Chapter 11: It's A Sincere Reunion

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Control Spires toppled down to the ground, thanks to a group of Digidestined and their Digimon. Since it was a day off of school they got up early and went to the Digital World.
"I'm hungry." Davis complained as the Digimon de-digivolved.
"Well you shouldn't have skipped breakfast." Ashley sighed. "Seriously, you should have made sure to at least eat something." She shook her head and looked at the others for any ideas.
"I think I saw a restaurant awhile back." Cody said.
"Great, let's go!" Yolie said, she was hungry too.
They all trekked back and found the restaurant and ate. "That food was really good." Ashley smiled. "Though It tastes like one of my favorite recipes."
"Your right. It almost tastes like your cooking." Kaleb nodded in agreement.
"You cook?" Davis asked.
"Well obviously. Kaleb is useless in the kitchen." She huffed. "Someone had to cook while mom and dad were working late."
"Though you know, this feels very familiar." TK commented. It bugged him, but he didn't know why.
They went to pay, but the Digimon in charge, Digitamamon, wouldn't take her money. "How about we'll pay instead?" A male voice said.
They instantly turned around and saw Mimi, Michael and Tammy, standing at the entrance of the restaurant.
"Mimi!" "Michael!" "Tammy!" Were shouted.
"Hey guys." Mimi smiled. All of them went and sat at the tables to talk.
"So Michael is one of the people you went to the Digital World with." TK said. "And then this is Tammy, that girl you told us about."
"In the flesh." Tammy smiled. She wore a white  shirt with a blue jacket over it and black shorts. Her long red hair in a ponytail.
"Hey are you going to pay or am I going to have to make you all work for me?" Digitamamon was really angry.
"Now I remember!" TK said. "You're the one who forced my brother and Joe to stay here and work for you to pay off Joe's meal!"
"And the recipes are really familiar..." Tammy had gotten something to eat too.
"Could it be, Goblimon!?" Ashley realized what Digitamamon's evolutionary line was, and his rookie form is Goblimon. Ashley smiled a little and left to go sit at the nearby lake.
"What was that about?" Davis asked.
"I'm not sure. There was a time, before Skullsatanmon, we all got separated and went different ways." Kaleb said.
"Well doesn't this look like the kind of restaurant Ashley dreamed about opening?" Michael said offhandedly.
"How long has Ashley been cooking?" Cody decided to ask.
"Since she was 6, helping our grandmother cook." Kaleb said. Unbeknownst to everyone, Davis slipped out of the restaurant to talk to Ashley.
"Hey Ashley." He sat next to her.
"Hi Davis. Shouldn't you be talking with the others?" Ashley didn't bother to look at him.
"Nah, I think Yolei likes that Michael guy though." Davis shrugged.
"Heh, yeah I know." Ashley then turned to look at Davis. "Why did you come out here to talk to me?" Her eyes shone with curiosity and were really stern.
"Well I- look out!" Davis pushed Ashley down from an incoming attack from a Gorillamon.
"Thanks." She got up and dusted her self off.
"No problem." He smiled, making Ashley smile too.
"Are you guys alright?" Michael and the others came.
"Your not hurt, are you Ashley?" Elecmon went straight to his partner.
"No I'm fine." Ashley ruffled Elecmon's fur. "But look." She pointed st the Gorillamon. "It has a Dark Spiral." They looked at it's arm and indeed it had a Dark Spiral on it.
"Why don't you leave this to me and Michael." Kaleb smiled. "Let's go Labramon!"
"You too Betamon."
"Betamon, digivolve to.... Seadramom!"
"Labramon, digivolve to.... Seasarmon."
"Wow! He's so cool!" Yolei said, daydreaming a tad bit.
"Yolei, please this isn't the time to day dream." Ashley begged.
"Ah Seasarmon!" Kaleb yelled.
"Oh no!" Ashley wipped her head around to see Gorillamon managed to knock him down.
Then that's when the surprise happened. Digitamamon came in to protect Seasarmon from another attack from Gorillamon, sending him flying.
"No Digitamamon!" Ashley watched as he flew off to who knows where.
"Maybe he has changed." Yolei said, taken by surprise. She still thought Digitamamon didn't change and was still bad but now she sees that he had turned over a new leaf.
The battle continues between Seasarmon, Seadramon and Gorillamon. Eventually they destroyed the Dark Spiral on his arm. Once that happened he left.
"Now we got to go find Digitamamon." Kaleb said. "It's the least we could do, right Labramon?"
"You're right Kaleb! Just what were we talking about though?" Labramon looked confused.
"Finding Digitamamon who ended up somewhere protecting you." Elecmon growled. "How can you forget that?"
"I don't know. Maybe I fell asleep." Labramon just sat there. Kaleb sighed as Elecmon grew angry at his partner.
"Alright enough." Ashley picked up Elecmon. "Let's just find Digitamamon." Just then Digitamamon rolled in. Literally.
However Digitamamon seemed different. His normally yellow eyes were now red. He also looked really angry. "Never mind." She looked at him sorrowfully, knowing full well that something had happened when he got knocked away.
"I wish I could help but..." Tammy sighed.
"Don't worry about it Tammy." Kaleb reassured her.
This is the part where I get lazy and say that Yolei got the Digi-egg of sincerity and destroyed the Dark Spiral inside of Digitamamon.
"I'm really sorry about all that." Digitamamon was truly sorry.
"It's alright we know that wasn't truly you." Ashley smiled at him. "Just keep the restaurant running, and do it in way in which you will enjoy it."
"Huh?" Everyone was confused except for Elecmon.
"What you didn't know Ashley is the founder of the restaurant?" Digitamamon questioned. Ashley smiled sheepishly.
"Hey Yolei maybe we can go on a date sometime." Michael asked her.
"Really? Of course!" Her eyes shined happily.
We laughed a bit at this.
"You know Michael, won't it be hard? Being a whole ocean apart plus living all the way in New York." Kaleb said in thought.
"What about you and Tammy?" He raised an eyebrow at them. The two of them blushed a deep red.
Everyone laughed and so ended the day, that may as well be the greatest day of Kaleb's life.
... It's done one of hardest chapters and the one I wanted to do the most is done! I'm also pretty happy cause I looked at the stats on this story and I couldn't help but smile! I thank you all for reading and I wish I could give you all cookies! I hope all have fantastic days! Adios~

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