Chapter 3: Ornismon's Song

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After things settled down a bit and Paomon'a mess was cleaned up, they started to explain to the two Americans about how they use the school's computer club as a cover for traveling to the Digital World. They also told them that they used a computer to get to the Digital World.
"Hm... you know we should tell Willis about the computer, maybe he could come up with an idea on how the portal works." Said Ashley.
"Hm... maybe." Said Kaleb. "But really we should go and see how the Digital World is and help it a bit."
"Okay let's go!" Yelled Yolie, holding out her D-3, in which everyone else did so too. "Digiport, open!"
And so they were pulled into the computer.

In the Digital World...

"Wow... it's been so long!" Cried out Ashley, out of pure excitement. "I wonder if everyone is alright."
"I'm sure they're fine." Kaleb tried to reassure her, but he was worried too, and Ashley could tell.
"Don't worry so mich I'm sure we'll run into one day." Said Labramon.
"Oh hey you guys are back to your rookie stages!" Cried out Ashley, hugging Elecmon.
Digimon Analysis: Labramon a vaccine type digimon. It's a very loyal Digimon and is said that they helped to keep deadly virus neutralized.
Digimon Analysis: Elecmon a very caring Digimon that protects the weak. Its said that they are seen around the Primary Villages.
"Alright let's go and find that control spire and destroy it!" Yelled Yolie.
"Eh? What's a control spire?" Asked Labramon.
"They're tall towers used as antennas to control the Digimon that wear Dark Rings and it also prevents them from Digivolving." Said TK.
They then went off to search for the control spire.

At The Digimon Emperor's Base...

"Looks like those pests are back, and they've brought some new toys." Said the Dark Emperor. "Know who am I going to send out to crush them?"
"Ken!" Called Wormmon. "I brought you those muffins you wanted."
"I told to call me master!" Yelled Ken furiously.
"Sorry." He replied.
"Just leave the muffins and get me some water!" He ordered.
"Ok K- Master." Said Wormmon, as he left.
"Hm... I know I'll send that Digimon to get rid of them." Ken said deviously.

Back with the group...

"We've been walking forever!" Complained Yolie. "Why haven't we found anything yet!"
"Come on Yolie it hasn't even been half an hour yet." Chided Hawkmon.
"Something wrong Ashley?" Asked Kari, concerned.
"It's just... you can feel it too, right Kaleb?" Ashley looked at him and he nodded.
"Yeah, it's very familiar, like that time when we came here and there was that Digimon..." he shuddered.
"Yeah that same feeling..." she looked down casted. "Let's just drop it it does no good thinking of what happened back then." They wanted to know more but decided not to ask, seeing it as a topic not they don't want to talk about.
Suddenly a Digimon with a dark ring appeared. It was a Ornismon!
"Ornismon!" Ashley and Kaleb cried out.
Digimon Analysis: Ornismon this ancient Digimon's attacks are ruthless. It's quite a rare Digimon to see that they're called the "Ruler of the Skies."
"Well this isn't good Ornismon has a dark ring, look on it's neck!" Called out Patamon.
"Digiarmor energize!" The others shouted.
"Veemon armor digivolve to... Flamedramon."
"Hawkmon armor digivolve to... Halsemon."
"Armadillomon armor digivolve to... Digmon."
"Patamon armor Digivolve to... Pegasusmon."
"Gatomon armor digivolve to... Nefertimon."
"Wow... that's so amazing!" Ashley cried out. " But please don't hurt Ornismon too badly... she's a really good Digimon..."
"Please help her." Asked Kaleb.
"Don't worry we'll help her." Said Davis.
"Thank you, Davis." Ashley said, having faith that Davis will come through.
"I'll trust you, I just wish there was something we could do."
They watched them battle Ornismon. Suddenly Ornismon batted it's wings and sent the Digimon flying. Then Kaleb ran up in front of Ornismon and held out his hands to block Ornismon from the other Digimon.
"Please stop Ornismon!" Kaleb cried out. This made Ornismon stop in its tracks. " I know that you're hurting, you think we've forgotten you, but we haven't. We've missed you, me, Ashley and the others, we've all wonder how you are wherever we think of our adventures here."
Ornismon looked happy, but still not in control.
"Ornismon you promised me that we'd see each other again and you'd sing us a new song." Said Ashley, walking to Kaleb's side. "So let us help you get that thing of your neck."
With that Ornismon had tears in it's eyes, this was Davis' que. "Now Flamedramon aim for the dark ring!"
"Got it. Fire Rocket!" Flamedramon juimped with his hand engulfed in flames and struck the dark ring.
"Yea alright!" Yelled Davis.
"Ashley, Kaleb I'm really sorry for the trouble I've caused..." said Ornismon.
"It's okay Ornismon, you were being controlled." Said Ashley as she hugged Ornismon's head.
"Yeah and besides we got to see you." Kaleb said caressing her beak.
"Come, I'll lead you to the control spire, then I'll sing my new song." Ornismon told them. "Climb on."
TK, Kari, and Yolie didn't climb on Ornismon deciding to fly on their own Digimon and the others de-digivoled and got on, with Davis and Cody riding with one of the others. Ashley was up front, with Kaleb right behind her, then the partner Digimon.
"Woohoo! I forgot how much fun flying on your back is!" Shouted Ashley.
"I'm glad you're having fun." Ornismon smiled.
"Oh right Ornismon we should introduce you to these guys!" Ashley exclaimed. "The brown haired girl on the Nefertimon is Kari, the boy with her is Cody. The guy in the hat on Pegasusmon is TK and the guy with the googles behind him is Davis. Then the girl with the purple hair is Yolie she's riding Halsemon."
" Of course there's Armadillomon, Cody's partner and Veemon, Davis partner who riding with us on you." Said Kaleb. "Oh and there are older kids back home. I think they're the same age the others would be."
"Is that so?" The Digimon chuckled. "It sounds nice."
"It is and the others are fine, they've been doing wonderfully since we last contacted them, we're planning on contacting them again today and tell them you're okay." Ashley told her.
"That is very thoughtful of you as always Ashley." The Digimon smiled.
"There it is! The control spire!" Yolie cried out.
"Wow that's one big tower." Kaleb gaped at it.
"Yeah, it'd be nice if it wasn't used for evil." TK looked at the tower sternly.
"Okay attack!" Yolie yelled enthusiastically.
Pegasusmon, Nefertimon, and Halsemon fired their attacks and destroyed the tower.
"Yeah! That's another tower down!" Davis yelled from Pegasusmon's back, nearly falling off.
"Whoa careful Davis don't want to fall on the job, do you?" Ashley teased.
When she said that of course Davis retaliated and while they were yelling at each other Kaleb focused his attention on Ornismon.
"Hey Ornismon do you know of the others?" Kaleb wondered.
"No I do not, but if I find them I will protect them, for is my duty as the Bearer of Altega." Ornismon replied to him.
"Right the Altega.... it's safe right?" Kaleb asked albeit anxiously.
"Of course you, the one who knows truth should know to trust me." Ornismon replied. "I've never betrayed your trust, and I've been protecting Altega for years before I had met you and your friends."
"Right, silly me, I guess I forgot." Kaleb smiled at Ornismon. "Right so I believe you made a promise, that I would trust you'll be keeping."
"Of course Ornismon will keep it's promise, I've always have faith that all the promises we've made with everyone would come true!" Ashley said, done with teasing Davis.
"So would you all like to listen to my new song?" Asked Ornismon.
"Of course we would." Said Kari.
"Yeah, I bet you have a great voice!" Said TK.
"I would love to hear you sing!" Exclaimed Yolie.
"What's so great about a Digimon singing?" Davis murmured, to which Ashley glared at him, having heard what he said.
"Ornismon has the most beautiful voice, I hope you'll have more respect for the Digimon who led us to the control spire." Ashley said darkly.
"U-uh yeah, I-I would really like to hear you sing Ornismon.
Kaleb chuckled at Ashley's antics and Ornismon too. "I see you haven't changed Ashley." Ornismon laughed. "It's nice to see you still getting angry on others' behalf, even for something so little, but there is no need for that, when I know that there are others who are willing to listen then I'm happy."
"Okay, but I do really want everyone to hear it." Said Ashley.
"Well then I guess I'll start singing." Said Ornismon.
Everyone stopped talking and just listened to Ornismon sing. Ornismon voice was indeed beautiful and you can feel Ornismon's feelings coming from within it's heart. Everyone felt so calm and blissful, like all of their worries had just melted away.
When Ornismon was finished Ashley was the first to speak. "I could feel it, the joy and the feeling of being safe, it was a wonderful song you sung from deep from your heart, and I can't wait to hear you sing once again."
"Yeah!" Everyone agreed.
They arrived at the TV that served as the gate to their world. "We'll miss you Ornismon." Said Kaleb.
"Yep, but I have faith we'll all see each other again!" Said Ashley.
"What makes you so sure?" Asked Davis.
"It's just a feeling." Ashley smiled. "So let's go back."
"Wait, Kaleb." Said Ornismon. "Hold out your hand." Kaleb held out his hand and Ornismon leaned it's beak into it. There was a flash and when Ornismon removed it's beak from Kaleb's hand and there was a small box in it.
"This is!" Kaleb said with realization, and looked shocked, so did Ashley.
"You keep it safe along with your sister in the human world, where it can't get into any evil Digimon hands, besides it does belong in both of your hands, you both made it possible for it to be unsealed after all, so the duty should fall to you." Ornismon told them.
"We'll keep it safe Ornismon, you know we can!" Exclaimed Ashley.
"Yeah! You can count on us!" Kaleb had also exclaimed.
"Well I shall go and find the others, we may need it in order to fight what's coming." And with that they parted ways, both wishing for the other to be safe.
"Well come on let's go home!" Shouted Yolie as she aimed her D-3 at the TV. When arriving back they landed in a bundled mess on the floor. "Gosh, maybe we should've layed out pillows before we left." Complained Ashley. "And you're crushing me Kaleb!"
"Sorry lil' sis." Kaleb told her. "But it help if Yolie wasn't on me."
Then the big dog pile was dispersed. "Well the three of us should get back, if I remember correctly our mom is treating yours to a meal, to thank you guys for everything." Said Kaleb.
"Not only that, but it's mom's rice cake soup!" Ashley exclaimed happily. "You guys might not know but our mother was born in South Korea and had to moved to the United States when she was little."
"Not only that but our dad is from Indonesia, and moved to the United States for some reason or another and met our mom, got married and had us."   Kaleb told them. "So in a way, me and Ashley are Asian-Americans."
" Wow that's so cool!" Yolie gushed.
"Well I say we should head home so we can eat reast for the next day." Said Cody. So they said their goodbyes and went in different directions, Cody, Yolie, and TK live in the same building so they went together, same for Kari, Ashley, and Kaleb, of course Davis walked back home alone with Demiveemon, of course though.

In the Digital World...
"Grrr, those pests!" Shouted Ken. "I'll get them next time, I'll see to that." He laughed darkly.
"Ken it's getting late, shouldn't you go home?" Asked Wormmon.
"Grrrr, wow many times do I have to tell you to call me master!" Ken yelled at him, as he was walking out, he kicked Wormmon. "Insolence."
"Good he's gone, now I can watch the new episode of my sop opera." Said Wormmon.

What is Altega? What did Ornismon give Kaleb and Ashley? Why am I still asking questions? Find out next time~

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