her brown eyes were hiding behind. As she was slipping her purple jacket on she sighed and called out to her brother "If you can't decide what to do with your hair, just put a hat on, Kaleb."
"Good idea, Ashley!" Said Kaleb standing up from the floor wearing an orange knit hat over his messy blonde hair. He slipped on his glasses over his hazel eyes. He had on a orange T-shirt with a white jacket over it. So off to dinner with the Kamiyas.

Yep not that much action, bit we'll get there and there will be time skipping cause then it would be boring :P

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