11. Tess

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I open my eyes and I'm in a place I don't recognise. How did I get in here? I don't even remember falling asleep. Maybe I was so drunk that I ended up going home with some random guy. I hope not. My parents'll kill me of they find out.

I sit up on the couch that I was apparently asleep on. Fuck, my arm hurts. Why? What's this bandage thing on it? I must've banged it up when I was drunk. Yeah, that wouldn't surprise me at all.

The door opens and a guy with bright green hair walks in. Hmm. I've never gone for anyone like him before; not really my type. He hasn't even seen me sitting here yet; the phone in his hands must just be soooo interesting.

"Uh, excuse me." I try to sound polite, not actually having any clues as to who this guy is or how we know each other. "Would you be able to tell me where I am?"

"Um..." He trails off, looking super awkward for some reason. I don't see why. "You're in a dressing room in a stadium in Kentucky." He says slowly.

"Kentucky? I'm pretty sure this is Texas buddy." I nearly laugh at him and he doesn't comment. He's so serious. "How do I know you?" I ask. He hesitates. "Come sit down." I'm trying to be nice, making this probably even more awkward for him.

"Uh, sure." He sits at the other end of the couch, pushing himself as far into the armrest as he can.

"You okay?" I ask.

"Yep." He says quickly. "Um, I'm Michael by the way. We've met, but obviously you don't remember that."

"Oh." I look around the room, trying to find something new to talk about. "What happened to my elbow?" I ask, holding up my arm for him to see it just in case he doesn't know what I'm talking about.

"You fell on the floor." He says quietly.

"Oh." I say again. "Well, do you know how long it'll be until I have to change it?"

"I can do it for you now if you want. It normally hurts a lot though." Michael offers. Normally? What's he talking about.

"Yes please." I feel weird. The way he's talking makes it seem like we've known each other for a while, but I've never seen him before. I think I'd remember if I knew someone with hair as bright as his.

Michael gets up and walks over to a cupboard, pulling out a little blue box and bringing it over to the couch. He kneels in front of me and sets the box down the the floor beside our legs.

"Cody should be back soon. She's with the others." He says as he gets the things ready. My sister's here too? Fuck. She doesn't know I've started drinking. She'll be pissed.

"Who're the others?" I ask nervously. Please please please don't be my drunk friends.

"Oh right. Uh, Luke, Calum and Ashton. They're our friends." Michael explains. Phew. Wait, 'our'?

"I don't remember them." I say with a frown.

"You never do." He mutters, making my frown deepen. I'm about to comment when he pulls on my bandage in just the wrong way and OW YOU MOTHERFUCKER THAT HURTS LIKE A BITCH WHY FUCK OUCH AJDJAODNFBSJOKANDJOLBSJ.

"Fuck man, why?" I groan, wanting to punch this guy but aware that he's only trying to help.

"Sorry, that bit wasn't as bad last time." He says. Again with the references to knowing each other in the past.

"Dude, who are you?" I ask, starting to get frustrated. He looks confused.

"Michael?" He says it more like a question than a real answer. I roll my eyes slightly.

"How do you know me?" I ask. He sighs as he gets out a little blue bottle that I know is going to hurt like hell.

"You're car broke down. Me and the others picked you and your sister up." He says, putting the blue stuff onto what looks like a tissue.

"How long ago was that?" I ask. His eye go wide and his hand freezes halfway to my elbow. "Michael?" He snaps out of it after a few more seconds, but he still doesn't respond as he wipes my oozing sore. Surprisingly, I can't feel it. "Michael, how long ago did we meet?" I ask again. He sighs slightly and pulls the tissue away from my arm, getting ready to recover it.

"Almost a week." He says without looking at me properly. He puts the new bandage in my arm, then puts the little blue box away again. A week. Wow.

"Why can't I remember you then?" I ask. Michael doesn't comment for a while.

"The morning after we picked you up, you were waking up your sister and she pushed you. You fell and hit your head and fucked up your elbow. You've had memory issues ever since." He says slowly. What? I don't remember any of that.

"As if." I scoff, but even as the words leave my mouth, I'm doubting myself.

"Tess, maybe you should go to sleep. That normally helps you remember." He clearly doesn't want to talk anymore. I hesitate, then lie down again on the couch. He heads for the door.

"Michael?" I call. He pauses, looking back at me over his shoulder. "I'm sorry. I've hurt you. I'm sure whatever I've done, you didn't deserve it. So I'm sorry." I say. He looks like he's about to leave, but then he turns around and sits down in front of the couch, looking up at me.

"I'll be here when you wake up." He says with a small smile. I nod once, then close my eyes.

My dreams are filled with a set of beautiful green eyes.

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