Alibaba x Aladdin

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Thanks to AdeliaHart for this wonderful ship! Once again, I'd like to thank all of you who requested ships. It helps a lot! Who knows, I might write a oneshot here and have you react to it! [HINT: REQUEST!] Lets get started!



NMH: Hallo Ladies and Gentlemen! I have Ja'far with me along with a few special guests. Say hello!

Alibaba: Hi! Thanks for having us!

Aladdin: Yeah! This is really exciting to see all the people in the audience! *He turns to the crowd, and waves*

NMH: It's my pleasure! By the way, has anyone seen Ja'far?

*Aladdin and Alibaba shake their heads*


Ja'far: WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE! AND NO! *He screams from backstage*

NMH: *sighs, then smiles at the audience* One moment please.

*NMH runs backstage and distant yells of 'STAY AWAY' is heard.*

NMH: *drags Ja'far onto his chair, then sits on her own chair* Sorry for that, but Ja'far is here now.

Ja'far: *frowns, sighs, then smiles* Hello everyone.

*Aladdin and Alibaba nod while NMH nosebleeds a little*

NMH: Anyways, let's get on with the show. Today, we are reviewing the ship Aladdin and Alibaba.

Ja'far: Okay.

Aladdin: W-What? T-This m-must b-be a-a m-misunderstanding!

Alibaba: A-Aladdin's r-right! *He chuckles nervously*

NMH: Sorry guys, this is the ship for today's episode. Anyways, we'll start with Ja'far. Ja'far, your thoughts?

Ja'far: Well, this ship I think I can say.. what do the fangirls say?... I guess I ship it?

NMH: Reasoning? *turns to the crowd, whispering, "One step closer to accepting Sinbad!" Turns back to Ja'far*

Ja'far: Their time together is questionable. Even if Morgiana is there. And, with all the timeskips, I do believe something is sparking between them.

NMH: Very good reasoning. *turns to crowd again, whispering "He's kind of describing himself and Sinbad!" Turns back to the other hosts* Now, Aladdin and Alibaba, your thoughts?

Alibaba: N-No comment.

Aladdin: *blushes* I.... I-I kissed Alibaba when he was feeling depressed. T-That was a one time thing!

NMH: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Yeah right. I think this ship has sailed.

Ja'far:(ーー;)Agreed. Kind of.

NMH: That's all the time we have today! Thanks for joining us on Ja'far's reaction to ships! We hope to see you soon! By the way, thank you coming today Aladdin and Alibaba.

Alibaba: O-Our p-pleasure.

Aladdin: I-It w-was n-no p-problem.

Ja'far: *silently comforting them*

NMH: Again, thank you for all the requests. We really appreciate it. A little contest going on in my book only! Comment down below what your favorite reaction is along with a few scenarios you thought of that go with it. Winner is going to be revealed next chapter.


-Comment down favorite reaction on this chapter-

-Write a small scenario to go along with it-

-Write a Oneshot you would like to me write on here JUST FOR YOU!-

-Contest ends when there is at least 10 entries-

-If you're not entering, you can only vote for ONE entry. Put a 1 as a reply to your chosen vote.-

-Winner gets their oneshot written-

Thanks! See you when the contest ends!


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