Aladdin x Morgiana

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Jennie-Chan , thank you again for requesting! This is the second part of your request.


"Hello everybody!" The usual is heard as NekoMadHatter walks on stage and sits down. Ja'far soon does the same as the announcements from NekoMadHatter begin to take place. "Welcome to Ja'far reacts to ships! Today's ship is Aladdin x Morgiana!"

"I see it happening, but it's a bit strange to think of it as a ship," Ja'far sips his cup of coffee with creamer in it calmly. "That's all."

"At least he reacted calmly this time," NekoMadHatter sighs. "Anyways! That's all for today. See you next time!" The show ends.


Aladdin quickly changes the channel, pretending that the show didn't happen. Morgiana quickly walked outside and screamed in horror. Alibaba silently screamed with her.

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