Chapter 6: Railtown

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"Where's Yolie!" Tai yelled.
"Calm down Tai." Matt told him. "We all want to go and get Agumon back, but have patience."
"Yea you're right Matt." Tai replied.
"Hey guys..." Yolie walked in, a bit depressed.
"Hey Yolie what's wrong?" asked Kaleb, worried if it had to do with what he said earlier.


"Hey Yolie!" Kaleb said as he sat down next to her.
"Oh hi Kaleb!" Yolie responded. "Do you think we'll be able to get Agumon back without hurting him?"
"Well, I don't know." Kaleb told her. "When we went to the Digital world for the first time, one of us was left the group and when we found them, they attacked us. Our enemy had a Parasimon take control over them and their Digimon." Carefully telling her, so as not to reveal who it was that got taken over by a Parasimon.
"Oh I see..." Yolie muttered, looking at the top of her desk.

<End Of Flashback>

"Yea I'm fine, just not feeling it today." Yolie mutterd. Kaleb looked at her, worried.
"If your not up to it, the two of can stay here." Kaleb said, sighing.
"What!? Agumon needs our help! We need everyone there!" Tai shouted at us.
"Tai, if she's not 100% focused, we'll be in more danger then if she didn't." Matt defended her. "And Kaleb's worried too, he'll be too distracted to focus too."
"But Agumon is our friend! We can't just-" Davis was starting to say but got interrupted.
"No Matt is right. We can't force them to go if they're not up to it." Tai sighed.
"Kaleb, are you sure you want to sit this one out?" Ashley asked him.
"Yea, and I'm worried. Besides I think must've been what I told her earlier..." Kaleb trailed of.
"Well what ever it is, help her cheer up." Ashley sighed and shook her head. "Well let's go everyone!" Ashley turned to the others.
"Yea let's go save Agumon!" TK shouted. "Digi-port open!"
According to Tentomon, Agumon should be around here somewhere..." Matt said.
"Railtown!" Ashley exclaimed as she looked around. She looked at Elecmon and did a closed-eyed smile. "Brings back memories right?"
"You've been here before?" Kari asked.
"Yep! This is were me and Kaleb were able to reunite with the others." Ashley then had a faraway look on her face. "It's also where we lost a dear friend..." Her eyes teared up and she quickly wiped them away. "I hope we can see them again, our friends."
"I'm sure you will, the Digital World is as big as ours. You'll run into them at some point." Kari reassured Ashley.
"You're right Kari, now let's go find Agumon!" I shouted.
"Darn it! Why does this keep happening!?" Ken shouted, as SkullGreymon regenerated back to Greymon, tired.
"Master you could use me for your experiments." Said Wormon. "I can Digivolve too!"
"And exactly what kind of Digimon will you Digivolve into?" Ken asked coldly. "Some weak bug Digimon. Unlike you, Greymon is actually useful."
"But Ken-" Wormon started to say but was kicked.
"I told you not to call me Ken!" Ken yelled at him. "Greymon Dark Digivolve!"
Greymon became SkullGreymon again, Ken looked at the statistics, and saw an Ultimate Level Digimon has too much power and over loaded the Dark Ring.
"So that's it!" He smirked. "I'll have to make a new Dark Ring, no a Dark Spiral!" Ken went typing away, developing his Dark Spiral. "Hah I won't even need the Control Spires anymore!" He laughed.
Unknown to him, Wormon had left and went to where an unconscious Agumon lay. "If Agumon is gone he'll have no choice but to use me for his experiments." Wormon grumbled to himself and freed Agumon of his Dark Ring.
When Agumon came to, he saw he was free and left straight away. "I'm free! Now I should get out of here, fast!"
School ...
"Hey Kaleb, you know you didn't have to stay behind with me." Yolie said, the four of them were playing Go-Fish. "Wouldn't you rather be helping them rescue Agumon?"
"Yea but they're going to Railtown anyways. I wouldn't have gone either way. Got any 6s by the way?"
"No, go fish. Why wouldn't you go either way?" Yolie questioned.
"It's cause Railtown holds a lot of memories for us. Got any 2s Poromon?" Said Paomon.
"Yes, here." Poromon handed him a 2 of diamonds.
"Paomon, that sort of stuff is private, okay?" Kaleb said clutching his cards. "I don't want anyone to think of us the wrong way."
"Kaleb, got any 8s?" Asked Poromon.
"Yeah here." He handed Poromon a 8 of clovers. "But, what I told you earlier, is that why your upset?" Kaleb looks down and grips his cards really tight.
"No that's not it. It's just, I don't want to fight Agumon." Yolie said. Her teeth clenched and she was shaking in anger. "He's basically using Agumon as a shield! I know we have to go up against him, but I can't. Oh and Paomon, got any queens?"
"Nope, go fish." Paomon said, and Yolie retrieved a card, but it was a card she needed so she put it to the side with a card in from her hand.
"Sometimes your forced to do things you don't like. Whether it's to rescue someone, to live, protect, save..." Kaleb clutched the cards tighter. "Or something like Agumon's case, your being controlled or manipulated."
"I think you should tell everyone the story." Paomon stated.
"I'm going to get some air." Kaleb said and put his cards down. He went up to the school's roof top. "Should I tell them, Trailmon?" Kaleb asked aloud. In his hand he clutched a medallion, it read 1st place in 'Railtown's Annual Trailmon race.' He had tears in his eyes as he looked towards the sky.
"Oh Kaleb..." Paomon sighed as he looked at his partner. "You never change." He smiled.
"We've looked all over, and no sign of Agumon." Ashley sighed. "Elecmon, do you hear that?"
"No nothing, why?" Elecmon asked.
"Exactly, its too quiet." Ashley looked around to see the others are no where to be seen. They were separated from the others. Ashley sighed. "Oh great, once again, we've been separated."
"Hey can you keep it down? Do you want the Digimon Emperor to find you?" A grumpy voice asked them.
"Sorry, I just don't like getting separated from my friends." Ashley replied. "It reminds me of what happened a long time ago."
"Tell me about it, girly." The voice said. "I've been on the rails looking for my friends, haven't found nobody."
"Heh at least you weren't kidnapped by SkullSatamon." Ashley said. "He put me and Elecmon under his power and almost got me to destroy my friends." She sat on the ground and hugged her legs crying.
"Well that's a sad story, but I already heard of one like that." The voice said. "And boy, that kid. Almost got himself killed. Course after that girl was rescued, before SkullSatamon himself showed up."

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