Chapter 14: Consequences

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Three Years ago...

"Yay! We're all together again!" Ashley cheered, doing her best to be happy, even though she went to horrors when they all got separated.
"That's right, and we won't get separated again." A redheaded girl patted her on her head.
The group of nine, eighteen if you count the Digimon, were in a big room with three couches in it, one seated four, the other two seated only two. A blond boy with glasses sat on a couch next to another boy whose hair is lighter brown then his. Another boy was sitting on another couch, he was African-American and wearing a red baseball cap backwards. Next to him was the redheaded girl from before. Now on the other couch was little Ashley and Kaleb sitting next to each other, holding hands. They sat in between a girl with chestnut brown hair cut into a boy's cut and a boy long chocolate brown hair and a head band on his forehead. Behind the couch stood Aaron, he was resting his head on the couch above Ashley's and Kaleb's heads.
"Well it's good to see you all together kids!" Benjamin said, he basically looks like old Gennai.
Little Ashley raised her hand. "Mr. Benjamin why is it that you wanted to come in the first place?" She asked. Both her, Tammy, and her brother were mature for their age, Aaron not one to take things so seriously.
"Well we needed help." Benjamin explained. "You kids are the only ones who can. Other Digidestined are facing other problems in other parts of the world."
"So what you're saying is we have to help out in this area?" The blonde in glasses deducted.
"That's exactly it Steve!" Benjamin applauded.
"But how exactly are we going to do that?" The boy with the head band questioned.
"Yeah! How do you know if we can do this?" the girl with brown hair asked.
"Good questions Lou and Maria." Benjamin stated. "I'm not saying you take out the source right away." He explained.
"Then what exactly are you saying?" The African-American boy asked him.
"Patience Phil, I'm about to show you via slide show." Benjamin the pulled down a screen and pushed a button on a remote that lowered down a projector and turned it on. "This Digimon here is Skullsatamon." He pointed to the Digimon on the screen. Ashley shivered and moved closer to Kaleb. "He is after this device!" The slide changed and showed a black box with a crease in it. "It is called Altega and is capable of this." On the next slide it was a video. It was a poorly drawn Digital World and Altega. The poorly drawn black box was poorly shining as the poorly drawn Digital World exploded, which was drawn terribly.
"Uh..." They stared blankly at the screen.
"So the Digital World could be blown up?" Tammy questioned.
"Indeed it's that powerful." Benjamin said. "It could also power-up a Digimon tremendously." The next slide was another video of poorly made drawing of a Chuumon powering up with the help of Altega and beating a Wargreymon. "However it comes with a price. The Digimon using such power would go puff." Chuumon then bursted, no longer in existence.
"If it could cause that, then why does Skullsatamon want it?" Michael asked, the guy with lighter blonde hair.
"Well many years ago the first Digidestined had used the Altega to power up their Digimon to defeat their ultimate enemy and they had somehow weren't destroyed by the power afterwards." Benjamin explained. "Skullsatamon believes he could survive too and rule the Digital World with it's power."
"What do we have to do?" Kaleb asked him.
"Altega was entrusted to this Digimon to protect it." The slide changed to a picture of Ornismon. "You must find her before Skullsatamon does and prevent Altega from falling into his hands. So are you kids up to it?"
"Well this sounds dangerous." Aaron said. "I'm in!"
"Me too! We can't let him hurt so many innocent Digimon, he have to stop him!" Ashley said.
"If Ashley's in so am I." Kaleb said.
"Yeah! The Digimon are counting on us!" Tammy nodded.
"Well I'm not going to let little kids handle this on their own, I'm going too." Michael decided.
Maria and Lou nodded to each other. "We're going too." Maria said.
"If you think I'll let the fate of the Digital World be in these guys' hands, don't count on it." Lou said.
Steve nodded. "We're the bigger kids, so we should look after the younger ones.
"Agreed." Phil nodded. "We shouldn't turn our back on a world that needs us."
"Ah this could just bring me to tears." Benjamin said. "Oh the last place Ornismon was spotted was the Caves of Mount Ghana, to the north of here."
And so they went to the caves of Mount Ghana. Ashley was able to befriend Ornismon, after getting stuck in the caves with her, trying to find their way out. Ornismon entrusted them with the Altega, to protect it from Skullsatamon. She then gave them a lift to his castle, where their adventure would soon end.
"Good luck children, and may I hope you'll prove victorious in your battle." Ornismon flew away.
They all looked up at the front gates of the dark and gloomy castle. "So this is his castle." Aaron said. He was a bit spooked by the haunting feeling it gave off.
Ashley was gripping onto Kaleb's wrist tightly. "Kaleb, I'm scared." She said.
"Don't worry Ashley we'll all watch each other's backs and make sure nothing bad will happen." Tammy said.
"Right." She nodded, gaining a bit of courage, remembering she isn't alone.
"Hey Tammy can we talk about something?" Aaron asked.
"Huh? Sure Aaron." Tammy followed Aaron a good distance away from the others. "So what is it?"
"Listen if we can't beat Skullsatamon with our own power we might have to resort to a back up plan." Aaron explained.
"You don't mean..." Tammy's eye's widened.
"Yes we might have to use Altega." Aaron said. "I have this theory that since the they were partner Digimon they could survive the after effect of using Altega."
"But what if you're wrong?" She looked towards where their Digimon where She could see Lunamon and Coronamon eating and joking with each other, trying to lighten up their situation.
"Well I'll be doing it along side you." Aaron said.
"But then we'd be losing more friends that way!" Tammy protested.
"But it's my idea." Aaron countered. "So we're both doing this. Coronamon should have explained to Lunamon by now." They look over to the two Digimon. They saw them looking at them and they nodded.
"So she wants to do it..." Tammy whispered. "Ok, but only as a last resort." Tammy said.
"Yeah only a last resort." Aaron nodded.
"Hey you guys! We're going now!" Michael yelled out for them.
"Shh!" Steve shushed him. "Do you want him to know that we're here?" Steve whispered yelled at him.
- After wandering around the castle halls, battling Skullsatamon's minons, set off traps, they finally reached the main room where SkullSatamon was.
"I've been waiting for you, Digidestined!" Skullsatamon laughed. "And now I'll be taking her." Skullsatamon reached out and grabbed Ashley. "Oh and this too!" He grabbed Steve's bag, opened it, and spilled out its continents. One of the things that fell was the Altega. "Ah got it the first try!" Skullsatamon picked it up.
"Hey! You have the Altega!" Tammy shouted. "Release her!"
"No I don't take kindly to run aways." Skullsatamon carried of the crying Ashley in his and put her in a cage high above them on the ceiling.
"Now who should I destroy first?" His gaze wanders over to Maria. "You first!"
"Maria no!" Ashley tried reaching for her, even though it was futile.
"Get down!" Lou successfully pushed himself and Maria away from Skullsatamon's attack. "Tortomon! Digivolve!"
"Tortomon Digivolve to.... Andromon!"
"Everyone I'll let you take Skullsatamon, I'll rescue Ashley." Aegiomon said.
"Me and Aaron will help you." Tammy said.
"What!? When did I agree to that!?" Aaron yelled.
"Isn't it important help your comrades, Aaron?" Firamon questioned him.
"Arrgh fine!" Aaron climbed up on Firamon. "Let's go."
"Firamon take Tammy with you, I won't be able to do much with my hands full." Lekismon said.
"Got it." Firamon nodded. "Climb on Tammy."
"Right." She didn't hesitate to climb on.
"Hold on tight, Firamon flies fast." Aaron warned. Tammy nodded and held onto to Firamon.
Aegiomon and Lekismon started jumping, using walls and ledges to use to keep up their momentum. Firamon flew up, dodging attacks that came his way.
Meanwhile down below everyone else's Digimon Digivolved into their ultimate forms. There was Andromon, Pandamon, Cyberdramon, Knightmon, Megaseadramon, and Caturamon. They were distracting Skullsatamon while trying to get the Altega back.
"Give it your all Megaseadramon!" Michael yelled.
Maria nodded. "You can do it Knightmon, I believe in you!"
"Be careful Cyberdramon!" Phil yelled.
"Please Caturamon, you have to distract him!" Kaleb called out.
Lou watched on as Andromon fought, having complete trust his friend will not fail.
"Go Pandamon! Don't let him attack!" Steve yelled.
"Looks like a riot is going on down there." Aegiomon said as he jumped from a ledge.
Lekismon jumped to the ledge Aegiomon was on before. "I might even be tempted to join them." Lekismon said.
"Don't forget why we aren't there in the first place." Tammy said from Firamon's back as he floated between Aegiomon and Lekismon. "Kaleb and the others are putting their trust in us to rescue Ashley while distracting Skullsatamon."
"Tammy's right, we have to keep going." Aaron said.
"Why does he want Ashley anyways?" Firamon asked.
"When we were all separated we crossed paths with him and took us in." Aegiomon said. "Ashley thought he was kind, until he put her in a cell. I was able to rescue her and we escaped."
"But why take her in the first place?" Lekismon asked.
"Because I took this!" Ashley yelled. She held out what looked like a black bubble blowing stick. "He said something about needing this to conquer the world so I took it."
"Ashley!" Firamon exclaimed. "That's the Altega's key! Remember? Ornismon told you about it?"
"But I thought another Digimon was keeping it safe." Aaron said.
"So you were listening." Tammy said. "But think about this, it's possible that he found that Digimon and forced him to give it to him."
"Or destroyed him." Lekismon said.
"Almost there." While everyone was talking, they didn't notice Aegiomon had continued going up and was now jumping for the cage. "Got it!" He successfully made it, holding onto the bars for support.
"Aegiomon!" Ashley exclaimed. "I knew you would do it!" She cheered.
"Iron thrust!" He swung back his legs and hit the cage. "What? Not even a dent!"
"Let me try." Lekismon said. "Tear arrow!" Her attack hit the cage but did nothing.
"Fira bomb!" Firamon shot flames from his forehead at the cage, but nothing happened either. "It's almost like this cage is unbreakable!"
"No, but it's close." Aegiomon said, examining the cage. "It's Chrome Digizoid."
"No way!" Tammy gasped. "Chrome Digizoid is the strongest metal that exists only in the Digital World!"
"Maybe if we Digivolved we can get this cage to open." Firamon said. "But I'll have put you two down."
"Worth a shot." Aaron said. "Put us on that ledge over there." He pointed to a ledge that looked big enough to hold the two of them. Firamon flew by it and they both got off.
"Now Digivolve!" The three of them exclaimed.
"Aegiomon, Digivolve to.... Aegiochusmon!"
"Lekismon, Digivole to.... Crescemon!"
"Firamon, Digivolve to.... Flaremon!"
"Crimson Beast-King Wave!" "Ice Archery!" "Lightning Pile!" They attacked the cage simultaneously. Smoke rose, and when it cleared the cage had a hole in it.
"You did it everyone!" Ashley cheered. "Thank you so much!"
Flaremon took the three kids and descended down, Aegiochusmon and Crescemon jumping down, ledge to ledge.
"Oh no!" Tammy gasped. Everyone was knocked out cold. Instead of Skullsatamon standing, they found Murmukusmon.
"You pathetic humans and you traitorous Digimon stood no chance against me!" Murmukusmon laughed. "Now give me the key you pathetic humans!"
"This?" Aaron held out the key. "No I think I'll use it instead."
"What!?" Ashley yelled. "You can't Aaron!"
"He's not doing it alone." Tammy stood beside Aaron.
"Crescemon, Flaremon, you're both okay with this!?" Aegiochusmon yelled.
"To protect them..." Crescemon said.
"We'd do anything." Flaremon finished for her.
"But he has the Altega!" Ashley pointed out.
"Does he now?" Aaron took out the real Altega and showed it to him. "I switched it with a fake." Aaron smirk.
"We call on the power of Altega!" Aaron and Tammy yelled as they pushed in Altega's key. "Give our Digimon strength!" They turned the key and their Digivices glowed and so were Flaremon and and Crescemon.
"Flaremon, Digivolve to.... Apollomon!"
"Crescemon, Digivolve to.... Dianamom!"
They both fought the mega Digimon, with some assistance from Aegiochusmon. Then final they destroyed him.
"You guys did it!" The three cheered as the Digimon reverted to their rookie stages. They hugged their Digimon, but then Tammy and Aaron gasped.
"W-why are they glowing?" Tammy asked, scared.
"My theory... i-it was w-wrong..." Aaron stared wide eyed as his best friend started to turn into data, tears starting to form in his eyes.
Tammy was bawling as she hugged Lunamon. Ashley was crying too, hugging Elecmon for comfort. "Don't go Lunamon!" Tammy sobbed. "Y-you're m-my best f-friend!" She chocked out.
"I have to go Tammy, I love you so much." Lunamon cried with her. "I hope we can be together again one day." Lunamon dispersed into data fragments, all scattering around.
"Please Coronamon... don't go!" Aaron begged. He gripped onto his necklace tightly, then showed it to him. "Look this half coin... I'll be like this half coin if you go!"
"You're the only one who understands me!" Aaron cried. "So please... don't leave."
"I'm sorry Aaron. It's time to go look for more friends that will understand you." Coronamon was talking calmly, but tears still fell from his eyes. "We'll always be friends, don't forget that and we'll see each other again."
"Coronamon!" Aaron cried out as he saw him dispersed into data.
The two never been the same again. Aaron asked Tammy, Ashley and Elecmon to keep it all a secret. He didn't want them to know Coronamon also did it. He didn't want them to know his mistake. They all think Coronamon ran away from Aaron because of his selfish choice.
Ah the painful memories! I'm tearing up while writing this. Who knew they went through that pain? I did of course. Will the others find out the truth? Did Tammy ever say anything to anyone? What'll happen next chapter!? I don't even know!

Heheh I posted this later then I expected! Oh well! I hope all you readers enjoyed!!!


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