Chapter 18: The Digimon Emperor's Base

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Everyone was in the Digital World looking around. Tammy and Mimi had left for America the other day and they all saw them off at the airport. Since then Kaleb had been a bit mopey, already missing the girl, however this wasn't stopping him from searching with the others for the Digimon Emperor's base.

Kaleb was with Izzy, Cody and their Digimon on their search. Cody found himself falling as they scaled a cliff, however luckily Izzy and Kaleb grabbed the boy's hands just in time to keep him from falling, Armadillomon supporting him up from underneath.

"Are you okay Cody?" Izzy asked as he and Kaleb pulled him up.

"Yeah, thanks to you." Cody replied.

"We're almost at the top." Kaleb said as they got Cody up. "Don't look down and you'll be fine."

"You guys have to see this!" Tentomon was already at the top, buzzing around as he could fly. Somehow Labramon was already up there two.

"Hurry! You won't believe what we just found!" Labramon said excitedly.

"We'll be right there you two!" Izzy said, looking up. "Wait how did Labramon get up there so fast?"

"I don't know, it's best not to ask and be glad that he's up there in the first place." Kaleb shrugged.

They continued climbing up and looked over the other side. Needless to say they couldn't believe what they were seeing. "I can't believe it." Cody spoke. Right in front of them was a large number of control spires.

"Whoa, look at all those." Izzy spoke, referring to the control spires in the area.

"There must be dozens of them." Kaleb spoke, wide eyed. He hadn't expected this at all.

"There's a lot of Digimon slaves too." Izzy said, scowling all the while as they exited this large stone of a weird shape. They began attacking the other Digimon that were in area that had no dark rings or dark spirals.

"They just came out of that stone." Labramon said. "Maybe it's like the hiding trees?"

"No that's probably the Digimon Emperor's headquarters." Izzy replied. One of the Digimon noticed them and Izzy saw this. "Oh no we better take cover. I hope we don't need your help Tentomon, you can't Digivolve with all these control spires." Izzy said, looking at his Digivice. Suddenly they were met with a Kwagamon, making them freakout and fall on their butts.

"Armadillomon, armor digivolve! Digiarmor energize!" Cody exclaimed. Light surrounded Armadillomon as he armor digivolved into Digmon.

"You better help out too Labramon." Kaleb said. Light surrounded Labramon as he digivolved into Seasarmon.

Cody, Izzy and Kaleb went to make a quick get away by sliding down the small mountain on scrap metal with Tentomon flying close by and the other two Digimon faced off with Kwagamon. Debris from the mountain exploded as they began their scuffle.

"My Digivice is going insane!" Izzy exclaimed as they slid down.

"Hahaha, going somewhere?" The Digimon Emperor flew in ona Digimon, asking a rhetorical question.

"The Digimon Emperor!" Cody yelled.

"So nice of you to pop in on my headquarters." He said, confirming that they had indeed discovered his base. "It saves me time from hunting you down."

"I have to try to digivolve!" Tentomon yelled.

"Go for it!" Izzy yelled in agreement.

"Tentomon, digivolve to... oh forget it." Tentomon said, unable to Digivolve as the Digimon Emperor was keeping him from digivolving by using his dark Digivice. "I can't digivolve."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2018 ⏰

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