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"Aero, listen." He said, grabbing her hand. Though he wasn't crushing her, the pressure wasn't comforting. "I--."

He stopped, looking at her cheek.

The light must have been casted just perfectly. He reached forward and turned her chin, his dark, humorous eyes narrowing. The humor flickered and faded, replaced by anger and the expression of the pissed-off Negan.

"Who did that." It wasn't a question, but an order.


"It's a handprint, Aero." His voice was a feral snarl. "Do I look like a fucking idiot?"

She held his gaze, unwavering.

He bristled. He was used to having things to use against people, but Aero had nothing. She was nothing. He couldn't destroy her because she was already a pile of ashes just waiting to be swept away.

The foundation of her life had been taken from her years ago, when the whole thing started. The foundation had been burnt down into nothing.

"Tell me." He snarled. He wouldn't harm her, and she knew it. He knew that she knew it.

"I took care of it."

He jerked and stood up, bristling. "Damnit, Aero--." He clenched his fists. Lucille wasn't with him, and she could tell that he missed the weapon by the way his right hand twitched repeatedly.

He'd put the bat away, just for her.

"I'll beat the hell out of every damn person here unless you tell me who it was."

"I don't care." She laughed then. "Burn this whole place to the ground if you'd like."

Negan stared at her, and she stared back. He sat back down slowly, scraping the stubble on his chin. "You're killing me here, woman." 

"Somebody has to challenge your authority." 

"I kill people who do." He pointed out.

"And yet," She smiled, "I'm still here." 

Sitting before her was a man desperate enough to pretend to be somebody that he wasn't-- acting like he'd changed. But he didn't change. He was just good at pretending to be everything she wanted and deserved but only until he got what he wanted.

He wanted to tie her to his side, and she wouldn't do it. 

"Marry me." 

She looked up at him, looking striking in his leathers and combed hair. 

"I can't."

"Why not?" He was annoyed now-- annoyed that he'd wasted his time.

"Because you're already married to other women." Aero said patiently. "You wouldn't have time for me."

He smiled. "I would always make time for you, dear." He still knew enough that he was defeated. "I've already done you favors by keeping you off the point system."

"I appreciate it." 

"Don't I deserve a reward?"

"My eternal gratitude isn't enough?" 

He chuckled. "I should be going." He pushed the ring to her. "Wear it. Try it on for size. Keep thinking about it." 

He stood and left without another word. She slid the ring into her pocket.

The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose.

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