s i x t y s e v e n

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[ I wasn't going to update...


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Please enjoy this update. Don't forget to comment as you go & vote at the end, please. <3 ]

Carol did not cut the bounds until Aero finished her story.

Truthfully, she was surprised they were cut at all.

"So Negan's probably going to look for you." Carol asked quietly.

Aero gave a solemn nod. It wasn't a matter of if-- it was now a matter of where he would look. Negan knew her strategically wise, but he didn't know all of her. She was his girl-- the girl who sat in the library hours into the night and had a knack for sniping.

"I know where Daryl is."

Selfishly-- so selfishly she wanted to ask where he was. Carol saw that, too, but did not answer the question. Aero rubbed her sore wrists, refusing to let the words slip past her lips. They both knew that he was safer without her knowing his position.

"Is he safe?" Aero asked instead, flinching at the way her own heart twitched with bitter disappointment.

"Yes." Carol said quietly.

Aero nodded. She sat up slowly, arching her back until it cracked. The wounds stretched with pain that was enough to make her shudder. "Will you give him the vest and the crossbow?"

Carol tilted her head. She'd only seen the woman smile once-- even then, it'd been malicious. "Give it to him yourself."

Aero blinked.

"Last I knew, he was at the Kingdom." Carol nodded to herself, wringing her small hands in her lap. "It's not far from here. Walking distance, really."

"Which is good, considering my bike is probably out off the page." She dreaded looking at the damage. Even if all she needed was a new tire, she'd have a hell of a time finding that and figuring out how to change it. Carol didn't apologize, nor did Aero expect one.

Caution wasn't something to apologize for when people like Negan were running around with baseball bats draped with barbed wire. The dead walking around didn't scare people half as much as the living did.

"Stay tonight, most of tomorrow." Carol stood, brushing things off her clothes that Aero couldn't see. It was obviously a motion to hide the awkwardness of the situation, "The bed is yours."

Aero wanted nothing more but to go and check out her bike and get on the road to the Kingdom, but she knew better than to do anything but adjust her position in bed. She was walking away from a situation that should have killed her. She hadn't even broken a bone.

Still, she could feel that she was very, very bruised. She nestled further into the bed. "Thank you." A grunt was the only reply she got in return. She liked the lady-- as blunt and as suspicious as she was. She was cautious, and she was right to be.

[ As the author of this lovely story, I get to see the stats of my story. This includes seeing if the reader made it through the chapter, how many votes each chapter got, etc etc.

I find it absolutely incredible that this story has reached so much of the world.

Of course, the US conquers the map, but this book, my story, has reached countries like Japan, Latvia, Germany, Australia, and so many more places.

I don't know why, but I find this to be absolutely incredible. Thank you, thank you thank you thank you ALL so much for your support.

Please remember to vote and comment. Much love xx ]

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