t h i r t y s i x

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The drive to Alexandria was achingly slow. The truck rumbled on, attracting the attention of all the surrounding walkers. Their golden eyes glistened with life as they watched the pickup speed by.

All the while, Aero swayed and hummed to Elton John's rhythmic voice.

"Do you think your dad will be excited to see us, Carl?" Negan asked, nudging Carl with his shoulder.

Carl didn't say anything. He simply glowered, staring forward with hatred.

Negan grabbed Carl's knee tightly, "Answer me when I talk to you." His voice was low and calm, but Aero could sense the feral tone.

"Of course he'll be excited, Negan." Aero leaned forward, giving Negan a wink.

Carl gave a small, near invisible nod. The walls of Alexandria appeared and Negan slowed the pickup, pumping the brakes until it rumbled to a stop. Slinging Lucille over his shoulder and whistling merrily as he approached the gate.

Aero took the split second to her advantage. Without looking at Carl, she grabbed his wrist and squeezed, "Stop trying to be the hero." She hissed. "You're going to get yourself killed. Do what he says if you cherish any of the people in your life."

She didn't give him the chance to reply before she pushed the door open and swaggered after Negan, putting on the show of her life. She smiled and moved with flushed confidence.


The gates rolled open and Negan took the opportunity to sling his arm over Carl's shoulder. The boy bristled, but he did nothing to disengage. Aero walked after them, whistling through her teeth as the people of Alexandria warily backed away as Negan walked.

Part of her could almost understand the power that he received by watching people back away with fear in their eyes.

But these people-- these survivors-- they were independent and strong. They survived, in spite of the odds. People strong enough to do that didn't have to bow to anybody.

But they backed down for Negan.

The people watched her almost as cautiously as they watched Negan. The same fear and judgment dulled their eyes.


"Keep close, Aero darling." Negan warned her over his shoulder. "But feel free to explore."

She took the dismissal with a mock-bow and turned swiftly on her heel, whistling as she walked away from the pair.

As soon as she was out of view of Negan, she grabbed the closest person to her.

He was African-American and bore the suit of a priest.

"Where's Rick?" Her merry voice had went low.

"I-I don't know w-when he'll be back." The man muttered, lifting his hands defensively. "He went out to look for stuff for N-negan.

She released him, giving a frustrated huff. Negan would wait-- she knew that much. How long Carl could keep him preoccupied had yet to be determined. "Listen to me, and listen to me good."

The man nodded.

"Maggie and the woman with her-- they're both okay, but the Saviors have their sights on the Hilltop. Carl is safe, but I suggest a royal ass-whooping once he gets back here."

The man nodded solemnly. "And Daryl?"

Aero took a deep breath.


"Is alive and well."

The man nodded. "Can you tell him something for us?"

"I can get one message to Daryl, but keep it short."

With his mind racing, the man's eyes never left her face, "It's not over."

Aero's heart pulsed.

These idiots.

"Okay." She turned, but he stopped her from leaving. He'd given the message. She couldn't help it if it was an idiotic one.

"What is your name?"

"I'm not going to tell you." Aero said calmly. "That piece of information isn't significant at the moment."

"You're on our side; an ally." The man insisted.

"Don't assume things." Aero replied swiftly. "Tell Rick to continue to watch his ass."

"Thank you."

She didn't say anything.

She went straight for Negan.

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