Chapter 13: Apemon of The Century

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Aaron drummed his fingers on his desk as he payed no attention to his teacher lecturing his class on the history of Kyoto. His raven black hair was messy and untidy as he didn't have time to brush his hair that morning. He was anxious to know if Ashley is having any problems with the favor he asked her to do. He knew he should tell Kaleb, but Ashley said she wanted to do it on her own.
"When did I stop breaking rules?" Aaron whispered to himself.
"Mr. Barnes, tell me what I just said?" The teacher called him out.
"Uh... " Aaron snapped out of his thoughts. He had no idea what to say.
"Hmph. Class this should teach you to pay attention in my class." The teacher turned around and continued on with his lecture about Kyoto.
"WHAT!?" Yolei and Davis yelled.
"A-ashley didn't c-come home." Kaleb said, his voice was shaken with worry.
"What was she doing to have ended up with her not coming home?" Cody asked. They all looked to Kaleb, who went pale.
"I-I can't..."
"You can't what?" Davis asked annoyed. "What are you guys hiding!?" Davis grabbed Kaleb's collar. Kaleb refused to look anyone in the eye and just stared at the ground.
"Davis!" TK yelled. "Stop this isn't helping!"
"Calm down Davis." Kari pleaded. "You're not the only one worried! We all are." Davis' grip loosened, but he didn't let go.
"Davis put yourself in Kaleb's shoes!" TK said. "Ashley's his sister, and he has no idea where she is!"
Davis sighed and let go. "Fine, but you guys have to explain everything later."
"Okay..." Kaleb said, still shaken. "I-I know w-who to ask about A-Ashley's location." Kaleb said almost in a whisper, he was extremely worried.
"Well then let's go!" Davis went to leave the school grounds, but Yolei stopped him.
"Hold it! You don't know where you're going and we can't just skip school!" Yolei reasoned.
"Watch me!" Davis snapped.
"No... I guess he'd be in s-school by now..." Kaleb said, starting to calm down a little. "As m-much as I-I w-want to, we have t-to wait."
"Ugh! Fine!" Davis groaned as he trudged into the school building, the others followed, Kaleb lagging behind.
"Aaron, you better tell me what's going on." Kaleb whispered as he walked.
"ACHOO!" Aaron sneezed.
"Bless you!" A female class mate said as she sat next to Aaron on their school steps. She had blue hair and brilliant hazel eyes. "You know I think someone's talking about you!"
"Uh you're...?" Aaron questioned. At this the girl grew up set.
"I'm Saki Naru, I sit next to you in class." She pouted.
"Heh sorry, I don't really pay attention to those around me." Aaron apologized, not knowing why might I add. "So what compelled you to come talk to me?" Aaron is known in the school as Cold Wind. He doesn't get in trouble, but he also doesn't talk to anyone unless spoken to.
"Because something seems to be bothering you." She responded. "So I thought I'd cheer you up!" She threw sparkly black glitter on him and waited for a reaction, expecting him to yell or hit her or something.
Instead, Aaron looked at her before laughing. "What's that fearful look for?"
"What?" She was shocked, no one has ever heard him laugh before.
He smiled. "Thanks for trying to cheer me up." He then sighed.
"Uh... so what's wrong then?" She asked. "Maybe I can help?"
"Well... I used to have some very close friends." Aaron said. "We used to have a lot of fun, then I made a stupid decision and I ended up hurting them. I bet they're still angry with about it." Aaron sighed. "I just don't know what to do."
"Well maybe they're mad at you for another reason." Saki said. "And if they're not... reach out, show you're really sorry and maybe they'll forgive you."
"Thanks Saki." Aaron smiled.
"No problem!" She smiled. "And if they don't forgive you, I'll still be your friend!"
"Uh thanks." His cheeks tinted pink. They sat there until the bell ring.
"Well we should go." Saki stood up to leave, Aaron followed. They walked to class together, Aaron smiling.
"Ashley wake up! It's the noon already!" Elecmon shook her awake.
"Hm? Oh." She sat up and looked around her. There were trees everywhere.
"Hey how long do you think this is going to take?" Elecmon asked her.
"I don't know, But we're not going to go back until we find her." Ashley said determined.
"You really haven't changed Ashley." Elecmon smiled.
"Hey I have changed!" She argued.
"I meant it in a good way!" Elecmon laughed.
"Eheheh... I knew that." She said, embarrassed. "We should get moving, I only brought enough for a few days." She gestured to the food in her bag. "So we should eat and get moving."
"Right." Elecmon agreed.
"Alright so we usually meet him here..." Kaleb said softly as he went and sat down on a park bench.
"Don't worry Kaleb, Elecmon is with Ashley!" Paomon told Kaleb as he sat on his lap. "He wouldn't ever let anything happen to her!"
"Where's Cody?" Yolei asked.
"He decided to check around the computer lab, in case we missed something." Kari said, Gatomon was in her arms nodding.
"Yeah she could have left us note and we didn't notice." Gatomon explained.
"But what if someone else found it and threw it out?" TK reasoned.
"Isn't that why Cody is searching the computer lab while the rest of us wait for this mystery guy?" Patamon protested.
"Hey shh! Someone's coming!" Davis said, all the Digimon quieted down.
"You didn't have to do that. Barely anyone comes to this part of the park." Said the guy Davis mentioned.
"Aaron where's Ashley?" Kaleb stood up and glared at Aaron.
"Relax." Aaron sighed, but he was thrown off by Kaleb's glare.
"I shouldn't have trusted you." Kaleb said shaking his head. "Ashley was right." He turned to leave, but was shocked when Aaron placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Listen Kaleb... I'm sorry." Aaron sighed. "I should have told you. She went to find Tammy's partner."
"Tammy's partner?" Kari asked.
"You guys must be the Japan Digidestined." Aaron said, noticing the others.
"Just tell us where Ashley is!" Davis was clearly annoyed.
"I'm guessing he's Davis." Aaron said in English.
"Yeah." Kaleb nodded, also speaking in English.
"Hey! What are you guys talking about?" Davis asked, extremely confused.
Aaron sighed and shook his head. "I've been looking into the Digital World since we've last been their." Aaron decided to ignore Davis' question. "I wanted to find out what happens when the data of your Digimon partner doesn't form into an DigiEgg right in front of you."
"Huh? Are you saying if your Digimon Partner is destroyed they turn into a DigiEgg?" Yolei asked.
"Sorry but I'm not sure if I believe that." Davis said.
"It's true." TK said.
"Huh?" Kari looked at TK. He was holding Patamon closer to him, who snuggled closer to him in response.
"Anyways..." Aaron diverted their attention away from them. "I found out that if a Digimon or Digimon partner were to be destroyed in an extreme way..." Kaleb's eyes widened upon realizing what Aaron's saying. "They'd be reborn where everything began."
"File Island!" Kari said. "Gennai told us four years ago that File Island had to have been rebuilt first because that's where everything began!"
"Exactly." Aaron said, smiling.
"So that's where Ashley went." Yolei concluded.
"Aaron, why didn't you tell me?" Kaleb asked.
"Ashley wanted to do it herself." Aaron sighed. "Gosh when did I start listening to people?"
Kaleb laughed and playfully punched Aaron's shoulder. "Come on let's go."
"Yeah let's help Ashley!" Yolei cheered.
Everyone went to leave the park, but Aaron. "Hey Aaron, come on!"
"Huh?" Davis had called him over. "You're a Digidestined too, right?"
"Uh... yea."
"Then come on!" Davis urged. "More heads better then two, right?"
"I think you mean eyes." TK said.
"Yeah that's what I said!" Davis said.
"I guess." Aaron followed them, unsure as to if he should.
"Well we made to the top of Mount Infinity." Ashley said as they looked at the ground below.
"Are you sure it's a good idea to try and find her from up here?" Elecmon asked, fearful of falling.
"Yes, we have to find her!" Ashley urged. "I don't want anyone to be sad or upset anymore." She looked around the island. "Lunamon... where are you?"
"TK!" The gang and Aaron had arrived on File Island and immediately a Digimon greeted them.
"Elecmon!" TK knelt down and hugged the baseball cap wearing Elecmon.
"That girl was right you have grown." Elecmon rubbed TK's head.
"Is he a friend of yours?" Cody asked.
"Yep, I helped him take care of the baby Digimon when a first met him." TK explained.
"After a mean game of tug'o war or course." Elecmon said.
Davis, Yolei and Kaleb questioned.
"It was how we peacefully solved our differences." Patamon protested.
"Hey you mentioned a girl earlier." Cody said.
"Oh yeah her name was Ashley. I met her yesterday and she went and headed towards Mount Infinity with another Elecmon." Elecmon pointed towards the mountain. "I'd think she'd be at the top by now."
"This is starting to feel like dejavu." Patamon said.
"We'll split up into two teams." Cody said, using a stick to draw into the ground. "Team one will go up the mountain to see if she's there, Team two will search the base."
"That's a good plan there kiddo." Elecmon said. "I'll get some of the Digimon to help out."
"Alright let's go then!" Kaleb smiled. "The team going up the mountain will be TK, Kari,and Davis."
"Alright time for some mountain climbing!" Davis cheered.
"I wouldn't be that excited if I were you." TK laughed. "It's a very tall mountain for sure."
"So then me, Kaleb, Aaron and Yolei will be searching around the base of the mountain." Cody concluded.
"Hey Elecmon." Aaron kneeled down to face the rookie.
"Hm? What is it?" He asked Aaron.
"Could you tell me if there is a Lunamon on this island."
"Yeah,but she tends to stick with a Coronamon." Elecmon informed. "Why do you ask?"
"Can you go find them and give them this?" Aaron handed Elecmon a necklace with halfa sliver coin on it. "They'll understand when see it."
"You can count on me." Elecmon ran off into the forest.
"Huh? Where's Elecmon going?" Veemon questioned.
"I haven't the foggiest idea." Hawkmon said.
"Do you know Cody?" Armadillomon asked him.
"Don't worry." Aaron said. "He's looking for friends."
"Hey we should get going." Yolei said looking to the sky. "He need to find them before the sun goes down."
"Right." Everyone agreed and set out.
"Hey Ashley are you sure you think they'll be over at that mountain by the desert?" Elecmon questioned her.
"Yep." Ashley nodded. They were going down the mountain now, walking along a path. "And if they're not there we'll try going up and down the various rivers."
Suddenly they heard a noise. They looked above to see nothing was there. "That's odd, I was sure I heard something." Elecmon said, his ears twitching.
"Hmm... maybe it's the wind." Ashley thought. "Or maybe something fell." Just then an Apemon jumped down in front of them. "Or maybe it's a big yellow angry monkey! Run!" Ashley screamed and ran back up the path, Elecmon following.
"Oh no!" Elecmon yelled. "That's Apemon!"

Digimon Analyzer:
Apemon, an Animal type Digimon. Don't invade his territory or face his Bone Strike attack.

"Bone Strike!" Apemon called out his attack, barley missing Ashley as she ran.
"I think we crossed into his territory!" Ashley screamed.
"Rosetta Stone!" Nefertimon came in and shot Apemon, Kari was riding on her.
"Hurry!" Kari yelled. "Run!" Ashley nodded and ran back down the path, Elecmon following her. She ran past Apemon as he started to get back up.
It was going to strike her again, but Pegasusmon rammed into him before he could. "Ashley! Elecmon!" TK And Davis were running towards them, Flamedramon ahead of them.
"Let me help you heat things up." Flamedramon said as he ran to hit the recovering ape.
"Flamedramon! Don't do too much damage!" Davis yelled. "He doesn't have a Dark Ring or Spiral!"
"Thanks, but how did you know I was here?" Ashley questioned.
"That guy Aaron told us." Davis said.
"I told him not to!" Ashley fumed, but sighed. "But I guess it's a good thing he did, not that I needed any help."
"Please I'm pretty sure I heard screaming." Davis countered.
"Hmph, it was to throw him off!" Ashley crossed her arms. "Me and Elecmon could have handled him."
"Hey! Stop flirting and focus on the battle!" Elecmon protested.
"We're not flirting!" Ashley and Davis yelled at the same time.
"Yeah yeah sure." Elecmon said.
"I think the others are fighting on the mountain!" Yolei yelled. She was on Halsemon as she looked through binoculars.
"Then we should go help them!" Cody said.
"I'm going up ahead." Yolei said. "Let's go Halsemon."
"Got it Yolei." They flew up towards the fight.
"I'm going too." Kaleb said. Labramon had Digivolved into Seasarmon and was climbing on. "Let's go."
"Got it Kaleb!" Seasarmon nodded and made it's way up the mountain, jumpinf from one ledge to another.
Aaron looked up, he was contemplating on whether or not he should go. "Aaron, he should go too." Cody broke him from his thoughts.
"Okay let's go." Aaron nodded. Partner or no partner he'd be there to support his friends.
"There's more of them!" Yolei yelled. While they were distracted by the one Apemon, two more showed up.
"We have to knock them out if we're going to protect them." Agieomon said, having Digivolved when two more made an appearance.
"Be careful guys!" Ashley yelled, worried.
"There's three of them and six of us!" Davis said. "We outnumber them!"
"Bravo you cant count." Ashley said sarcastically. "Is that supposed to make me feel better? They keep dodging their attacks!"
"She's right and our Digimon are getting exhausted." Kaleb pointed out. "We can't last much longer like this!"
"Gold Rush!" Digmon appeared from the side of the mountain and attacked the Apemon. "I thought digging up the mountain would give us the element of surprise."
"Aaron!" Ashley exclaimed when she saw him exit the tunnel. "Why are you here!?"
Aaron rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. "Well I had to help them, since I was the one to ask you in the first place."
"But you don't even know if Coronamon is even here or not!?" Ashley yelled at him.
"What?" Kaleb asked, not knowing what she meant.
"Kaleb, Tammy wasn't the only one to use Altega, Aaron did too." Ashley revealed.
Well there's some truth for you! Next chapter we're going to uncover the past! Once the past is revealed... everything will start to make sense. Adios~

Still pretty upset about that test though....

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