Chapter 5: The Duo of Seasarmon and Aegiomon

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"It's really hot here!" Complained Yolie.
"Yeah! I feel like I'm melting." Ashley also complained.
"All we have to do is destroy the Control Spire then we can get out of here." Davis told them.
"Davis is right, the faster we destroy the spire the faster we can get back." TK agreed. Suddenly a bunch of flaming human like Digimon appeared and they all had a dark ring around their neck.
"Those are Meramon!" Shouted Kari. Digimon Analysis: These flaming Digimon attacks scorch everything it hits even touching them will get you burned.
"Grr not these guys, listen whatever you do don't get hit by their attacks!" Yelled out Kaleb.
"Let's go Veemon! Digiarmor Energize!" Davis yelled.
"Veemon armor digivolve to.... Flamedramon!"
"Fire rockets!" Flamedramon fired its attacks, but the Meramon absorb his attack.
"Flamedramon don't do that! It's just tickling 'em." Davis yelled out to his partner.
"Ready Hawkmon, Digiarmor Energize!"
"Hawkmon armor digivolve to.... Halsemon."
"Halsemon make their flame go out!" Yelled Yolie.
"Tempest Wing!" Halsemon circled around the Meramon at a breakneck pace, but it only made their flames bigger.
"Halsemon stop! Your making their flames bigger!" Called out Yolie. Halsemon heard her and stopped his attack.
"Our attacks aren't working." Said Halsemon, who flew back and is now hovering above Yolie.
"Come on Armadillomon, Digiarmor Energize!" Cody shouted.
"Armadillomon armor digivolve to.... Digmon!"
"Go Digmon!" Cody cheered.
"Okay let's bury these Digimon, rock cracken!" Digmon drilled into the ground and made a crevice that the Meramon fell into.
Everyone gave cries of cheer, until they climbed out.
"This guys are tough." Murmured Davis.
"It's our turn." TK said.
"I'm with you TK!" Patamon replied.
"Digiarmor energize!" TK yelled.
"Patamon armor digivolve to.... Peagasusmon!"
"Star shower!" Peagasusmon attacked. The attacks looked like it was working.
"Gatomon us too." Kari said, referring that they better join the battle.
"Digiarmor energize!" Kari called out.
"Gatomon armor digivolve to.... Nefertimon!"
"Rosetta stone!" Nefertimon joined them.
When the battle seemed to be going their way the Digimon Emperor appeared with a Greymon. "Greymon, digivolve to MetalGreymon as my slave!" He called out holding up his dark digivice. But Greymon did not digivolve into MetalGreymon, he digivolved into SkullGreymon!
"It's SkullGreymon!" TK yelled out in fright of the Digimon, knowing how powerful it is.
"We have to help them!" Ashley yelled. "I have faith we can do this." She held up her D-3 with the arm that had her bracelet on it.
"I trust our partners and I trust that we can do this!" Kaleb exclaimed doing exactly what Ashley was doing with her bracelet and D-3.
"Digivolve!" They yelled together.
"Labramon digivolve to.... Seasarmon!" "Elecmon digivolve to.... Aegiomon!"
Digimon Analysis: Seasarmon is a holy beast Digimon that has the power to sweep away calamity and can show great power against it's enemies.
Digimon Analysis: Aegiomon has an appearance of a man like goat, it has great strength and fights best when protecting something.
"That's impossible! They shouldn't be able to digivolve!" Ken growled in anger.
"They really did work!" Ashley exclaimed, holding her bracelet up, examining it.
"No time to marvel in it, we have to focus!" Kaleb yelled at her.
"Right." Ashley said focusing at the problem at hand. "Go Aegiomon! I know you can do it! I believe in you!"
"Yea Seasarmon! You can do it! Male sure to aim for the dark rings!" Kaleb yelled out to his partner.
"You heard 'em Seasarmon, let's go." Aegiomon told and went of to fight the Meramon, knowing full well he didn't stand a chance against SkullGreymon. "Iron thrust!" Aegiomon hit the Meramon's dark rings and it broke.
"Tee dia!" Seasarmon attacked with it's sunlight arrows, and they hit the dark rings on the spot and destroyed them.
"Your free, run, hurry before you get caught up in battle." Aegiomon instructed them. The Meramon fled, the few who still had dark rings on were attacked by SkullGreymon, but thankfully weren't destroyed.
"How were you guys able to digivolve!?" Asked an astonished TK, while a bunch of DarkTyranamon attacked SkullGreymon to get him under control. SkullGreymon, unfortunately knocked them all away and continued to rampage.
"What we do?" Asked Davis.
"I don't know." Said Kari.
"I have a plan." Said TK.
"What is it?" Asked Davis, their eyes still on the rampaging Digimon.
"We run, then we go and run some more!" TK exclaimed, knowing that the ultimate os way too strong for them to take out.
"We have to retreat, just like TK said." Peagasusmon agreed.
"But we have to fight!" Exclaimed Davis.
"Sure stay in one group and be more easy to hit, run!" Peagasusmon yelled when they were about to be hit by an attack.
"Aegiomon! What about your attract echo attack to distract it?" Asked Flamedramon.
"It's too risky!" Ashley yelled, close to hitting Flamedramon with her bag. "SkullGreymon might just focus all of it's attacks on Aegiomon! If it keeps rampaging and attacking randomly, it could attack the tower!"
It attacked some off the partnered Digimon, reverting them to their rookie forms.
"Veemon!" "Armadillomon!" "Hawkmon!" Their respective partners yelled. They quickly retrieved them and ran back to the others.
The SkullGreymon wasn't finished though. He used his dark shot attack on the control spire! Just as Ashley predicted.
When the tower was taken out SkullGreymon digivoled into Agumon!
"It's Agumon!" Kari yelled. And then they saw Ken take him away.
"Let Agumon go!" TK shouted hopelessly.
"Agumon!" Kari yelled running after him, but knew full well it was pointless.
"Tai is not going to be happy when he finds out about this..." Yolie muttered.
Yep this is where the story starting from! I was going to make up Digiarmor eggs and have them Armor digivolve into a Digimon in their evolution line but I couldn't find the right ones so I came up with the bracelets after thinking of how Gatomon's tail ring was used to help them DNA digivolve! And if it wasn't clear they both have crests and I may have gone overboard emphasizing what they are, which I want to ease up one, but it's hard! But I'm sure I'll be able to work around it!

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