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It's my birthday. I wake up to blake shirtless body gone. I get up and walk to my closet to put some shorts on and change my shirt.  Where is blake. I go to my phone and I see that my mom had texted me happy birthday. Grace with alli,Abby, Nat , and an unknown number.

i go on instagram and see a picture that has me and him together in the fall. i loved that picture. he put "i love this girl so much. she is my best friend. my one and only my peanut to my butter. we have been friends since we have talked. my mother is her mothers best friend and i have been there ever since. she has been through alot and so have i thanks for that babe. i love you soo much cant wait for the baseball game." i liked it and then said "i love you to you are best friend til the end. also i am always there for you and you know that."

i turn off my phone and throw it on the bed. i walk down stairs and there is balloons every where. i see my dads still bringing some in but doesn't notice that i am standing in the middle of the stairs and blake comes in with a lot of roses and a bag of recess cups. i am in heaven. 

i run upstairs and try not to get noticed and then go back to sleep. i hear blake say to my dads," i wonder if she is awake. do you think she will like it." i hear my father (nate) say " yes she will love it. now go up stairs and wake her up." i run to my bed and and hurry up take my shorts off and cover up. first i start with a snore when he comes in. 

" 1. you need to not snore cuz i know you and you don't snore. 2. get your cute ass up. and 3.i saw that you said something on my post." as he gets closer to my face i do nothing but laugh and i give him a kiss on the cheek.

" Happy birthday baby girl." i look at him and smile. 

"Thank you daddy" i say jokingly 

he looked at me and smiled " i can be and it is your birthday anyways so it is up to you babe."

i laughed and kissed him " you can joke but you are never for real." i say with a little laugh.

i get up and he looks at me up and down. i forgot i was in my underwear. i started to walk but he picked me up and spun me around then slowly let me down. " go get dressed we have a good day today... i mean you have a good day.

i looked at him and laughed " umm okay well i need a shower."

"want me in there to."  i shook my head and laughed " you wish" 

i went into my bathroom and got undressed in got in the shower. after that i went to my room not expecting anyone to be in there and well blake is in there. i hurry up and cover myself. 

"can you put your face in my pillow and wait till i get dressed." 

i get to my closet and i cant think of what to wear so i ask blake to come in and help me he says a flannel with skinny jeans and converse. 


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why does he have to be my best friend and not my boyfriend.  but i don't know if it will work or not, how do i know. i get dressed and grab my phone and go down stairs where is the ballons and the flowers and the candy.  i mean its not like i am turning 18 today. i turn around and blake is right behind me.  wired okay i grab the keys and stop wait there is my dads. 

"where is my fathers." i look at him  and he shrugs his shoulders. 

" right here baby girl." i turn around and my dads are crying. and when they cry i cry. 

" you are 18 now your to grown to have us boss you around."  my dad says.(nate)

dad(levi) laughs a little and brings me into a hug. 

" i love you baby girl" when my other dad comes he says that. he is the only one who calls me that and my dad (levi)calls my his little princess. 

(levi)dad says " she isn't your baby girl or my little princess any more."

and that's when i drop everything and start crying and give them the best hug that they have ever had. i let go and say with sniffles " blake get your ass over here and give me a hug, you ass hole." he laughs and picks me up for the biggest hug that he has gavin me. 

he drops me and i kiss him. omg i just kissed him. 

(nate) dad goes to my other dad and says " lets give them some time and baby girl see you soon. hope that you have fun." i stop kissing him and say " oh shit i didn't mean to do that it was an in the moment kiss." i lied. i looked at blake and said where are we going. he says " its a surprise also that is for me to know and you to find out. 

it is a long drive and and i am hungry. i sit here and text every one that said happy birthday to me and say thanks. man i love birthdays.  i look at him and say " have you talked to yours or my mom yet. " he shook his head no and looked at me with the biggest smile on his face. " was it really an in the moment kiss or.. " i cut him off.  " where are we going." " its a secret." with another smile. 

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