Chapter 16: The One Most Reliable

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Ashley sighed as she walked into the computer room with a heavy feeling weighing her down. She looked to see her friends and  the Digimon all talking and preparing to go to the Digital World.

"Hey Ashley what's wrong?" Kari asked, noticing her classmate's depressed state.

"Just... it's nothing, don't worry about it." She smiled at Kari. It was fake however as the thoughts that weighed down in her mind.

That's when Kaleb noticed her presence. "Hey Ashley, what took you so long?"

"Yeah, this guy won't stop talking about food!" Tsunemon gestured to Paomon, who was seemingly in a dazed state and drooling. "He's a bottomless pit!"

"Now now Tsunemon don't get riled up now." You smiled gently, a real smile this time. "Come on we should go to the Digital World! Maybe something interesting will happen!" Ashley said, pulling out her D3. "Digiport Open!"


That was about an hour or two ago. Now Ashley and everyone else was stuck in an oil rig, under water and losing oxygen. A MegaSeadramon circled the rig, waiting and watching for when they would finally lose all their oxygen. A Dark Spiral was wrapped around him.

"I'm so stupid." Ashley muttered, as she stared outside. "I shouldn't have decided to go to the Digital World. I shouldn't have decided to head to this area." She kept muttering.
She didn't notice, however, that someone had walked up behind her.

"Hey Ash, are you okay? You've been acting weird all day." She turned around and saw it was Yolei. "It's okay to talk about it if you want." She said.

"Don't worry about it." Ashley said and looked to Cody who was having a panic attack. "We need to get him out of here." She nodded towards Cody.

"How do we do that?" Yolei asked.


"Hey guys we found an escape pod!" Davis and Veemon announced. Quickly everyone gathered.

"Hm it looks like only one person can go." Kaleb noted, examining the escape pod. He so badly wanted to get his sister out of there. He trusts every single person around him, but he really wants to protect his sister.

"I vote Cody should go." Ashley said.

"Me too." Yolie joined in.

"What?" Cody said, stunned.

"Why does he get to go?" Davis complained. That's when Ashley, ever so 'gently', elbowed him in the rib cage. "OW! That hurt!" He glared at Ashley. Ashley just looked the other way and walked up to a window and stared out at the ocean before her.

"It makes more sense for you Cody, you're afraid of the ocean." TK said.

"Yeah he's right since you're afraid we shouldn't keep you down here!" Armadillomon agreed.

"No I refuse to leave you all here!" Cody stated. "I'll only go if it's fair."

The others, minus Davis and Veemon, came up with a plan to get Cody to go. Yolei had taken out long cotton swabs(Don't remember what the 'straws' where) and Kaleb pulled out a red marker then proceeded to mark all of them red on the bottom. "Are you sure this will work?" Kaleb asked her.

"Positive." Yolei nodded. She then gathered them into her hands and made sure to keep the bottoms covered. "Cody we decided to draw 'straws', why don't you go first?"

"I want to go first!" Davis protested. Ashley sighed and dragged him away, saying something along the lines of 'Listen to the plan next time.' quietly.

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