Chapter 12: Kaleb's Samurai Action

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It was a nice day. Key word was.
"Come on where are they." Davis was being very impatient, he really wanted to go to the Digital World.
"Davis complaining want get them here any faster." Tsunomon said.
"But where are they. They should have been here half an hour ago!" Davis yelled.
"It's not like Davis to get worked up like this." Demiveemon noted.
"Maybe Davis is starting to have a thing for Ashley." Poromon piped in.
"You know it's not nice talking about other people behind their backs." Cody told them.
"But Davis has a point, where are they?" Yolei said.
"Don't you, TK, Kari and Davis have classes with them?" Upamon brought up.
"Yeah shouldn't you four know?" Gatomon agreed.
"After class they just took off." Kari said in thought.
"It's strange. Wouldn't they tell us if they weren't going to come today?" TK said. Just as he said that Kaleb came bursting in panting, say apologies in English.
"Uh please say that again for the people who aren't taking English classes." Yolei said, referring to Davis.
"I'm really sorry I'm late! Ashley said to go on without her." Kaleb said, getting his breathing under control.
"Are you sure? She's a vital member of the team." Cody said.
"Yea, she has something to do." Kaleb was avoiding on mentioning what she was doing. As of now she was meeting Aaron in the park about some more information.
"Let's go since she's not coming." Davis looked a bit off.
"Hey you're... you're not interested in my sister, are you?" Kaleb shot a menacing glare at Davis. If looks could kill, Davis would be ten feet under by now.
"N-no way!" Davis yelled nervously. "Kari's the only girl I like." He started waving his arms frantically.
Kaleb started to laugh. "Geez Davis I was only kidding!" He laughed. "Besides Ashley is interested in someone else. You stand no chance!"
"Who does Ashley like?" Yolei asked.
"Well that'd be Willis." Kaleb sighed.
"I wish Ashley was able to come." Yolei sighed. "Maybe she'd tell us more!"
"What do you mean?" Cody asked.
"Oh just girl talk Cody." Kari laughed a little.
"I think I've heard of him before." TK mentioned. "How did you guys meet him?"
"Oh you guys will probably find one of these days, let's go! Digiport open!" Kaleb opened the Digiport and soon left for the Digital World.
"Might as well go, even if we're not at full strength." Cody said and they all followed Kaleb.
"Hey Ashley!" Aaron smiled when he saw it was only her.
"Aaron." She acknowledged him, with a bit of venom might I add.
"Aww don't be like that please Ash! I just want to tell you how to use the Altega without any dangers!" Aaron said. "Listen Altega is very powerful. If the power is handled by multiple people it just might not cause any accidents."
"Tell that to Otamamon." Ashley glared at the raven head. "Otamamon hasn't come back. We've looked during our spare time and never found him!" She yelled.
"I know and it's my fault!" Aaron yelled back. "I'm trying to fix it by telling you that..."
"Well well look at what we have here." A Karatenmon stood before them. He had a Dark Spiral on his right arm.
"Great Karatenmon." Kaleb sighed.
"Be great if we had an amazing warrior, eh?" Labramon nudged Kaleb.
"Yea good idea, Hawkmon! Armor Digivolve!" Yolei shouted.
"Hawkmon, Armor Digivolve to.... Sherimon!"
"Not what I meant, but it works!" Labramon said.
"Oh just Digivolve already Labramon." Kaleb sighed.
"Right. Labramon, Digivolve to.... Seasarmon!"
"Hey don't leave us out!" Davis shouted.
"Veemon, Armor Digivolve to.... Flamedramon!"
"Be careful Seasarmon, don't let your guard down." Kaleb warned.
"Of course!" Seasarmon said and watched as Flamedramon moved in. Flamedramon's hand was engulfed with flames as he aimed to hit the Dark Spiral. Karatenmon simply dodged side ways making Flamedramon hit a boulder, smashing it to pieces.
"Maybe we should try a different approach. Not just brute strength." Sherimon said after witnessing that.
"Hey can you guys cover me?" Kaleb asked after analyzing what he was facing.
"Sure." TK smiled.
"Patamon, Aromor Digivolve to.... Peagasusmon!"
"You too Gatomon." Kari nodded.
"Right! Gatomon Armor Digivolve to.... Nefertimon!"
"Our turn Cody?" Armadillomon looked up at his partner.
"Yes." He nodded.
"Armadillomon, Armor Digivolve to.... Digmon!"
"He got this handled, now go Kaleb!" Searsarmon shouted, knowing what Kaleb is planning.
Kaleb nodded as he picked up his duffle bag and headed off. "Keep him busy till I come back!" He called as he ran off.
"This is perfect. He abandoned us." Davis grumbled.
"I think Kaleb has plan." TK said. "We have to trust him right now and keep this guy occupied."
"For a champion, this guy is strong." Sherimon landed in front of the Digidestined to catch his breath from attacking Karatenmon.
"Alright this may seem crazy, but in order to defeat a warrior you have to think like one." Kaleb came back wearing samurai armor and he had a sword on his belt. "Of course when we're all separated before, I sort of ended up learning from a Digimon swordsman-mon?" He questioned himself.
"Does that really matter!?" Yolei yelled.
"No matter. No one can beat me, especially not the likes of you, puny human." Karatenmon put him down, but Kaleb remained unaffected by it.
"There's a reason why me and Seasarmon don't participate in battles much." Kaleb stated. "Ready?" He turned to his partner.
"Of course, just waiting on you." Seasarmon bent down low and Kaleb climb up on to him.
"Let's do it Seasarmon!" Kaleb drew his sword out and held it high. "Just watch Karatenmon, you'll soon be eating your words."
"Do you really think it could work?" Ashley asked.
"Yes, after all there must be a reason for the increasing numbers of Digidestined lately." Aaron nodded. "Oh before I forget, here." He handed her a piece of paper.
"What's this?" Ashley took the note and raised an eyebrow at Aaron, questioning why he gave her a note.
"It's a location, longitude and latitude." He responded. "There might be an important clue there." He then leaned closer and whispered "None of our Japanese friends can know about this one."
Ashley nodded and pushed him away from her. "You didn't have to get that close." She scowled at the boy.
"Alright fine, but please look into that place for me." Aaron sighed. "I can't travel to and from Digital World whenever I want like you can."
"I will, just... don't hide yourself anymore." Ashley sighed. "I know we're the only ones you talk to. You haven't spoken to the others in a very long time." With that Ashley left, leaving Aaron to ponder over what she asked of him.
"Alright prepare yourself Karatenmon!" Seasarmon rushed forward, Kaleb riding on his back, sword in hand.
When Seasarmon went to attack Karatenmon he dodged, but Kaleb used his sword and hit the Dark Spiral.
"You hit it Kaleb!" Seasarmon cheered.
"It's not over yet Seasarmon, stay sharp." Kaleb looked around him, looking for anything that could help them.
"Hmph just a lucky hit." Karatenmon wasn't phased. "You will surly not get lucky again.
"Yea well you haven't seen all of Kaleb's tricks!" Seasarmon stood up for his partner. "Underestimate him and you'll be sorry."
"Heh who ever taught this human sword fighting must be pathetic!" The warrior bird laughed.
Anger rose in Kaleb quickly. He could not tolerate anyone belittling anyone he cared about. "The only pathetic one here is you!" Kaleb stared straight on into Karatenmon's eyes, neither gazes wavered in the slightest.
"What's going on Kari?" Yolei asked her.
"A stare down from what I can tell." TK said.
"Who knew Kaleb could could wield a sword." Cody said.
"Always expect the unexpected, at least that's what I say." Digmon responded.
"You're wielding two swords... that shows weakness." Kaleb said and Seasarmon rushed forward.
"No it shows my power!" Karatenmon goes in to land a hit.
Ashley sighed as she walked. She was heading to the school to get Tsunemon. "Could be true?" She looked at the note in her hand. Once she walked into the computer room she was greeted by Tsunemon.
"Ashley! Everyone went to Digital World!" Tsunemon informed her. "If we hurry maybe we could catch up with them!"
"No... there's something I want to check." Ashley said. "Do you want to come?"
"I'll go anywhere with you Ashley!" Tsunemon stated. "But we should leave the others a note."
"Right." Ashley nodded.
Karetenmon moved in to strike a blow. However, Seasarmon countered with an attack. "Kaleb it's too dangerous. I think I'll continue this fight." Seasarmon kneeled down so Kaleb could get off.
"Oh okay. But be careful, he's strong." Kaleb climbed off of Seasarmon.
"I know." Searsarmon moved in to attack. "Sun's Courage!" Seasarmon hit the Dark Spiral right on its mark, destroying it.
"Alright Seasarmon!" Kaleb cheered. "You hit it dead on!"
"Ugh what happened?" Karatenmon suddenly glowed.
"What no way..." Kaleb whispered.
"Wow so this is File Island." Ashley said as she was on a beach, a pile of what looks like broken phone booths were nearby.
"This is where those original guys started out from." Elecmon said looking around. "And it looks like the Digimon Emperor doesn't know this place exists."
He was right. There were no Control Spires to be seen. It looked like it was a relatively peaceful place. "Well of course! File Island is very important, so to protect it we made it seem like nothing is here." A Digimon came out onto the beach. It was another Elecmon. This one however had a green baseball cap on it's head.
"Oh you're TK's friend! He told us about you." Ashley bent down and smiled at him.
"That kid... how's he doing?" Elecmon asked her.
"Hm? Oh he's fine. Compared to when you last saw him, he's grown." She smiled.
"Anyways what brings you here?" Elecmon questioned.
"Well I'm here to... make my friend happy." Ashley said.
"No way... impossible!" Kaleb was starting in shock as the light died down.
In Karatenmon's place was Kotemon.
"It's... Kotemon!" Seasarmon dedigivoled back to Labramon and pounced on Kotemon.
"Ah! Labramon! Don't do that!" Kaleb ran and pulled him off of Kotemon.
"Is he a friend Kaleb?" Yolei asked, curiously.
"Yep! Kotemon taught me to wield a sword." Kaleb said sheepishly.
"Ah good to see you again Kaleb!" Kotemon said cheerfully. "But I told you to call me master!" He than said angrily.
Everyone sweat dropped. "Hey come to think of it... shouldn't Ashley be done with that thing she had to do?" Cody asked.
"I think you're right." Kari agreed.
Kaleb started sweating a bit. Fearing they'd ask what she was doing. "Ah who cares!" Davis said. "She probably knew we could handle it and went home after she did what she needed to do."
Kaleb sighed. Davis unknowing saved him from a ton of explanations. "Well we should get going to home." TK said.
"It was nice seeing you again." Kaleb said in English while smiling. He was overjoyed to see his friend again.
"Let's meet again and spar some day." Kotemon responded.
They parted ways. Kaleb telling everyone about how rigorous Kotemon's training is and how he met him. When they arrived back home they missed a folded note that was sitting by the computer as they went their separate ways for home.
Oh so Ashley's in the Digital World and no one but Aaron knows where she is! This is getting interesting! What are they going to do when they notice her disappearance? Will they find her note? What business does Ashley have on File Island? Well I guess you'll find out next chapter! Adios~

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