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Shayaan Pic <3


I walked in to my father office and give a knock. On getting permission, I walked and took a seat in front of him. He was typing something on his laptop. I admired my dad for second, he is in his late fifties and still he has a very intimidating personality. For me my father has always been a true inspiration. He taught me everything, either it was business or  life. 

"So son how was the meeting" he asked taking me out from my thinking world

"It went well, and the deal is finalized" I said to which dad nodded

I have been working in this office for more than seven years as a common employee, because dad wants me to learn every thing before I start as CEO of the company. 

"You have been working here for more than seven years since you completed your studies and indulge your self more and more in work, because of your hard our business flourished more. I think you have better experience of work and now I can retire myself from business, since you can take my position and guide your brother but there is one thing which u need to do before taking the CEO position"  He said 

 People might think I got every thing on a silver platter but thats not true, I like to achieve my goal by working hard. I m under supervision of my dad for more seven years for getting this position 

I arched my eye brow in confusion as what is it now

"You have to marry first" He said looking at me 

Why am I not surprised, I expected this coming because my mom has been telling me to get married honestly I will not go through this thing again in my life. I told mom that marriages aren't my things

"You know everything and still you are telling me this" I protested

"You see, I cant see my wife stressing over something, she has started thinking you might changed in to gay being in company of your that gay friend" He said with amusement 

"She is exaggerating" i rolled my eyes 

"Present your bride before our anniversary or your mom will get you engaged to her sister's daughter and believe me they are ever ready for this"

"No way not mom sister daughter" I said. How can mom think about her, no way she isn't my type 

"Then find yourself a bride we have taught you enough of life so that you can differentiate between people, i know you had some  bad experience but they are nothing but lesson of life. It depend on you how you take those things" I nodded as he explained

"Anyways haven't call you for this only" He said. I raised my eye brow in confusion 

"You have to leave for Paksitan in two days, our business there needs a proper attention"

"I dont understand dad that branch has been giving us low profit every year, why dont we shut it down" I said with irritation because dad is too stubborn to let this branch go

"This branch was the bases that why  we r here settled in London. Your grand father started his business from there if i would not have expanded it, we would have been living there. Your grand father hard work lies there. I want u to go and handle every thing because I trust you enough, you wont let me down, will u" Dad said with so much proud in his voice for me. I love when dad says he trust 

"Okay dad" I said assuring him that i will do it. I got up and about to go when dad said

"Remember what i have told you about marriage you know your mom how much stubborn is she, you better find a good Muslim girl for you"

"This is going to be hard" I thought


There may be mistake because English is not my first language 

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keep smiling

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