s i x t y f o u r

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She took the Night Rod. It was an obvious choice, but it was also one of the fastest bikes of all the bikes they'd collected. She eyed the area, keeping note that Daryl's bike was as gone as he was.

She did not take her time. She slung the bag over the back of the bike and dropped a pair of shades over her eyes. Seeing her expression, the men guarding the bikes did not doubt that she was being sent on a mission, especially with the sniper rifle strapped to her back.

"Good luck, Aero." One of them said. She smiled, knowing that he would never wish luck upon her if he truly knew where she was going. She kicked the bike to life and wasted no time wringing the throttle. It snaked forward smoothly, eager for speed and the open road.

Nobody stopped her from going through the bike. If they'd been smart, they would have. If they had paid attention to the fact that her bike bags were bulging with extra clothes and supplies, they never would have let her go. If they'd seen the lines of determination on her forehead, they would have alerted Negan right off.

Aero wasted no time getting up to speed.

She'd briefly looked at the map, but only to remind herself where not to go. She knew better than to go to Hilltop or Alexandria, as she'd be recognized right off the bat. A single report to Negan and she'd be dragged back by a dozen Saviors. Knowing Negan's fury, he'd probably tie her to the bed and never let her out of his sight again.

Perhaps she overestimated Negan's infatuation with her, but she knew his insanity in a way that nobody else did; his love for Lucille was a representation of that. Aero knew that somehow, she'd been placed above that bat. The wired bat was never left behind, never out of his sight-- and she wouldn't be, either.

She'd done a great deed for the civilizations regarding the war. It was an act she would never get credit for, but it'd help her rest easier, knowing that she had done something right.

Aero shot for the Kingdom. There was little she knew about that group, as they had never allowed Negan or Negan-followers in through the walls. Negan had been content with simply setting up trading posts with them. Why he did not further pursue the group, she did not know, but he seldom suspected anything of the group.

She knew from the signs that she was half way there. Glancing down at her gas tank, she knew that if they did not accept her, she'd barely have enough gas to get a few miles away before the bike sputtered out.

She was lost in her own trance-- locked in the smooth rumble of the engine when time seemed to slow.


She heard the blast of gunfire break the loud sound barrier of the bike.


She didn't have time to swerve, to breathe-- she only had time to squeeze her eyes shut as a tire popped.


At the speed she was going, a pot hole could have knocked her right off the bike. A blown tire sent the bike right to its side, kicking Aero right off of it. She skidded across the pavement and into the grass of a nearby lawn. Her bike didn't stop sliding until it bent right into a stop sign, nearly taking out the sign itself.

Aero didn't witness anything but her tumble off the bike. Her head smacking the pavement was enough to keep her down.


[ I just want to say that I appreciate everybody's support, in spite of my unannounced hiatus. Rebel is by far my favorite fanfiction I've ever done, even though my other books (Arrowhead & Triggerfinger) certainly hold the spotlight. 

This is all thanks to you guys.

I appreciate every single vote, and I especially love reading your guys' comments. 

Here's a little secret for ya'll: I have over ten updates waiting to be published. 

Again, thank you, THANK YOU. I love you all so, so much. Stay beautiful. <3 ]

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